Colorado Dental Association e-News 
 February 2015
Have You Implemented Amalgam BMPs for Your Denver-Area Practice?    
If your dental practice is in the Denver metro area, Feb. 19 was the deadline to implement best management practices (BMPs) for placement, removal and disposal of dental amalgam. Click here to read more.
Don't be a Victim of Doctor Shopping
Doctor shopping by patients seeking pain relief/controlled substances happens every day across the country. Colorado is no exception. Despite its prevalence, this scenario can be prevented in Colorado with the state's Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP). Click here to read more

Medicaid Dental Benefit Enhanced 

The implementation of the full adult dental benefit for Colorado Medicaid beneficiaries has had its share of hiccups, but there's some good news to share regarding new benefits and prior authorization requests, provider participation incentives, and a new office reference manual. Click here to read more.

Calling All Fluent Spanish Speakers
Are you fluent in Spanish? If so, we need your help. About 20% of Coloradans identify as Hispanic or Latino. The CDA wants to do all it can to reach this population via Spanish language television networks. That's where you come in. Click here to read more
USA Today Article Doesn't Tell the Whole Story
A recent USA Today article shed light on the perception some members of the public and media have about dentists and access-to-care. The story also cites the CO Medicaid benefit and floats mid-levels as a solution to access-to-care concerns. Click here to read more.    
Award Trophy
CDA Member Dentists Honored
In The Denver Post's inaugural Strength in Health Award program, two CDA member dentists -- CDA President Dr. Brett Kessler and specialist Dr. Doug Heller -- received the Dental Excellence in Healthcare Award. Click here to read more
Thank You, GKAS Volunteers! 
The CDA would like to thank Colorado dentists and their teams that volunteered for the 2015 Give Kids a Smile Day Feb. 6 as part of National Children's Dental Health Month. Click here to learn more.  
CDA Offers Condolences to Family of Murdered Dental Student   
The CDA extends its heartfelt sympathy to the family of University of North Carolina dental student, Deah Shaddy Barakat, and his wife and sister in law, who were shot and killed Feb. 10 in an apartment close to the school. Click here to learn more.   
In This Issue
Amalgam BMP Deadline
Doctor Shopping
Medicaid Benefit Change
Speak Spanish?
Dentistry in the News
Kessler, Heller Honored
Thank You GKAS Volunteers
Murdered Dental Student
Featured Events

Quick Links


Featured Events:
June 11-13, 2015:
CDA Annual Session 

Park Hyatt Beaver Creek Resort and Spa

136 E. Thomas Pl., Beaver Creek, CO 81620 


Save the date for the CDA's 2015 Annual Session. Join fellow Colorado dentists for an opportunity to earn continuing education credits, network and reconnect with colleagues, and meet with exhibitors and event sponsors. Become a delegate to learn more about key issues affecting the dental profession. As always, this is a family-friendly event. Be sure to take full advantage of all Beaver Creek has to offer in the summertime.

Stay tuned to future e-newsletters and the CDA Website for updates! We hope to see you there! 
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Michael Diorio
Managing Editor: Molly Pereira
CDA Contact Information: 
303-740-6900, 800-343-3010, Fax 303-740-7989 or