FIA Quick Read Newsletter
August 2014
| FIA Events |
Welcome New Member Sumitomo Heavy Industries (USA), Inc. |
FIA is pleased to welcome Sumitomo Heavy Industries (USA), Inc. Located in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, Sumitomo Heavy Industries (USA), Inc., provides mechanical, hydraulic and servo presses and automation for press lines to the industry. Takeharu Onishi, Senior Engineer, will serve as Official Representative.
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Sad News!
We are sad to share that Edward Frank Wozniak passed away on July 25, 2014. Ed and his wife Sandi formed Wozniak Industries, Inc. in 1985. Ed was a longtime supporter of FIA, serving on the Association's Board of Directors from 1999 - 2003. Commercial Forged Products, a Division of Wozniak Industries, has been a FIA Member since 1948. Ed will be missed by us all.
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Coming In September- Faster, More Comprehensive Compensation and Benefits Benchmarking Information |
Beginning September 15th, FIA forging producer members will have a new and improved tool for making strategic human resource decisions. Beginning with Hourly and Management Compensation and Benefits surveys, FIA is moving to an on-line interactive benchmarking platform designed to provide you the information you need, when you need it. Improvements include: instant feedback, ease of navigation and the ability to customize data reporting.
Persons authorized to provide data for their company will receive an invitation to participate in a webinar highlighting the platform's capabilities and data collection by postcard and email. To learn more or to find out who at your organization will receive the link to input data, contact your Compensation Benchmarking Team - Mary Ann Foote, Karen Lewis or Theresa Ferry at 216.781.6260 or [email protected]
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Memo from the Laurin Baker Group |
August 2014 Congressional Recess Update or What Congress Didn't Do Before Summer Vacation.
Whether you think that Congress should spend more time at home listening to their constituents or you are appalled that they left Washington last Friday for 5 weeks with important work still to be done, the annual August Recess has begun. We thought it would be helpful to provide you with a recap of what little did get accomplished and what awaits them on September 8th when they return for a very short work period before adjourning again for the midterm elections on November 4th.
Click here to see the full memo.
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Trying To Fill Material Science Or Mechanical Engineering Positions?
Remember to use FIA's Career Center when you have open positions. FIA Members can post jobs and review resumes at a reduced rate. We have received resumes from students preparing to graduate - contact Karen (216.781.6260 or [email protected]) for more information.
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World Congress of Impression Die Forging Hosted by EUROFORGE |
The 21st International Forging Congress saw 720 participants from 27 countries united in the theme "Forging: Tradition Meets High-Tech." The congress opened with a sightseeing boat tour through the heart of Berlin.
More than 40 speakers, delegates and accompanying persons from North America represented FIA at the Congress. FIA Chairman Arnold Visser, FIERF Professor Chet Van Tyne and FIERF Executive Director Karen Lewis made presentations at the meeting. Networking opportunities and presentations were augmented by 38 exhibiting supplier companies.
Themes of the opening presentations highlighted sustainable value creation and resource efficient production. Baba Kalyani, Chairman and Managing Director of Bharat Forge Limited shared his thoughts on the challenges to the forging industry going forward: Skill development, Managing volatility and uncertainty; Customer relationship management and Innovation (including environmentally friendly and advanced manufacturing).
Two full days of presentations and social events were concluded with a gala farewell dinner before participants departed for one of eight plant tour locations (Germany North, Germany South, Italy, Spain, France, Czech Republic, Sweden and Turkey) or home.
Presentations from the Congress are available by clicking Here.
IFC 2017 will be hosted by the Confederation of Chinese Metalforming Industry.
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The 2013 Annual Survey of Manufacturers is Now Due |
The U.S. Census Bureau has begun follow up for the 2013 Annual Survey of Manufacturers. Businesses that were mailed Form - MA10000, but have not responded to this mandatory survey, will be receiving a reminder from us in the days and weeks ahead. This is a courtesy email to help you answer questions.
Additional information:
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9 Charts that Put Federal Regulations in a Different Light |
The link (article below explaining) is from the Chamber of Commerce and provides some fascinating data and analysis for use in arguing against costly, unjustifiable EPA regulations. While FIA is not a member of the Chamber, they are a partner in many coalitions that we work with along with NAM.
Jennifer Baker Reid President The Laurin Baker Group, LLC
Dear Regulatory Reform Group: Below is a link to a brochure prepared by Environment, Technology & Regulatory Affairs titled "Charting Federal Costs and Benefits." The idea behind the brochure is to provide a summary, using only government data, of federal agencies' regulatory activity in nine charts and using very few words. It is literally an illustration of a picture being worth a thousand words. Our goal is for the reader to understand in under five minutes how many regulations and what types are issued and which regulations are responsible for most of the costs and benefits. While this might seem to be a simplistic effort the results are very interesting. For example, out of the approximately 56,000 regulations issued by executive branch agencies between 2000 and 2013, only 30 were high impact regulations costing over $1 billion annually. Of these 30 high impact regulations, 17 were issued by the Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA"). Those 17 regulations imposed over 90% of all the costs estimated by EPA. (As an aside, EPA issued 7,615 regulations during that 14 year period, but only estimated compliance costs for about 2% of them). And of the hundreds of billions of dollars in benefits claimed by EPA, approximately 97.2% of all benefits estimated by EPA were from reductions in one pollutant, PM 2.5, notwithstanding that EPA was claiming to be regulating other pollutants such as mercury or SO2. The read is quick and it provides a view that is not the general commentary on the regulatory system.
