One Faith Fellowship




Dr. Tonya Lewis, Founder and CEO 



Today I shall behave as though this day is the one by

which I shall be remembered. (Author unknown)




 No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.      

Eleanor Roosevelt


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Click on throughout the entire newsletter
and enjoy the various links! 


Click here to share your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you!



  2013 April Celebration Flyer  


2013 April Honorees Name     




1st Saturday Fellowship Gathering

Jonnie Crear
Evangelist Jonnie Crear

  April 6, 2013    1:15 p.m.   (New Start Time)
YOU, Your Friends and Family

Followed by a Refreshment Reception

U S Bank Community Building
 (Slauson and Crenshaw)

5760 S. Crenshaw
Blvd.   LA, Calif., 90043


    This Week's Featured Article



So, What Does That Mean?



     Volume 220               March 17, 2013

7 Words,  7 Women

 Good Friday Service
   March 29, 2013

   Jesus on the cross Dr. Tonya Lewis March 2010
                                      Dr. T Lewis, Speaker

Last 7 Words of Jesus

12:00 Noon

Pastor ELIZABETH Gregory 
1359 W 107th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90044-1603  

107th and Normandie--  
White Circle Church on the corner



        So, What Does That Mean?  (1 of 5) 



Romans 12:1--And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies (includes our spirit, soul, flesh and mind) to  


      God because of all He has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice-the kind He will find acceptable.  


       This is truly the way to worship Him. (NLT)  


directions many




That means: We will not want to make decisions and live our lives simply out of our desires, but will consult the  


                        Lord God Almighty for direction.



Please click here for: Romans 12:1 with lyrics

So, What Does That Mean?    (2 of 5)




It means: We will not give in to our desires to go any and all places; but will examine what impact our decisions will


        have on glorifying Daddy-God!  


We will not obey the undisciplined desires of our body that would attempt to convince us that we don't have to  


        keep our bodies under subjection or that it doesn't "Take All of That" to be holy and acceptable unto our God.   





We will overrule our minds which would prevent us from having quiet times with the Lord.  


We will tell ourselves NO, NO, NO when our flesh is screaming YES, YES, YES for wrong choices to be made!


 Please Click Here-- So very Cute----Listen to the response of this ,,,,, and follow suit!!     


            So, What Does That Mean?    (3 of 5) 



It means: We will choose not to hold on to unforgiveness and hatred against those who have done us wrong; but will  


         humble ourselves and ask for Daddy-God's help to become Overcomers in those areas.  

image Jesus praying for a man


It means: We will choose to see, love and understand people in the light of the love that Jesus has for them, rather than  


         disgracing and discarding them.  


We will control our attention and interests for those persons who are in committed relationships and respect their relationship unions.  


We will be careful of what we say and how we say it, so as not to wound one another with our words.



       So, What Does That Mean?      (4 of 5)



It means: We will really and truly live Christ-like lifestyles realizing that God is watching us and others are making eternal decisions


                based on how we "demonstrate" our eternal decisions.  


invitation yes or no



We will embrace the invitation to trust Jesus and to believe that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.  


We will be mature and realize that "Life Challenges" (trials, tribulations, sorrows, etc.) will occur in our lives; however  


               we will choose to handle them in a dignified faith manner, yet-possessing joy, hope and peace in our God.  





   So, What Does That Mean?  (5 of 5)


It means: We will entrust the care, saving of and deliverance of our family into the hands of the Lord; realizing that


         1) Our family members have free wills to choose their decision to serve God or not.  


        2) That the Holy Spirit will do ALL THAT HE CAN TO PERSUADE THEM to choose Jesus as He did to draw us to Jesus.  



growth clip art




We will continue to seek to grow and mature to become more and more like Jesus in all of our ways.  


If we find that we are enslaved in any of these named areas or other unnamed areas, we will choose to seek God's help for  


deliverance, because we DO CARE HOW WE LIVE OUR CHRISTIAN LIVES!!!










There are multiple links and will play 24/7 in random order around the clock.   



If you want to see or jump to other messages, put your cursor on the left side of the screen and you'll see all the links loaded to date.  


 Then if you click on one of them, the video will switch to the message you clicked on.   


If you put your cursor on the right side of the screen, you will see a list of other channels.


Click Here for: Check out the Overcomers Bible Fellowship link.


