December Issue No. 62 
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In This Issue

TIDES Ebola Daily News Digest    

The USG Intelligence Community and Texas State University prepare and share the latest information and resources on the Ebola epidemic. 

Click here to read the Ebola Daily News Digest

Upcoming Events in HA/DR and Development ! 

CTNSP Brownbag: DoDs Humanitarian Assistance Efforts

When: 15 Jan. 2015,12-1 PM ET 
Where: National Defense University, Washington, DC
GAO will discuss Humanitarian and Development Assistance: Project Evaluations and Better Information Sharing Needed to Manage the Military's Efforts.

for more information.
26th Annual SO/LIC Symposium & Exhibition 
When: 26-28 Jan. 2015
Where: Washington Marriot Wardman Park, Washington, DC
The event will explore requirements, options and policy/ technology solutions to support persistent SOF operations across the globe.  *TIDES will have a booth at the display.
Click here for more information.
Humanitarian Technology: Science, Systems and Global Impact
When: 12-14 May 2015
Where: Boston, MA
This conference will explore emerging technologies related to humanitarian assistance.
Click here for more information.
2015 SOFIC (Special Operations Forces Industry Conference)
When: 19-21 May 2015
Where: Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, FL
The event will explore current and future challenges and how to best support our Special Operations Forces (SOF) around the globe. *TIDES will have a booth at the display.
 Click here for more information.
9th Annual TIDES Technology Field Demo
When: 6-9 Oct. 2015
Where: National Defense University, Washington, DC

If you are interested in exhibiting email nelly.mobula@ndu.edu 

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New Publications 
for all the latest publications!

Seasons Greetings! We are requesting help from the Network in identifying organizations that are similar in focus to STAR-TIDES that we could be in touch with to combine events and efforts of all kinds. Please contact nelly.mobula@ndu.edu with your ideas!
Become a Member of our NEW LinkedIn Group
We want to hear what you've got to say! Join our new LinkedIn group to discuss issues related to disaster relief, emergency management and civil-military affairs. Click here to join and enjoy the opportunity to network with others.
Introducing Technology into Traditional Societies

By Alex Locke and Amy Gorman-Stieg 

In any environment whether modern or traditional, the effort of introducing new technology has always been a challenge. New technology might be seen as one of the solutions to stability or as a means to improve health and quality of life in any particular region. However, the introduction and management of a new technology in a particular area requires the existence of a suitable and well-defined approach and execution.

During the 8th Annual TIDES Technology Field Demonstration we facilitated a discussion on how to introduce new technologies into traditional cultures. Participants included several exhibitors from the demo (American Light Works, Day & Night Solar, Energy Solutions LLC, One Earth Designs, Shelter Box, KSI Video, Decadome, World Water and Solar, Sirona Cares, Toilets for People, GATR and Solar Stik) and other participants representing themselves. A number of principles were highlighted, but the true value of this discussion was the on-the-ground, real-time examples of what works and what does not.  The purpose of the discussion was  to provide lessons learned on how to successfully introduce and sustain new technologies into traditional cultures and environments.


Click here to read the full article.

Challenge Winners Update
Back in September we announced the winners from our two challenge competitions: Disaster Apps and the ERW and Landmine Reporting Apps Challenge.  We checked in with the winners to see what they have been up to since winning the competition. First place winners of Disaster Apps, GovSAFE recently released their app on the android store and they plan to roll out an iPhone version soon. Click here for details.
Siaga Banjir Wins 1st Place at Startup Asia Jakarta 2014 hackathon
Since winning second place in Disaster Apps, Siaga Banjir (Jakarta Floods) has modified their app to focus more on crowdsourcing information about floods in Jakarta using Twitter and GIS. They hope that their app will be used to help connect refugee shelters with those who need help. Their new concept and prototype won 1st place at Startup Asia Jakarta 2014 hackathon. They are now in the process of collaborating with online communities and disaster management agencies to raise awareness about their app before the flood season starts. In Jakarta,the wet season runs from November to June, with January being the wettest month of the year. Siaga Banjir is live and can be accessed at http://siagabanjir.org

While many of our winners are making a great deal of progress post-challenge, they are also interested in mentorship, networking and business development opportunities.  If you are interested in working with our challenge winners on any of the above issues please email nelly.mobula@ndu.edu.  To view the gallery of winners from Disaster Apps click here and to view winners of ERW & Landmine Reporting Apps click here.

STAR-TIDES Network in the News!
Innovative Technologies to Create Big Changes for Environmental Quality [12/07/2014]
Innovative Technologies to Create Big Changes for Environmental Quality [12/07/2014]
In November, TIDES' Sam Bendett spoke at Voice of America's Disaster Relief Media Training in Washington, DC.  Click here to view (Sam starts speaking at the 56:00 minute mark). Meanwhile earlier this month, several STAR-TIDES network members including, Hybrid Pedals, Genesis Technologies GroupCalifornia Sunlight Corporation and Afzal Syed of Solar Cookers International appeared on the Emerald Planet program to discuss solar and renewable energy initiatives. Click here to view.
Call for JIFX Experiment Proposals

The Naval Postgraduate School's Joint Interagency Field Experimentation (JIFX) program is now accepting Experiment Proposals for their February event. Interested parties are encouraged to visit the JIFX website to review the event's Request for Information (RFI) document and submit an Experiment Proposal. Applications will be accepted that relate to any of the RFI areas of interest which include:

  • Software solutions that leverage social media for situational awareness and operational decision making
  • Maritime domain awareness including sensing and command and control solutions
  • Technologies Relating to Pandemic Response/Post-Disaster Public Health (See Special Interest RFI)

Please refer all questions to jifx@nps.edu



STAR-TIDES is an international research and networking project that is only as good as its members.  Learn more and consider joining us in bringing research support and relief to stressed populations.  Continue to share and support TIDES by clicking the "Update Profile/Email Address" link below.



The TIDES Project  
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