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30th Forging Industry Technical Conference, September 8 & 9, 2014
The Industry Technical Conference is designed to showcase the best in forging technology with a diversity of presentations of interest to different processes, materials, and end-use markets; Report out FIERF funded research projects and industry collaborative group results; Provide a forum for students and professors to present their forging research; and provide a networking opportunity between industry, academia and research partners. Click here to view brochure or to register online.
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ATTN: Sales and Marketing Execs: FIA Marketing Workshop, September 16-17 in Indianapolis |
Forging and supplier sales and marketing executives are encouraged to mark September 16-17 on their calendars for the 2014 FIA Marketing Workshop... this year to be held in Indianapolis at the JW Marriott downtown. Business leader and customer service expert Scott McKain will open the Workshop with a in depth look and developing a customer retention environment. We'll follow with a look at all the craziness happening in Washington and how it's impacting the forging industry. A Material Supplier Panel discussing elements that influence pricing and lead times, and immediate and long term opportunities / threats from offshore material suppliers will follow.
Day two will open with the return of popular speaker Joe DeStefano discussing marketing strategies for 2015. And whether you are a customer or supplier, all will find the global energy market outlook of interest. The day and the Workshop will conclude with IHS Global Insight taking an in depth look at our customer markets, where they are heading and the impact on open, impression and rolled rings sales for the coming 5 years.
This Workshop is open to members and non-members, and is a learning and networking opportunity not to be overlooked. Complete information and registration materials can be found by Clicking Here, or visiting the FIA website at Please be sure and register by August 25 to take advantage of early bird pricing.
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Hammer Maintenance Workshop - October 29 - 30, 2014 - Cleveland |
This 1 � day workshop will act to introduce participants to the different types of hammers. It will provide an explanation of the various elements of the hammer to provide an understanding of how they work and their influence on other parts of the hammer and the forging process.
The emphasis of the Workshop is predictive and preventative maintenance of the elements of the hammer, and things to be taken into account when planning a repair.
- Hammer Overview
- Foundations
- Die Alignment / Control Guide Alignment
- Tooling Setup & Wear Parts
- Hammer Controls
- Hammer Maintenance
- Maintenance Program Case Study
This Workshop will not be delivered again this year, so don't miss it! Class size is limited, so don't wait to register.
Click here to view/print the program.
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FIA Fall Meeting October 12-14; to Focus On Employees |
Employment and economics will form the foundation of discussion at the 2014 Fall Meeting of Members to be held October 12-14 at the Hyatt Regency Indianapolis. The hotel is conveniently connected via skywalk to most of the city's major attractions making them just a short walk away.
As most will arrive on Sunday October 12, FIA will host an optional cocktail reception that evening to meet and greet new faces as well as familiar faces. We'll officially open the program the next morning with Brian Beaulieu, CEO of the Institute for Trend Research, and noted economist for many metalworking trade associations, who will present his economic overview. We will follow with a more focused look at the world forging industry, and who owns what share of the world forging pie. We will finish with an assessment of the North American forging industry forecast. Most of the afternoon will be spent on employment issues. Diverse sources of skilled employees often overlooked will precede discussion of a new training program for future industry leaders. Special roundtables will follow to further dissect these issues.
The second day will open with discussion of possible changes to accelerate exports of LNG that will permanently and negatively impact the U.S. natural gas market. FIA Committee chairs will then report on recent accomplishments on behalf of FIA members. Noted author and charismatic speaker Tom Morris will complete the meeting by delivering an inspiring message based on what the great philosophers had to say about the timeless challenges organizations face today, from building a winning culture to the tools needed to unleash innovation.
Please watch your mail, e-mail and for complete information and registration coming this month.
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Forge Fair 2015 Early Booth Registration
Forge Fair 2015 Exhibitor Booth Registrations are being reserved at a record pace, more than twice as fast as for Forge Fair 2013, which was a record year.
While the Early Bird Registration discount doesn't expire until October 31, 2014, register your booth now to:
- Lock in a premium booth location, click here to view the Floor Plan
- Receive the special Early Bird discount rate
- Lock in a premium Exhibitor Presentation date and time, (presentation slots are limited and are offered on a first-come-first-serve bases)
- Take maximum advantage of Pre-Show online and print promotions
Click here to register your booth today!
Click here to visit the Forge Fair Home Page.
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Complete Information & Registration for 19th Forgemasters Meeting now Available
The 19th International Forgemasters Meeting (IFM 2014) will be held this September 29-October 3 in Tokyo, Japan. The IFM traditionally brings together hundreds of open die forging and supplier executives representing leading manufacturing companies from across the globe. This extraordinary event will showcase the best in forging technical presentations for the worldwide forging community.
Organized by The Steel Castings and Forgings Association of Japan (JSCFA), the 19th IFM official program has been released and is now available on the JSCFA website
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