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                                                    October 2014


FIA News
FIA Events



ThirteenFIA Board Chair Focal Points

Arnold Visser of IMT, Chairman of the FIA Board for 2014/15, in his remarks at the Annual Meeting of Members shared his four focal points for his tenure as Chair.

  • Developing the next level of leaders for the industry.  Specifically working on the next level of managers to assume the leadership roles within member companies.
  • Working with local schools to develop a program that will attract new people to the forging industry.
  • In the area of Global Competitiveness: Working with FIERF and research institutes to improve technology, materials and processes so that the North American forging industry can become more competitive in the global marketplace.

Ensuring member's ROI from FIA, by improving stakeholder value by continuing to deliver top quality services and resources to the membership


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ElevenMcWilliams Forge Division of Wyman Gordon celebrates 50 years of FIA membership!

 "Roy Hardy FIA President presents Bill Voigtman Operations Manager with 50 year plaque"

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TwoNeed Forging Specific Compensation & Benefit info?

Data collection and reports are open and available in the newly formatted 2014 Compensation and Benefits Survey. Via dynamic benchmarking, FIA is bringing an exciting new way to benchmark by bringing forging company members the information needed, when it is needed the most. Benchmarking is a benefit available to forging companies as a part of FIA membership.

This new web based tool allows forging companies to benchmark and measure Compensation and Benefits and offers:

  • Forging industry specific information that is available only through survey participation.
  • Enhanced User Experience.
  • Easy navigation to increase benchmarking participation, resulting in more comprehensive and valuable data.
  • 24/7 user access.
  • Information for both Production and Management.
  • Flexible data entry- allowing you to enter information in more than one sitting.
  • Instant reporting to compare wage rates (when certain criteria is met).
  • Comprehensive reports that you can tailor to your needs.

FIA forging company members can access the platform from the FIA Benchmarking page linked HERE.   





Intrigued? Contact FIA's benchmarking team at [email protected] for more information

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TenThe 30th Forging Technical Conference 

Over 185 industry, research and academic partners participated in the 30th Forging Industry Technical Conference in Plymouth, MI in early September.  Highlights of the conference included 30 technical papers presented in dual tracks covering R&D subjects as well as applied technology from metallurgy to maintenance.  Reports were also heard on industry collaborative research projects that are bringing together FIA Members with university resources.  


Technical papers are available to FIA members on the FIA website click here

These slides can only be viewed by FIA Members using their password.  


Attendees also enjoyed the 27 table top exhibits sponsored by industry suppliers and research partners.  And as always, networking with fellow industry experts, FIERF Magnet School Professors and students was ranked as a valuable part of participation.


Thank you also to all the presenters, exhibitors and participants for making this an outstanding conference referred to by many as "the best so far"!

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EightMarketing Workshop Speaker Slides Now Available

PDF slides from most of the 2014 FIA Marketing Workshop speakers are now available for viewing through the FIA website. Plenty of economic and energy related statistics are included. Click or paste https://www.forging.org/producers-and-suppliers/Meetings into your browser to view. These slides can only be viewed by FIA Members using their password.   



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FifteenIFM 2014 Draws 600 Attendees from 24 Countries

The 19th International Forgemasters Meeting (IFM) was held in the Tokyo Bay area of Tokyo, Japan, September 29 - October 2. The IFM traditionally brings together open die forging and supplier executives representing leading manufacturing companies from across the globe. Hosted by the Steel Castings and Forgings Association of Japan, 588 people from 24 countries attended the 2014 edition. This included about 30 attendees from North America. Industry overviews were presented from 10 countries including The North American Report presented by Kevin Handerhan of Ellwood Group, Inc. Technical presentations covered: forging, steelmaking, physical metallurgy, materials properties, new facilities and plants, power generation, heat treatment, pressure vessels, and NDT.

Plant tours were hosted by Japan Steel Works, Kobe Steel and Japan Casting & Forging Corp. The next IFM (20), will be held in Grantz, Austria, September 13-16, 2017

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TwentyHammer Maintenance Workshop - October 29 - 30, 2014 - Cleveland

This 1 � day workshop will act to introduce participants to the different types of hammers. It will provide an explanation of the various elements of the hammer to provide an understanding of how they work and their influence on other parts of the hammer and the forging process.

The emphasis of the Workshop is predictive and preventative maintenance of the elements of the hammer, and things to be taken into account when planning a repair.

  • Hammer Overview
  • Foundations
  • Die Alignment / Control Guide Alignment
  • Tooling Setup & Wear Parts
  • Hammer Controls
  • Hammer Maintenance
  • Maintenance Program Case Study

This Workshop will not be delivered again this year, so don't miss it! Class size is limited, so don't wait to register.


Click here to view/print the program. 


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ThreeFIA to Exhibit at Power-Gen International 2014

FIA will represent its Member companies through exhibition at the Power Gen International Show, December 9-11, 2014, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, FL. Over 20,000 attendees and 1400 exhibitors are expected for the power industry's three-day information exchange designed to share practical experiences, knowledge and ideas on the latest trends and challenges. Plenty of Forging Capability Guide CDs promoting member custom forging services will be distributed. It's expected that many domestic and offshore forging operations will send personnel to prospect this growing market segment. FIA Members that would like COMPLIMENTARY ADMISSION TICKETS to the exhibit portion of the show should e-mail [email protected] to request tickets. Or see http://www.power-gen.com for more information on exhibiting or attending the show.


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Six Forge Fair 2015 Early Booth Registration 

Forge Fair 2015 Exhibitor Booth Registrations are being reserved at a record pace, more than twice as fast as for Forge Fair 2013, which was a record year.

While the Early Bird Registration discount doesn't expire until October 31, 2014, register your booth now to:

  • Lock in a premium booth location, click here to view the Floor Plan 
  • Receive the special Early Bird discount rate
  • Lock in a premium Exhibitor Presentation date and time, (presentation slots are limited and are offered on a first-come-first-serve bases)
  • Take maximum advantage of Pre-Show online and print promotions

Click here to register your booth today!

Click here to visit the Forge Fair Home Page.  


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