As we celebrate Thanksgiving with our families this week, we will be thinking of you our clients, employees, colleagues and friends.

We are grateful for our association and thank you for your business, support and friendship. You make our work life more enjoyable.



Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones!

Best regards,


Mohammed Thomad, PE, SE
Announcement: Career Advancement     


Tyler Roberts, P.E.

After months of preparations, rigorous examination, and completing the required four years of working experience in our office, Tyler Roberts has achieved his Professional Engineer, (P.E.) certification!


Tyler graduated from Montana State University in 2008 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering with an emphasis on structural. He moved to Las Vegas shortly after to join THOMAD Engineering and has been an invaluable team member ever since!


Tyler's future goals include becoming licensed in California, which requires two additional state specific exams, the Civil Seismic and Surveying.  In a few years, Tyler will be eligible to take the infamous S.E. exam in pursuit of his Structural Engineering certification.  The S.E. certification is required in many States, including Nevada, to be the "Engineer of Record" on taller, more complex and/or critical structures such as hospitals.  As an S.E., Tyler will be licensed to design, stamp, and approve construction documents on the tallest of skyscrapers, something Tyler has always wanted to do.


Please join us in congratulating Tyler on his monumental achievement!

Focus On: Curtain Wall Systems


Glass curtain wall at the entrance of the Marriott Renaissance Hotel, Las Vegas, NV, completed 2003. Engineer of Record: Mohammed Thomad
Curtain walls are non-structural outer walls that create barriers for weather  and occupants. Unlike buildings that utilize structural envelopes such as CMU or concrete, curtain walls can be made out of extremely light inexpensive materials. Although curtain walls are not a part of the main structural system, they must be designed to transfer to their host structure, all forces they are subjected to.

The advantages to a curtain wall system include light, economic building materials and architectural flexibility. Curtain walls carry no loads from the structures they are attached too allowing them to be made of extremely light materials. Typical materials include aluminum frames, metal sheets, glass infill, or copper cladding. Unlike a bearing/shear wall system, a curtain wall has almost no architectural limits as far as windows, openings, or any type of geometry the architect can envision.

The most common way curtain walls attach to structures is by spanning and attaching curtain panels between floors vertically and columns horizontally. The curtain wall transfers loads to the main structural system at these attachments. Between such attachments, the curtain walls must resist all loads. Typically, the most demanding load on a curtain wall is wind loading. However, consideration must be taken for self dead weight, seismic load, deflection and thermal deformation to name a few.
Curtain walls can make for economic building envelopes. Appreciated by architects, curtain walls allow for extreme design flexibility. It is not surprising that curtain walls are extremely common building envelopes, especially for high rise buildings. Designers should familiarize themselves with curtain wall systems, as there are many. These systems are versatile and can be an excellent addition to any designer's repertoire. Due to this flexibility in design and relatively inexpensive cost, curtain walls are likely to be found on buildings long into the future.


In This Issue:
Announcement: Tyler Roberts Gets P.E. Certification
Focus On: Curtain Wall Systems

Who We Are:


THOMAD Engineering is a client focused structural engineering design and consulting firm established in 2003 and based in Las Vegas, Nevada. We are committed to providing creative solutions and excellent services to loyal clients on a wide range of projects.


To learn more, spend a 'moment' at our website, connect with us on LinkedIn, or like our page on Facebook


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'Structural Moments' Archive: 


 October 2012


September 2012



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'Structural Moments' is a monthly e-newsletter published by the staff of THOMAD Engineering. It is intended to inform our valued clients, associates, and colleagues in the A/E/C industry and stimulate thoughtful dialogue with them.
THOMAD Engineering has been a proud member and supporter of the AIA Las Vegas chapter since 2003.
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Upcoming Projects


The following projects are currently under design or construction and will be featured in future issues of Structural Moments

  1. Bagatelle at Tropicana  Las Vegas
  2. Custom Residence designed by noted architect Richard Meier
  3. Red Garter Casino Expansion & Facade Renovation in Northern Nevada

THOMAD Engineering LLC  |  Tel. 702.388.7755  |  Fax 702.388.7766

4535 W. Russell Road, Suite 12; Las Vegas, NV 89118