One Faith Fellowship




Dr. Tonya Lewis, Founder and CEO  



You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. -Wayne Gretzky

 Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. -Napoleon Hill 

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and enjoy the various links! 


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One Faith Fellowship Board of Directors April 13, 2013

L to R-- Lady Carolyn Webster          Lady Estella Smith     

Lady Terry Cox                                  Dr. Tonya Lewis
Lady Deborah Callahan   

Dr. Anita Turner                          Lady Michelle Whorton



1st Saturday Fellowship Gathering


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Speaker----Officer Stinson Brown   
  JANUARY 4TH, 2014


We would love to have you, your friends and family !

Followed by a Refreshment Reception!

U S Bank Community Building 
 (Slauson and Crenshaw)

5760 S. Crenshaw
Blvd.   LA, Calif., 90043
                THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                     

This Week's Featured Article 

Do You "DO IT"?

Volume 259        December 15, 2013



                  Do You "Do It"?      (1 of 5) 

It is easy to praise the Lord and to be happy, content and thankful when "things" are going our desired way!  


However, the true character, level of maturity and degree of faith one has is demonstrated when nothing seems to be going well or as desired.   

Praise Jesus

In Luke 1:46-And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord.

Mary had experienced an angelic visit.  


She had been given the huge and easily unbelievable promise that she would become the mother of Jesus, even though she was a

        preteen, virgin, poor and female; qualities which made her unsuitable in the eyes of others to be used mightily of God.     


She had also been told that her cousin Elizabeth who was aged and also an "unlikely person" to experience the miracle of God was also with child. 


   Do You "DO IT"?  (2 of 5) 

After visiting her cousin and witnessing the glory of God; Mary professed Luke 1:46.

We should readily and quickly give God praise and magnify the Lord for what we experience in our lives.  


To Magnify means:

"to make great," to enlarge it to more easily and better see it.  


daddy with arms around the world


          Since God is already larger than the entire universe; for us to magnify God means to enlarge our image of HIM and His presence in  our lives  since 99% of the time the image we have of God is too small and weak.    


We need to magnify our attention of His greatness!  


This will put us in awe EACH TIME we do so and will provoke a spirit of praise in our lives!  


We have SO MANY REASONS to magnify the name of the LORD; to love and praise Him.   


The more we practice magnifying and thanking the Lord, the more we will be sensitive to His presence and love in our lives and just how


       blessed we are, and to the fact that there are thousands of people who would love to experience our lives. 

               Do You "DO IT"?     (3 of 5)

Yes, no matter how little we have or how old it may be; countless others would love to be in our shoes.


Additional nuggets from our Luke 1:46 verse are: 1) And Mary said, My soul doth magnify...  

image men yelling at each other   

She declared, professed and did not wait on others to do so.  


To magnify the Lord and to have a grateful heart is an individual decision.  

After evaluating just how privileged she was and how the Lord had displayed His great love in her life; she decided in her heart and  

             then confessed her God-reverence stance with her lips.  


What are we deciding in our hearts and then declaring with our lips?  

Is it spiritually, physically and emotionally healthy?

                       Do You "DO IT"?       (4 of 4)
Are we speaking the words of Jesus over our lives for He said in John 6:63-The words that I speak to you are spirit, and are life. .... ... or  


     will we speak as Job did in 10:1-"I am disgusted with my life. Let me complain freely. My bitter soul must complain.  


What we decide and speak will determine the quality of our lives.  


talking to yourself 3


2)  What and who is the object of our praise? Is it the present security of marriage, professional success, educational accomplishments, financial status, etc.?  

                      While those possessions are the vehicle of our blessings; none of those is the "Engine" of our enjoyment.


Per James 1:17a-Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father.  


That means God is the "Engine" of our enjoyment. He should be the object of our praise and thanksgiving.


              Do You "DO IT"?     (5 of 5) 

While Daddy-God wants us to honor one another and to exhibit a spirit of thankfulness to them; He doesn't want us to lose our  

                        true focus on Him as the "Object" of our praise.


He as the "Object" of our praise means our souls will magnify the Lord! We will magnify Him for life, health and strength.  



We will magnify and thank Him for happiness and peace.




We will magnify Him for the activities of our limbs, minds, families, homes, finances, and for the endless list of blessings that He gives us.  


So, your response to the question of "Do You "Do It", do you magnify the Lord, should be yes and even become stronger and more readily as you mature in the Lord.  


Let's experience the daily blessings and recognize the daily manifestation of the glory of Daddy-God in our lives!  


