Colorado Dental Association e-News 
 November 2014
Nov. 30 Deadline for Input on X-ray Fee Increase    

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment recently proposed changes to the fees charged for certification of x-ray machines. This proposed change would affect nearly all dental offices.  Click here to read more.

CE Classroom
Dec. 1 Sunset Review Stakeholder Meeting   
The Colorado Dental Board recently published draft rules related to the 2014 Sunset Review Bill for formal input from the dental community. Click here to view a copy of the proposed rules.  Click here to read more.
Mailing Holiday Packages?   
Did you know that the CDA endorses the United Postal Service (UPS)?  All CDA members can receive discounted pricing - savings as much as 36% - when they ship through UPS.  Don't pay full price to send holiday packages!  Learn more at or 800-MEMBERS (636-2377).  

Medicaid Update for Providers 
The CDA continues to provide its members with helpful information about Colorado's Medicaid program. Visit for the latest program updates or click here to read additional highlights
ADA Action Alert: Extend Important Dental Office Tax Credits 
Please take a moment to contact your members of Congress to encourage the renewal of critical tax incentives that allow dental practices to deduct purchases of certain equipment and property.  Click here to read more.
Register for Give Kids a Smile 2015!    
There's still time to register for Give Kids a Smile Day on Friday, Feb. 6, 2015!  While that date might seem far away, now is the time to register and to plan your GKAS program. GKAS is a day of free dental treatment and education for kids from families without the means to afford dental care.  Click here to learn more.  
ADA Licenses CDA Commercial for National Use     
Just one year ago this month, the CDA produced a commercial informing the public about the difference between CDA member and non-member dentists.  This commercial gained national attention from several states and the ADA.  Click here to learn more.  
PDMP: Fines Imposed for Those Who Don't Register 
If you haven't already, be sure to register with Colorado's Prescription Drug Monitoring Program. All dentists with a DEA registration were required to register with Colorado's PDMP by Oct. 31. As of Nov. 6, only 60% of Colorado dentists had completed this required registration. Click here to learn more.  
In This Issue
X-Ray Fee Increase
Sunset Review Stakeholder Meeting
UPS Endorsement
Medicaid Update
Dental Office Tax Credits
Register for GKAS
ADA Licenses CDA Commercial
PDMP Registration
Featured Events

Quick Links

New Dentist Committee
GV Black Tie Event
Over 130 dentists enjoyed a fancy evening of networking, gaming, socializing and fun at the Oxford Hotel last Friday night.  See pictures from the event and read more by clicking here.    


Featured Events: 

February 20, 2015:
CDA Lobby Day - Dentists at the Capitol
Save the date for the 2015 CDA Lobby Day.  This annual event is held to connect dentists with state legislators at the Capitol in Denver.  It is a great opportunity to provide education to our policymakers about oral health.  Dentists are needed to attend this event.  Training will be provided and no prior experience is necessary.  Advocate for YOUR profession!  Contact Director of Government Relations Jennifer Goodrum for more information at 303-996-2847 or [email protected]

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Michael Diorio
Managing Editor: Molly Pereira
CDA Contact Information: 
303-740-6900, 800-343-3010, Fax 303-740-7989
[email protected] or