One Faith Fellowship Logo

   Volume 355    October 18, 2015   
One Faith Fellowship board without Carolyn


 Lady Estella Smith       Lady Terry Cox 

Dr. Tonya Lewis 

       Lady Deborah Callahan   Dr. Anita Turner     

Lady Michelle Whorton 

We Welcome our Newest One Faith Fellowship Board of Director 


Lady JoAnn Fountain

  computer animated

 Please click throughout the entire newsletter 
and enjoy the various links!



One Faith Fellowship 2015 Oct Amazing Star photo chart Oct 8 2015

Join in the celebration of these oustanding individuals at the 
One Faith Fellowhship 
Amazing Star Celebration
Oct. 31, 2015.  

See the below flyer.




Dr. Tonya Lewis Jan 2015
Dr. Tonya D. Lewis, Founder/CEO
 "Both Sides Must Take Responsibility" 
A teacher affects eternity; he/or she can never tell where his or her influence stops.        Henry Adams  

        Both Sides- Must Take Responsibility! (1 of 5)                  
We love to make excuses, shift blame and to focus on others as influencing our behavior and yes; the actions of others do influence our decisions. 

However, each of us must take a look at ourselves, be honest and take responsibility of how we conduct ourselves. 

Bible I Believe It!

Daddy-God through His Word, the help of others and the Holy Spirit, equips us with the knowledge and ability we need to live accordingly to His Holy Command. 

In addition, we have to be mindful of another truth; the responsibility we have NOT TO contribute to the wrong spirit of others. 

We must be positive contributors and influencers to others. 

This means we must be mindful of our thoughts, words and actions and think through how they will contribute or deduct from others. 

     Both Sides- Must Take Responsibility!   
  (2 of 5)

One such example is found in Luke 15:11-31, which is the parable of the Prodigal Son. 

However, let's focus on the older brother who is described in:

      28 "The older brother was angry and wouldn't go in. His father came out and begged him, 

people arguing

       29 but he replied, 'All these years I've slaved for you and never once refused to do a single thing you told me to. And in all that time you never gave me even one young goat for a feast with my friends. 

      30 Yet when this son of yours comes back after squandering your money on prostitutes, you celebrate by killing the fattened calf!' 

Yes, there will be those who only focus on the wonderful repentance and return of the Prodigal Son. 

However, we cannot overlook the realities of the older brother's feelings who had been faithful to his father and who had remained and dedicated his life to his father's good.  

    Both Sides- Must Take Responsibility!   
(3 of 5)

It is not reflected as the older brother not being willing to rejoice or to be glad that his brother had returned. 

But, what is stated is that while his father chose to celebrate his brother, not once had there been a celebration or anything offered 

     to contribute to a celebration for the older brother's loyalty to him. 

man finally understanding

The older brother's feeling of the lack of love, respect and appreciation of the father is real, as is the experience for many in this day and time.  

We are not freely able to celebrate others because of the hurt feelings of the lack of appreciation we wrestle with repeatedly from our attempts to do honorable deeds. 

While our focus is not to be men-pleasers, from time to time, we do need to hear words of encouragement and celebration from people of whom we honor and serve.

       Both Sides- Must Take Responsibility!  (4 of 5)

Also, sometimes, we are not open and don't allow persons to talk to us, to share their issues with us. 

We don't make communication and problem-solving possible. 

If the person as being in the place of the older brother is sincere about being a Man or Woman of God and we are giving to him or her as we 

         should, then the fight of not being jealous, hateful and feelings of bitterness won't be a fight generated by our insensitive actions. 

gifts and people

Our role must be to celebrate all- those who are the new kids on the block as well as those persons who have proven their loyalty over the course of time.  

We must be mindful to always celebrate and appreciate our-as the world coins it "our ride and die" associations.  

We must value all persons, as they each have value and worth in our lives. 


 Both Sides- Must Take Responsibility!     (5 of 5)

So, family, let's be mindful to treat all with the level of respect and celebration that each of us need to experience.  

Let's not be insensitive by making statements which ignite a relational 
crisis or by withholding encouragements which blesses others. 

man with thumb up

On the other hand, we must take responsibility to NOT be solely focused on the actions and acceptance of others that we don't ensure that our hearts are right and acceptable to the Lord God. 

Remember, at the end of the day, we are responsible for how we live our lives, the feelings we embrace and the actions we do.  

Let no man sway us into negativity so that our lives won't be pleasing to the Mighty Lord God.  God bless and keep the faith! 

Cheryl Williams 2015 flyer


You're invited

1st  SATURDAY!!!


Dr. Michelle McIntosh

Speaker: Dr. Michelle McIntosh
November 7, 2015        1:15 pm 


Invite your family and friends!

Followed by a Refreshment Reception!