"Do It"!  "Do It"! "Do It", for it is good for our bodies, minds and souls.



Make sure you are always saving some CASH!

Why not begin with the
52 Weeks Saving Challenge 

Week 1 is December 30, 2013 - January 5, 2014



Please Click here: Watch-- High-Tech Christmas Carol Goes Viral....





Tonya In red photo 


To: The Overcomers Bible Fellowship


Dr. Tonya Lewis, Teacher  


 Each Sunday Morning, 8:00 a.m.--10:00 a.m.


     West Angeles Church        

North Campus Sanctuary 


3045 S. Crenshaw Blvd.  


Los  Angeles,  Calif. 90016 

( Jefferson and Crenshaw)  




Sunday Evenings - 5:30-6:40 p.m.   



Same Address,        Multi-Purpose Bldg., Room 1






Dwight begins around 46.25  






attention stop
 "Nuggets for the Soul"
Previous Issues and Songs!!!  



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Hear Your Reminder Nuggets from the Lord!! 


Dr. Tonya Lewis March 2010  

Dr. Tonya Lewis 


Please Click on the Following Links: 


God Has Our Back 



God's Invitation to Rest 



Matters of the Heart  


Stop Tripping 


I Thirst


Anticipation of Expectation


Luke 23:43 part 2  


You Are Not The Only One!



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Your Offering to One Faith Fellowship


  money bag   


You may forward it to Dr. Tonya Lewis  
Or Mail it to 

One Faith Fellowship:

    P. O. Box 56641
Los Angeles, Calif. 90056



One Faith Fellowship is  a  501c3  religious  organization. 
You can receive Tax Credit.



Multiplied Blessings to you and yours!     Thank you!





Precious Nuggets

image treasure chest

God not only sees where you are, He sees where you can be.

Trust God. When we trust God, the future always holds hope.

Blessed to have a God that forgives. Praise him for his mercy. We don't deserve it. 

God has a great plan for your life. Trust Him.  


  You're invited  



View One Faith Fellowship's beautiful Celebration Recognitions photo show from:


June, 2012 


November, 2012 


APRIL, 2013  



Words from the Heart! 


  hearts 4 red ones on a string




Hello Dr. Lewis,   Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas! I really enjoyed reading this article, Are you making wise decisions? Love it, Love it, Love it!!! God is Amazing!!!Also, I enjoyed reading from the article, Jennifer Hudson on the Power of Faith and Family. Wonderful that she's received a star on Hollywood!! Good stuff.... F M


Subject: Re: Come On- Just Go Along for the Ride!   You're so awesome and have a way with words, a sense of humor, courage, integrity and strength who could ask for more, thank you. Now you got me in happy tears and laughter Praise God! LOL! Thank you for being that beacon of light I SO! SO! NEEDED! Love and Hugs,   E S 

Hey Dr. Lewis: Thanks for the good news today, and I will go along for the ride, as long as I know that my God is in control! We can sometimes want to go back to things that we think are better than where we are and make a big mess, so I think I will stay on this road with the Lord and be safe.  Love you!  L V


Subject: RE: Come On- Just Go Along for the Ride! Good evening Dr Lewis, As always it is such a pleasure receiving your informative God blessed e-mails.  M S


Thanks Dr. T. I want to come alone for the ride. I don't know what it is but God has a plan and purpose for my life. So much good reading and good information!  You do a super good job. .Jesus loves you. R S

Good morning Dr. Lewis: This Week Featured Article Come On- Just Go Along for the Ride! Is Excellent!  Excellent!  Well done!   I am on board for the ride and want the Lord to use me too!Dr. Lewis this is so good as well as November article.  Both articles speaks to my soul deepdown inside and has made me feel sooooooooo whole! 

                     BY LETTING GOD USES YOU, it has helped so many.   For me it has caused spiritual grow and inspired me in so MANY ways, Dr. Tonya-- If you only knew... Praise GOD Hallelujah!  I thank GOD for JESUS and I thank JESUS for YOU!   You are a rare and precious beautiful aroma mine dear teacher!  That is able to reach and teach to my spirit and soul! Praise God and blessing upon you for all you do!  Merry Christmas I love and appreciate you! For all that, you have done and are going, to do by letting God uses you!  The Master has a plan and His eye on you! Well done GOOD AND FAITH SERVANT! SE

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To contact  One Faith Fellowship:


P. O. Box 56641
Los Angeles, Calif. 90056

