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                 May 2013




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Theory & Applications of Forging & Die Design - June 10-13, 2013



six Summer Is Coming - Do You Have an Intern (or 2) Lined up?  

Hiring a summer intern or co-op student may be one of the best investments you can make. Consider the following benefits:

  • Complete projects that full-time staff is not able to fit in their already busy schedules; (Areas to consider include      design, plant or industrial engineering; metallurgy lab.)
  •   Identify high caliber candidates for future openings;
  • Bring new and fresh perspectives into the organization.


The FIERF Foundation has received resumes of several students interested in an internship in the industry this summer.   If you'd like to connect with one of these students, contact Roy Hardy at [email protected] or 216.781.6260 for resumes. 




FIA members may have begun to receive letters from their customers regarding the disclosure of "Conflict Minerals" in the forging process. This fact sheet is intended to provide FIA members with an update on the final rule and some helpful recommended next steps. It is not intended to be legal advice or counsel nor to substitute for your own development of appropriate responses to the reporting requirements.


Any questions can be directed to:

The Laurin Baker Group, LLC

444 N. Capitol Street, NW, Suite 605

Washington, DC 20001

202-393-8524  direct

866-330-3617  fax

[email protected]



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ElevenAnnual 2012 Industry Shipments and End-Use Markets Reports Completed 

The Annual 2012 Custom Orders/Shipments and End-Use Markets reports were mailed in April to all participants.  Annual Orders/Shipment figures for 2012 reported for Impression Die and Open Die showed an increase over 2011, but bookings dropped from 2011 figures.   


Impression Die...........  +7% shipments over 2011 and  -6% orders  below 2011

Open Die..................  +0.6% shipments over 2011 and -24% orders below 2011

Rolled Rings ............   +8% shipments over 2011 and -6% orders below 2011


All participants will receive the first quarter Forecast report in May.  Markets on the FIA Annual O & S report have been more clearly defined.  We hope this will help you find your market share by product as well as market.


This survey and the IHS-Forecast reports may be purchased upon request, please call Diane Rothaermel or Mary Ann Foote at 216-781-6260.  You can also see the press release by clicking here or visiting our website:  www.forging.org.   




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AnnualSad News

FIA is saddened to announce that retired FIA staff member Cindy Korzun recently passed away after a brief illness. Many of you may remember her as the "cool under fire" meeting planner for the industry meetings. When reading her eulogy at her memorial service, her family specifically noted that planning and attending those meetings was not only the highlight of her career, but of her later years. She will be missed...




FiveLobby Day 2013- Results

LB7 Lobby Day 2013 - April 16, 2013

In spite of increased security after the Boston Bombing, 18 FIA members made the rounds in Washington telling the "forging story".  Congressman Hultgren (IL-14) was the dinner speaker the night before.  After a hearty breakfast on the 16th at the Phoenix Park Hotel and an extensive briefing by the Laurin Baker Group, FIA's representatives in Washington, meetings ensued.


As always, attendees were prepared with "FIA talking points" that were developed by FIA's Public Policy Committee and all meetings were arranged by the Bakers.

43 meetings were held, and that included 11 Member Level meetings, 4 Committee Level meetings and a very good meeting with the Manufacturing Caucasus of the House.  Everyone we met with thanked us for coming and encouraged us to continue our "Fly-In" because it is critical that Congress hears from constituents and especially with job creators from their districts and states.

If you are interested in learning more about this event or getting involved next year, please contact Roy Hardy ([email protected]). 
#1 #2 #3LD3

#4LD4               #5  

1. Senator Cornyn (R-TX) and Senator Cruz (R-TX)
2. Congressman Hultgren speaking at dinner
3. John Cain of Scot Forge with his Congressman (Hultgren) who obviously got the memo and wore an appropriate tie!
4. Steve Schriner of Commerical Forged Product with his Congressman (Lipinski (IL-3))
5. Hud Smith, Todd Sheppard, and Kevin Crowley at the Texas Tuesday Coffee with Senator Cornyn and Senator Cruz

NewNew FINAL Export Control Rules Impacting Forgings



On April 16, 2013 the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Commerce issued final rules implementing the first stage of export control reforms, including those for aircraft and related parts (Category VIII of the USML/ITAR), gas turbine engines and related parts (Category XIX), and the definition of "specially designed".  We have attached the final rules as well as power points developed by the Dept. of Commerce to explain them.  These rules have been in preparation for several years as part of an effort to streamline and simplify the export controls process.  FIA has participated in this process, most recently submitting comments to both agencies regarding the definition of "specially designed" and the potential impact on the forging industry.