On the site click on Overcomers Fellowship TV  



Click Here for: Christians Ought to Cut the 'Christianese' Jargon, but Keep the Biblical Words Alive




Click Here for: The Black Billionaires 2013



After clicking on to the link click on the page to enlarge it.

Also, click on the arrow on the right or left to advance the pages.




Tonya In red photo 

 To: The Overcomers Bible Fellowship

Dr. Tonya Lewis, Teacher  


 Each Sunday Morning, 8:00 a.m.--10:00 a.m.

West Angeles Church       North  Campus Sanctuary 


3045 S. Crenshaw Blvd.  


Los  Angeles,  Calif. 90016 

( Jefferson and Crenshaw)  




Sunday Evenings-5:30-6:40 p.m.  

Same Address,        Multi-Purpose Bldg., Room 1







Why Not Medicate Yourself by Laughing? 



  laughter women



A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength. Proverbs 17:22  




Click here-- Let Me OUT OF HERE!!! Funny, funny, funny  





Your Offering to One Faith Fellowship


  money 3     

You may forward it to Dr. Tonya Lewis  
Or Mail it to 

One Faith Fellowship:

    P. O. Box 56641
Los Angeles, Calif. 90056



One Faith Fellowship is  a  501c3  religious  organization. 
You can receive Tax Credit.



Multiplied Blessings to you and yours!     Thank you!





Just click below on the 


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 and share this  NEWSLETTER with  YOUR  




  Thank you~








Precious Nuggets   

treasure chest

Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.    Brian Tracy

Life can be pulled by goals just as surely as it can be pushed by drives. Viktor Frank

There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something.
   Henry Ford

Words from the Heart! 

heart in glass hands



Subject: Re: Trusting God Will...Thanks, Dr. Lewis for the Nuggets for your Soul: Trusting God... L R


Hello Dr .T. Thanks got my newsletter. You are so faithful. Good message. You all got it good. I celebrate you and all of you. God Bless you. So glad to be a part of you all. You are cute. I believe in you. I trust God I believe you speak healing and Blessing for me thanks for not giving up on me. Love and Blessing to you. R S


Subject: Re: Trusting God Will... Thank you Dr. Tonya. This nugget was a big blessing for my soul. May God continue to bless and inspire you as you touch and inspire us all. I love you, baby! Dr. G C



Hey Dr. Lewis,
WOW!  Thanks for the wonderful word for the day!  What a blessing! You know it would be a great thing to trust in God's will for us all the time and we would not have any problems what so ever, but we have a way of going back and fourth with it.  I know we have to keep trying and this is a learning process so I for one am going to put all I have into trusting God! and not my own thoughts and mind.
love you lot's!  L V 


 "Nuggets for the Soul"
Previous Issues and Songs!!! 


Who Is One Faith Fellowship?



To Email One Faith Fellowship, (Click Here)




Receive the Word from the Lord!!! 


Dr. Tonya Lewis Feb 2013     


Click Here for: WATCH: Dr Tonya Lewis Speaking--Matters of the Heart






Click here for Message--Anticipation of Expectation

  Dr. Tonya Lewis




View our beautiful photo show from the  

One Faith Fellowship's November, 2012 Celebration Recognitions.


Click here to view: November 2012 Celebration Recognition Brunch!  







Dr. Lewis:  It was my pleasure to produce this PhotoShow for your and your event attendees.

Love, LaRhonda Amos  


Click Here for: Photos of the One Faith Fellowship June 2012 Celebration Recognitions  



From Inspiration Today

Congratulations Dr. Tonya Lewis





Dr. Tonya Lewis Speaking!   



Dr. Tonya Lewis Sept 2010



We Have Been Given...... Please click here! 





Take a Look

 Dr. Tonya Lewis March 2010  


Dr. Tonya Lewis

Dr. Tonya Lewis hosting a T V  talk-show!




Check this Out! Part 3 (Click Here)



Dr. Tonya Lewis and Dr Gabriel "...On Single Mothers" (Click Here) 




You Tube1 


Check Out These You-Tubes



Dr. Tonya Lewis/Dr Gabe "...On Out of Control Living!" -Click here 



Dr. Tonya Lewis Interviewing Dr. Gabriel Crenshaw - Professional Therapist (Please click here) 



Find us on Facebook

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To contact  One Faith Fellowship:


P. O. Box 56641
Los Angeles, Calif. 90056