U S Bank Community Building 
 (Slauson and Crenshaw)

5760 S. Crenshaw
Blvd.  LA, Calif., 90043



Your Offering to One Faith Fellowship


  money offering 2   


You may forward it to Dr. Tonya Lewis 

or any of the above Board of Directors
Or Mail it to 

One Faith Fellowship:

    P. O. Box 56641
Los Angeles, Calif. 90056



One Faith Fellowship is  a  501c3  religious  organization.

You can receive Tax Credit.



Multiplied Blessings to you and yours!     Thank you!





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 YOU    ARE    INVITED!   
Overcomers Class Pic 2014
To: The Overcomers Bible Fellowship
Dr. Tonya Lewis, Teacher  
West Angeles Church        
North Campus Sanctuary 
3045 S. Crenshaw Blvd.     
LA,  Calif. 90016 
( Jefferson and Crenshaw)  

Each Sunday Morning, 8:00 a.m.--10:00 a.m.

(SPANISH  CLASS   7:00-8:00 A.M.)

West Angeles Church        North Campus Sanctuary 
3045 S. Crenshaw Blvd.       
                           LA,  Calif. 90016 
( Jefferson and Crenshaw)  
Sunday Evenings - 5:30-6:40 p.m.   

(SPANISH  CLASS   4:30-5:30 P.M.)
      Multi-Purpose Bldg., Room 1


Please click here for: ...Uses a Cross as a Stripper Pole.......








Words from the Heart! 

  hearts 4 red ones on a string


I love u. K D
Thank u so much Dr. Sister Lewis. I'm so grateful to u, more than u would ever know, love ya! V B
Thank you Jesus for this reminder from  Dr. Lewis... I needed this word at this moment from the prayer I just prayed...L J
Thanks Dr. T. Thanks for both newsletters. I am going to keep on saying I am so thankful and grateful for all that you do. I am committed and determine to stay in the Game. I pray the Lord keep me with my mind stayed on Him. May Daddy keep on Blessing you as you bless me. Much Love. S R
HI. What a nice pic Dr. Tonya Lewis. I Love YOU. a Sweet Lady, always The Same. God bless. J W
Hey Dr. Lewis: Aren't we blessed to have a Great God like our God!  He is always with us and keeps us going in the direction we need to be going in at all times, even when we may make mistakes. He is right there with us to keep us from falling by the way side. I praise His Holy name and am so thankful that He is always with me. Love you lot's! L V
We must stay in the game. From the teachings of the Holy Bible, we have no choice but to stay the course just as the Apostle Paul expressed it. The difference between staying in the game of the Kingdom game and the game of life is that the obvious consequences of refusing to stay in the Kingdom game are dire. We might throw in the towel when it comes to the game of life. Even then, we still pay the price. We suffer the consequences. However, the consequences of the game of life are nothing compared to the consequences of the game of God's Kingdom. Hell is the other side of heaven. Unless one is a crazy lunatic, knowing that falling out of the Kingdom game means going to hell, I sincerely believe there is room to quickly gather oneself, repent to Almighty God, who forgives so quickly and easily and then allows  & gives us hope of eternal life. I pray that no matter how tough it may be, that we turn to God as quickly as we could. God has made it sooooo easy to repent and He will wash us off our unrighteousness in the twinkling of an eye. The slightest contrite heart touches God's own heart. He loves us that much, and that, early,and quickly, no matter what we may have done!!! Glory be to God. C K


 Nuggets from the Lord!! 



Dr. Tonya Lewis, Speaking  


Please Click Here for: Dr Tonya Lewis Youtube Speaking Links 



Precious Nuggets 
image treasure chest

You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of. Jim Rohn
The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.  Denis Waitley

Until the great mass of the people shall be filled with the sense of responsibility for each other's welfare, social justice can never be attained. Helen Keller

Leadership - leadership is about taking responsibility, not making excuses. Mitt Romney

If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.  Les Brown

In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.  Eleanor Roosevelt
Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home... it's your responsibility to love it, or change it.   Chuck Palahniuk

When you hold your baby in your arms the first time, and you think of all the things you can say and do to influence him, it's a tremendous responsibility. What you do with him can influence not only him, but everyone he meets and not for a day or a month or a year but for time and eternity.Rose Kennedy

The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That's the day we truly grow up. John C. Maxwell
Rank does not confer privilege or give power. It imposes responsibility.  Peter Drucker

Every right implies a responsibility; Every opportunity, an obligation, Every possession, a duty.  John D. Rockefeller

Responsibility is the price of freedom.  Elbert Hubbard



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Who Is One Faith Fellowship?

attention 4
To contact  One Faith Fellowship:


P. O. Box 56641
Los Angeles, Calif. 90056





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