Even though these rules affect only aircraft and gas turbine engines, rules affecting all other categories of defense articles are expected to be released in the coming months, and the definition of "specially designed" will apply to all categories of defense articles once those rules are finalized.   Categories VI (Vessels), VII (Military Vehicles), XIII (Auxiliary Military Equipment) and XX (Submarines), are due to be notified to Congress shortly and then published as final rules, and a proposed rule for USML Category XV (Spacecraft), is likely to be published in early May.

Based on our preliminary review of the rules, we believe they will offer some streamlining of the export controls licensing process for many companies.  However, because of the wide variety of forgings used in defense articles, it is not possible for us to determine how these rules will impact individual companies or forgings.  However, we will make every effort to develop a broad description of the rules and how they might apply to forgings, and we have been assured personally that the Administration will provide answers to any questions that forgers may have (via meeting, teleconference, webinar, etc.)

If your company makes any parts that have been subject to the state dept's itar rules or the commerce dept's Export Administration Rules (COmmerce Control List), we urge you to review these materials carefully and let FIA know of any concerns or questions you have.  We will discuss this more in the government affairs briefing in San Diego on may 6, and following that we can offer additional information/assistance to interested members. 

Please contact Roy Hardy via email or Laurin and Jennifer in Washington (202-393-8524);


[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]


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SevenHigh School Outreach
High School

Over the summer months, The Forging Industry Educational and Research Foundation will again reach out to over a thousand high school educators with information on the forging process and careers in the forging industry to take back to their classrooms.


Through the Foundation's support of  ASM Materials Camps for Teachers, we have the opportunity to tell the forging story in person at over 40 locations.  Last summer, volunteers made brief presentations to teachers  at five camps talking about the forging process, where forgings are found and the industry's  importance in manufacturing and support of a myriad of other industries.  They also shared information about their own companies and employment opportunities students would find in them.  


 If you are interested in building relationships with high schools in your local area and share your experience in the forging industry, contact Karen at 216.781.6260 or [email protected].  Presentations are informal, typically 20-30 minutes over lunch.  A powerpoint presentation is available for your use.


Click here for dates and locations of Teachers Camps scheduled for June and July 2013.



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EightColorado School of Mines Classes Visit A. Finkl & Sons and Western Forge

On March 22nd, A. Finkl and Sons hosted Chet Van Tyne's Forging and Forming class from Colorado School of Mines (CSM), on a day long visit to their facilities. This CSM visit has been a regular part of the class since 2000. This year the students were able to see both the new Finkl facility on the south side of Chicago and the traditional plant just north of the loop.  The students observed the steel making operations, the new 8000 ton press, heat treat, machining and final inspection.  Guy Brada, chief metallurgist at Finkl, and his staff provided insightful lectures that well complimented the tours.  The students were impressed with the size of some of the forgings and the skills needed to open die forge such large pieces. 

CO School2 Chet indicated that this tour is one of the best educational experiences for his students.  The opportunity to not only see the facilities, but to interact with the Finkl engineers provides the students with a much better understanding of the forging process and of manufacturing in the US.


On April 11th students in the Forging and Forming class at Colorado School of Mines were able to tour the Western Forge facility in Colorado Springs. They were able to see hammer forging and a horizontal impactor.  The tour also included the other manufacturing steps that are needed to produce high quality hand tools.  As one of the students stated "Seeing and feeling a forge hammer in operation was awesome!". 


The class was appreciative to Western Forge host Dale Funston for

the excellent visit, and to FIERF for providing the support for the bus transport from school to the forge shop.


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NineMarquette Students Visit Scot Forge

Tony Bowman, Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Marquette University shared these pictures of a recent student visit to Scot Forge.  He and Professor Joe Domblesky have been including students (heat transfer and manufacturing processes) in a ring rolling research project funded by the Forging Foundation.

A visit to Scot Forge was arranged as part of the group project for the students that worked on analyzing and improving heat loss during the ring rolling process. 

In addition, two graduate students accompanied us.  Bowman reports that Peter Soch and Kyle Rackers were very gracious hosts and gave an excellent tour of their facility.   

TenOhio University Students Visit Forge Fair


OU at FF


Professor Frank Kraft and several students spent a day at Forge Fair last month.  "The students had a great time, as did I",said Kraft.  He continues, "This was excellent exposure for them to the industry, and some of them may get an internship this summer from the contact they made.  Thanks again."



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TwelveTheory & Applications of Forging & Die Design - June 10-13, 2013

The "Theory and Applications of Forging & Die Design" school continues to evolve, reflecting new insights into forging technology and the wide availability of metal flow simulation software. This four-day school is taught by a team of industry experts and engineering professors who work together to carefully explain principles and practice. We urge you to join the 1300+ forging employees who have already attended this course.

This will be the only offering of this program in 2013. Class size is limited, (last year's class filled up early, leaving many closed out), please don't wait to register.

Click to view/print course Program and Registration Form

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