Facility Results |
March 2013
FlashTrack is in the running for Another Award!
Vote for our one-of -a kind Arc Flash Data Collection Software
ISHN Magazine is giving away a $50 MasterCard Gift Card to one person each week until May 1st!
Click Here To Vote & YOU can win! Click On
"Signs, Labels, Tags" then scroll down to FlashTrack and SUBMIT!
See a FlashTrack demo on YouTube
Proper care, usage and storage are key in keeping your insulated rubber gloves in good working order for your SAFETY.
Glove Care:
- Wash with a mild soap, rinse thoroughly with water, and pat dry with a clean, soft cloth.
- Do not expose to chemicals, petroleum-based products, solvents, hand creams, pastes, or salves.
- Gloves must be cleaned, inspected, and dialectically tested if they are suspected of being exposed to a contaminant or of being physically damaged in any way.
- Gloves must be dialectically tested every six months, regardless of the usage amount during that time.
Glove Usage:
- Always remove jewelry and sharp objects from your body before inserting your hands in the gloves.
- Air test and visually inspect, inside and out, before each use.
- Wear a leather protector over the rubber-insulated gloves to protect against abrasions and limit UV exposure.
Glove Storage:
- Store the gloves in a glove bag with the tips of the fingers pointing up and the gloves hanging free from any creasing or crushing by surrounding items.
- Glove storage locations should be:
- Cool, and as dry as possible.
- Free from ozone, chemicals, oils, solvents, damaging vapors, and fumes.
- Away from sunlight and electrical discharges, including fluorescent lighting and arc welding.
Electrical Safety Training is NOT optional...
It is key to keeping your workers safe from injury.
CALL FACILITY RESULTS for the industry's best value in electrical safety training.
- Our focus is providing practical training for the qualified worker.
- We will not keep your staff in a classroom for their entire shift nor will we consume their time going over the politics of the Standard and Regulations.
- We spend their company time teaching them the tools and procedures they need to keep them safe.
We train thousands of workers each year, and our trainers consistently score "Exceeded Expectations" on 95% of their evaluation reports.
Our students have been quoted as saying...
"That was a real eye opener. Every one of our new employee's should take this training!"
Managers that arranged the training have told us...
"My staff personally thanked me for having this training for them."

so we can visit your site before you get a visit from these guys!
To the Point, Thorough & On Your Schedule
Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Proper Way to Wear Your Balaclava
It Makes a Difference in Your Safety
Fast Fact
YOU want your workers safe & YOU want your company to be compliant with the NFPA 70E 2012 Edition...
Did you know that Electrical Safety training is required every 3 years....
NFPA 70E 2012 - 110.3 States that Qualified Workers shall be retrained in intervals not to exceed 3 years.
Facility Results is committed to providing you with custom solutions that are budget based and promise to deliver
100% Guaranteed Results