One Faith Fellowship





  Dr Lewis2  Dec 2010      

Dr. Tonya Lewis, Founder and CEO  



A teacher affects eternity; he/or she can never tell where his or her influence stops.   Henry Adams

 Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. -Napoleon Hill

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One Faith Fellowship Board of Directors April 13, 2013

L to R-- Lady Carolyn Webster      Lady Estella Smith     

Lady Terry Cox                                  Dr. Tonya Lewis
Lady Deborah Callahan   

Dr. Anita Turner                     Lady Michelle Whorton

Join Us for a Private   

Breakfast Buffet Fellowship



Saturday, May 17, 2014, 9:45am - 12:00 pm










Click Here to Contact One Fellowship Fellowship   



1st Saturday Fellowship Gathering



Speaker:  Tempie Beaman   


May 3, 2014 

1:15 pm

Invite your family and friends!

Followed by a Refreshment Reception!

U S Bank Community Building 
 (Slauson and Crenshaw)

5760 S. Crenshaw
Blvd.   LA, Calif., 90043

This Week's Featured Article



Volume 278       April 27, 2014

            Think About It!     (1 OF 5)


We are challenged to stop and reflect on our individual "Journey of Life"!

        Where Daddy-God has brought us from, what we have been through, presently experiencing and enjoying!  

How Daddy-God has made a way out of NO WAY!  

            How He loves us so unconditionally!

people in love


            How He has blessed us to experience love from other people!

            The many prayers He has answered!

            The many times He has said yes as His answer as well as the times when no has been Daddy-God's response to our prayers! 

How He has manifested the desires of our hearts whether we actually prayed for them or not!

            How He has done exceeding abundantly and infinitely more than we could have asked or thought!



                Think About It!   (2 of 5) 
Lord, for every wonderful surprise You have sent my way!

        How Daddy-God has brought us out of many dark and very hopeless situations!

          How He has provided us with strength in our valleys!

     How many times has He protected us both physically and emotionally!




         Just think of the number of dangers we know of; well, the ones He has not even allowed to come our way have been many, many more!

         The many times when He has healed our minds and bodies! 

       Definitely, the price Jesus paid to be able to offer us salvation and the assurance of eternal life with the Lord!

        How He has protected and provided for our families!

       How Jesus continues to offer us the options of choosing              happiness rather than sadness, joy rather than gloom and peace rather than chaos! 



                   Think About It!   (3 of 5)
The many times Daddy-God has turned our situations around and brought good out of what otherwise could have devastated us! 

            How He has proven over and over again that He is the God who provides everything we need! 

When we consider what Daddy-God has done thus far for our individual lives, it births praises way-down, deep inside from our bellies!   

Praise Jesus

Thank you Jesus!  Thank you Jesus!  Thank you Jesus!

Oh how I praise You dear Lord!

I bless Your holy name! 

I give You glory!  Lord God Almighty-there is none like You,
no, no, no not one!!
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!

Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus!


              Think About It!     (4 of 5)     
I love you Lord! 

Bless Your name! 

Keep on revealing Your glory to me!

Lord God, You have been so very faithful to me!

You are my great God!

You are my great Provider!

You Lord, are my soon, coming King!

My Great Savior! My Comforter! My Daddy-God!

Hallelujah, I bless your name!!

praise God  Thank you Jesus

Thank you for favor upon my life which You enable me to experience!

Thank you Lord for my family and friends! Lord, thank you for
my many open doors of opportunities!

Thank you Lord, for hope in this present world and in the world to come!

Thank you Lord that I've learned that it is truly more blessed to give my time, love and resources to others for it is through

          that manner which You continue to bless my life!



          Think About It!      (5 of 5)  
Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord!!

Thank you Lord for the strength and faith to yet march forward in life!

Thank you Lord for the excitement in my sanctified soul from the anticipation of what You will do next!

Group 1

Thank you Lord that each day is a new opportunity to know, love and to grow in my relationship with You!

Lord God, thank you for Your Grace and Mercy!

Thank you Daddy-God! All the days of my life I want to praise You, serve You and glorify Your holy name!

Daddy-God, it is in Jesus' mighty name that I offer Your Holy Righteous name-all of the praise, glory and honor!

Thank you Jesus!!


Hear the Word of the Lord!!



Please click here: WATCH:Stephen Colbert, heir to David Letterman's chair on "The Late Show," Demolishes Author Who Tries to Deny the Deity of Christ  




Your Offering to One Faith Fellowship


  money bag   


You may forward it to Dr. Tonya Lewis 

or any of the above Board of Directors
Or Mail it to 

One Faith Fellowship:

    P. O. Box 56641
Los Angeles, Calif. 90056



One Faith Fellowship is  a  501c3  religious  organization. 
You can receive Tax Credit.



Multiplied Blessings to you and yours!     Thank you!










Good morning Dr. Tonya,  

Your Sunday School lessons are exceptionally enriching, as they get to the heart of occurrences, and they are never boring.  I enjoy them immensely.

Blessings,   Ms Michele



 YOU    ARE    INVITED!   


Tonya In red photo


To: The Overcomers Bible Fellowship


Dr. Tonya Lewis, Teacher  



Each Sunday Morning, 8:00 a.m.--10:00 a.m.



West Angeles Church        North Campus Sanctuary 


3045 S. Crenshaw Blvd.       

                           LA,  Calif. 90016 

( Jefferson and Crenshaw)  




Sunday Evenings - 5:30-6:40 p.m.   



Same Address,      Multi-Purpose Bldg., Room 1







Please Click here: Army's Ban on ... Raises....




Words from the Heart! 

  hearts 4 red ones on a string




By the way, I was blessed by your 'Dignity in Suffering' article.. Evangelist D H


Hey Dr. Lewis:    WOW! Now this is something to talk about for sure, I tell you we do know how to complain when we are suffering and even when we are not!  We as the children of the Father God should know that if we ask Him, He will help us get through all of the tough times as well as the good.  We need to be thankful for what the Lord Jesus did and follow His lead.  Lord help us (me) when times are tough and I don't know which way to go or what to do.  Love you! Evangelist L V

Thanks Dr. T. Jesus sure showed Dignity on the cross He had every reason to be angry with God and man praise God He never lost His faith. Praise God for you letting Him use you to bring good teaching every week.  S R


Hello Dr. Lewis, thanks for the mail I enjoy it all. F H





 Nuggets from the Lord!! 


Dr. Tonya Lewis May 2013  

Dr. Tonya Lewis, Speaking  



 Please Click Here To Hear A Word of Blessing!



Mediation is a confidential, voluntary process in which a neutral third party facilitates communication between people to resolve their disputes.




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Precious Nuggets

image treasure chest



The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education. Martin Luther King, Jr.



We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot. Eleanor Roosevelt


Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.

Napoleon Hill


We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far. Unknown


Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. Unknown


If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right. Henry Ford.


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To contact  One Faith Fellowship:


P. O. Box 56641
Los Angeles, Calif. 90056

