October 9, 2014 -  OSHA Cites Cincinnati Company  $56,000
Kloeckner Metals Corp.

CINCINNATI - An employee was severely injured when he became caught in unguarded arbor rollers at Kloeckner Metals Corp. on April 22, 2014. The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration has cited the Cincinnati manufacturing plant with one repeat and three serious safety violations, carrying proposed penalties of $56,000.


"This worker suffered a catastrophic injury because Kloeckner Metals failed to observe basic safety procedures," said Bill Wilkerson, OSHA's area director in Cincinnati. "The company knew how dangerous these machines could be, and they did not put their employees first. It's a culture too common in the manufacturing industry, and it needs to change."


OSHA's April 28, 2014, inspection found that a worker was exposed to the in-running nip point created by two rollers on the slitting line. He got caught in the nip point and suffered severe injuries.   



The conditions resulted in one repeat and three serious violations:

  • Failure to implement adequate machine guarding. The company was previously cited for this violation at the same location in 2013.
  • Failure to implement specific lockout/tagout procedures to prevent machinery from operating during service and maintenance, which resulted in three serious citations.

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Worker Suffers High-Voltage Electrical Shock at Metro Headquarters

Published:  October 13, 2014

Courtesy of Los Angeles Times

 A worker suffered serious injuries Monday after he was shocked by high-voltage electricity at Metro's headquarters in downtown Los Angeles, fire officials said.  


The worker suffered serious arm and burn injuries, said Brian Humphrey, a spokesman for the Los Angeles Fire Department.

 It is unclear whether the worker was employed by Metro. His identity was not released.  


He and another worker were inside a subterranean electrical room at 1:12 p.m. when a sudden flash of electricity occurred, immediately shocking him, Humphrey said.

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Big News:  NFPA 70E - 2015 Standard Released  

The 2015 edition of NFPA 70E introduces a major change in how stakeholders evaluate electrical risk -- so that owners, managers, and employees can work together to ensure an electrically safe working area and comply with OSHA 1910 Subpart S and OSHA 1926 Subpart K.

  • Key changes throughout the Standard replace the phrase "hazard analysis" with "risk assessment" to enable a shift in awareness about the potential for failure.
  • Revisions enhance usability; such as the division of requirements in former 110.4. (C)(2) into new sections separating construction and maintenance work from outdoor work.
  • Updated tables add clarity to requirements, such as the restricted approach boundary dimensions in Table 130.4 (D)(a).
  • New requirement 320.3 (A)(1) covers risk assessment associated with battery work.
  • New subsection in 130.2 (A)(4) provides requirements where normal operation of electric equipment is permitted.
  • Informative Annex E has updated text to correlate with the redefined terminology associated with hazard and risk. This annex provides clarity and consistency about definitions as well as risk management principles vital to electrical safety.
Available for purchase at NFPA.ORG 


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