February 10, 2015 - OSHA Fines Saia Motor Freight Lines LLC $119,000
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is seeking $119,000 in fines from the St. Louis Company, Saia Motor Freight Lines LLC, in connection with an explosion in August of 2014 that injured four workers, two of them critically.
OSHA stated that two of the forklift operators were changing a propane tank on a forklift inside a freight trailer when the loose coupling allowed liquid propane to leak, vaporize and ignite, causing a flash fire.
OSHA Inspectors found one willful and eleven serious violations.
One Willful Violation:
Defective or bypassed safety switches being used when they needed repair.
Eleven Serious Violations for Failure to:
evacuate the work area after the release of flammable gas
require the exchange of forklift propane containers in an adequately ventilated area
mount gas containers correctly
train workers on extremely flammable gas hazards
require the use of hand and eye protection when changing cylinders
train forklift operators
label hazardous chemicals in the maintenance shop.
Young Electrician Engulfed In Flames In Shopping Center Explosion in Australia
Published by Daily Mail.Com
March 3, 2015
Australia -The young electrician who tragically died in the hospital several hours after an explosion at a Perth shopping centre has been named as local man Matt Hutchins. The tradesman suffered burns to 80 per cent of his body in the blast at the Galleria Shopping Centre in Morley.
Hutchins was carrying out electrical maintenance with three colleagues, for a privately owned WA company that services the high voltage electrical industry, when the fatal accident happened. One of his colleagues, a 30-year-old Irish man, died at the scene while the two others are fighting for their lives in hospital.
The electrical company High Energy Service Pty Ltd confirmed to Perth Now its employees and subcontractors were the electricians involved.
There was an explosion which has resulted in multiple serious injuries. High Energy Service Pty Ltd was conducting work in the vicinity of the explosion and their employees and subcontractors were injured,' general manager Brad Mitchell said in a statement released on Tuesday.
'This is a truly tragic day and our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of the deceased persons and those of the injured employees,' he added.
Witnesses saw three of the men running from the scene on fire.
Jonathan McDonagh was among several people who tried to help the injured, taking off his shirt and using it to put out the flames. He described the scene as horrific, panicked and rushed.
The exact cause of the explosion is unknown but lightning has been ruled out, and EnergySafe and WorkSafe are investigating. The two survivors are being treated at Royal Perth Hospital.
The 2015 edition of NFPA 70E introduces a major change in how stakeholders evaluate electrical risk -- so that owners, managers, and employees can work together to ensure an electrically safe working area and comply with OSHA 1910 Subpart S and OSHA 1926 Subpart K.
Key changes throughout the Standard replace the phrase "hazard analysis" with "risk assessment" to enable a shift in awareness about the potential for failure.
Change in naming from "Hazard Risk Category" to "Arc Flash PPE Category."
Elimination of Hazard Risk Category 0.
Requirement added for proper maintenance of electrical equipment for both energized and de-energized maintenance.
Updated tables add clarity to requirements, such as the restricted approach boundary dimensions in Table 130.4 (D)(a).
New requirement 320.3 (A)(1) covers risk assessment associated with battery work.
New subsection in 130.2 (A)(4) provides requirements where normal operation of electric equipment is permitted.
Informative Annex E has updated text to correlate with the redefined terminology associated with hazard and risk. This annex provides clarity and consistency about definitions as well as risk management principles vital to electrical safety.
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