Long-Lasting Arc Flash PPE
Requires Inspections & Good Maintenance

ISHN - Your Source for Safety, Health & Environmental Solutions January 3, 2013
While arc flash clothing and personal protective equipment (or PPE) play a significant role in protecting workers from burns, eye damage and other injuries associated with arc blast explosions, preventive measures don't end with simply putting on the right equipment. For anyone working in high voltage situations, it's vital to remember that reliance on arc flash PPE is actually a give-and-take relationship.
In order for arc flash clothing and PPE to function properly, it needs to be regularly and carefully maintained, so it can retain all of its protective properties. To put it in a nutshell, if you take care of your PPE, your PPE will take care of you. Luckily, arc flash PPE maintenance is fairly simple - it's really just a matter of keeping items clean, checking them for damage, and keeping track of how long they've been in active use. Here are some tips for getting started.
Taking care of flame-resistant clothing
Keep track of how old your flame-resistant (FR) clothing is.
There are many different FR fabrics in use now, and each has a different lifespan. The general rule of thumb is to own five sets of arc flash clothing, with each set being washed and worn once per work week. Used according to these guidelines, treated 100 percent cotton (like Westex Indura®) lasts an average of 12 to 16 months, 88/12 cotton and nylon blends last for 18 to 30 months, and 93 percent Nomex® blends last anywhere from 2-1/2 to 4 years. Still in doubt? Check the manufacturer's instructions.
Keep your FR clothing very clean.
Dirt, oil, chemicals and other contaminants can easily wear down the flame-fighting properties of arc flash pants, shirts, hoods, jackets and coveralls, so it's very important that FR clothing is washed as soon as possible after being soiled. And never re-wear arc flash clothing without laundering it first - dirty PPE is less effective than clean, and can actually increase your risk of injury.
Go easy when washing arc flash clothing.
When it comes to laundering arc flash PPE, gentler is better. If you have the option between sending the clothing out to an industrial laundering service and just washing them at home, wash at home, because it inflicts less wear-and-tear, and helps the FR clothes last longer. Stick with mild detergent and warm (not hot) water, and then tumble dry on low. Never use bleach or any other chlorine-based detergents, because in most cases, they'll just break down FR fabrics. It's also a good idea to double-check the manufacturer's instructions, just in case there are any additional washing directions.
Inspect for damage.
Even small tears and cuts can greatly reduce the protective powers of FR clothing, so it's important to regularly inspect your arc flash apparel for signs of wear and damage. In the event that damage is found, either repair it in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications (special flame-resistant fabric patches and/or thread may be required), or replace the damaged article of clothing immediately. Never continue to wear damaged PPE, as it can greatly increase your risk of on-the-job injury.