Read The Article That Has Electrical Contractors Talking... Simple Steps To Get Into The Lucrative Arc Flash Market
Published By Electrical Products & Solutions October 2015
Written By Bryan Rupert
This article by Bryan Rupert, featured in the October issue of Electrical Products and Solutions is a simple guide with step by step instructions to get you in the Arc Flash market. Here you will learn the process as well as gain insight on how to price this type of work. Don't be the last in your area to get into this very lucrative market. Click Here To Read More
October 21, 2015 - MIOSHA Fines $357,000 In Penalties For Electrician's Death in Holland, MI
Published by WZZM Holland, MI
An industrial accident that led to the death of an electrician in June has resulted in $357,000 in fines against two companies for what state inspectors are calling willful and serious violations.
Gates Electric Inc. of Hamilton was assessed $287,000 in fines from the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration for five violations, including a lack of protection for live electrical installation.
Electrical Inspection Service LLC of Holland was hit with a $70,000 fine for not following the National Electric Code. The fines stem from the June 16 death Dale Berkompas, 40, an electrical foreman who died while preparing to wire a fire pump to the electrical supply at Brink Truck Lines in Holland. The man left behind a wife and two children. Berkompas is one of 25 people to die on the job in Michigan this year.
MIOSHA launched its investigation into the two Lakeshore businesses after Berkompas, an electrician with Gates Electric, became the 11th Michigan worker to die on the job. During six inspections between June 16 and Aug. 19, MIOSHA identified five safety violations at Gates - four of them classified as willful and serious.
MIOSHA found four willful and serious violations that carried a $70,000 penalty each.
- Electrical equipment to the fire pump was not installed properly.
- The company did not provide worker protection for live electrical installation.
- An employee was allowed to be near a live electrical wire without proper precautions.
- Two qualified employees were not assigned to work on the energized wires. Each of the four violations carried a $70,000 penalty.
MIOSHA found an additional violation which carried a $7,000 penalty.
- Workers using electrical gloves beyond their expiration date.
NECA 2015 San Francisco - Thank You For A Great Trade Show
We met with hundreds of Electrical Contractors who were eager to learn how FlashTrack could save them time and money. To be more precise, they learned how conducting arc flash analysis for their clients can be extremely profitable when using the correct tool - FlashTrack. Here is just a sampling of the feedback we received...
- "This is the most impressive product at this show."
- "I came to this show to find THE PRODUCT to help me with the jobs I have lined up. This is it!"
- "We use another firm to do arc flash analysis for us. We could have been making a lot more money all along."
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- "This is exactly what we have been looking for!"
- "Please scan my card and call me next week. I really need this software."
- "I can't believe it is so easy to use. Almost no training needed."
If you didn't have the opportunity to attend NECA 2015, you can still learn how FlashTrack
will benefit you and your business. Contact us at 888-762-0090 or email us at, and we'll be happy to share the information you missed.
Arc Flash Likely Behind Explosion At Priest Rapids Dam
 Published By Boise State Public Radio
October 9, 2015
A surgeon at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle said the serious burns to five electricians and dam operators injured in Thursday's explosion at Priest Rapids Dam are consistent with arc flash.
Pacific Northwest National Lab's chief electrical engineer Jeff Dagle explained an arc flash results from a short circuit involving high-voltage electricity."That current generates a tremendous amount of heat and that heat creates a plasma -- high temperatures and expanding gases," Dagle explained.
The Grant County Public Utility District said the explosion happened in the dam's powerhouse. Two dam workers remain in intensive care with "large burns" at Harborview. Three more are getting care for less severe burns.
The men were airlifted to Seattle following the explosion at the hydropower dam on the Columbia River in central Washington.
Circuit breakers are designed to minimize arc flash and a failure with those may now be a focus of the accident investigation.
Download FlashTrack Process Comparison - See For Yourself
The world's best arc flash data collection software just got better.
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September 30, 2015 - OSHA Fines $181K In Penalties For Contractors Whose Employees Worked Near Energized Powerlines
Long Island, NY
The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration cited two employers (Masonry Services Inc. dba MSI / North Eastern Precast LLC) in June 2013 for a variety of hazardous conditions at a construction worksite in New York.
Citations Included:
- Willful Violations- for electrocution hazards for employees performing masonry and crane work in close proximity to energized 13,200-volt overhead power lines.
- Serious Violations- involving cranes, personal protective equipment and power lines.
- Repeated Violation- for unguarded rebar.
The companies contested their citations to the independent OSHA Health Review Commission. . Before the hearing, all parties agreed that the two companies should be treated as a single employer and their citations and penalties consolidated due to their overlapping ownership.
The judge issued a decision affirming all citations and ordering the companies to pay a total of $181,280 in penalties. The judge agreed with the Labor Department's assertion that the companies had willfully continued with hazardous work activities near the power lines in disregard of specific warnings from OSHA and the Long Island Power Authority. Vordonia Contracting and Supplies, the project's general contractor, was cited for similar hazards but settled its case in 2014, agreeing to pay $110,000 in fines.
"This decision should remind employers that there are consequences for their actions when they neglect their responsibility to provide safe working conditions for their employees. The Labor Department can and will vigorously seek appropriate redress," said Jeffrey Rogoff, regional solicitor of labor in New York.
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Big News: NFPA 70E - 2015 Standard Released
The 2015 edition of NFPA 70E introduces a major change in how stakeholders evaluate electrical risk -- so that owners, managers, and employees can work together to ensure an electrically safe working area and comply with OSHA 1910 Subpart S and OSHA 1926 Subpart K.
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