One Faith Fellowship



 Dr. Tonya Lewis March 2010     

Dr. Tonya Lewis, Founder and CEO 



Today I shall behave as though this day is the one by

which I shall be remembered. (Author unknown)




 No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.      

Eleanor Roosevelt



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entire newsletter and

enjoy the various links



Click here to share your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you!





1st Saturday Fellowship Gathering

Elder George Davis

January 5th, 2013          12:30 p.m.


YOU, Your Friends and Family

Followed by a Refreshment Reception

U S Bank Community Building
 (Slauson and Crenshaw)

5760 S. Crenshaw
LA, Calif., 90043


View our beautiful photo show from the  

One Faith Fellowship's November, 2012 Celebration Recognitions.


Click here to view: November 2012 Celebration Recognition Brunch!  




This Week's Featured Article         



Y O U   Have  Been  Given  Privileges!      




     Volume 208                 December 23, 2012     



       Y O U  Have Been Given Privileges!  (1 of 5)    



Privileges are the opportunities, advantages or benefits enjoyed by some people over others.  



We love the privilege of being called to the front of a long line, knowing the most influential persons in situations where


             their assistance is needed, being able to secure what others are seeking to obtain, etc.  


Happy People


We love privileges in the areas we desire!  


However, it is during these times we sometimes forget that we are blessed with the "Favor of Privilege" and if we are not careful,  


              we will think that "I" made that happen and "I" am the reason I received that.  


But privileges are love-dipped opportunities from our Heavenly Father!



Please click here for: Louise Candy Davis "I'm Blessed"


Y O U Have Been Given Privileges!  (2 of 5)


We are told in Philippians 1:29--


          For you have been given not only the privilege of trusting in Christ but also the privilege of suffering for Him.  


Trusting in Christ is a privilege which offers us a stress-free and unworried state of being.  


trust colors  


We are offered the privilege of embracing joy, peace, faith and the assurance that as we submit our lives into His hands and allow  


    Him to manifest what is best for our lives- He will do just that!  


Yet, just as we celebrate and are happy with the "Joy of Privileges", Daddy-God wants to remind us of another kind of  


     privilege that WE MUST ALSO equally embrace and not overlook.


 Please Click Here--Old Time Gospel Music-Old Rugged Cross- with Lyrics  

           You Have Been Given Privileges!      (3 of 5)

Our scripture also mentions the "Privilege of Suffering for Him".  


Suffering not because of doing wrong, but because we are Christians.  


The Apostles in Acts 5:41 departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame


       for His name.  


We are told in James 1:2-Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials (sufferings) of various kinds.  


Scholar Gill notes "Count it all joy-not the temptations of Satan or temptations to sin; for these cannot be matters of joy,  


     but grief; these are fiery darts and give a great deal of trouble.  


trial and tribulation  stormy times


But afflictions and persecutions for the sake of the Gospel-because they are trials of the faith of God's people.  


God, in these particular situations tests His people as He did Abraham, when He called him to sacrifice his son.  


God thereby tried his faith, fear, love, and obedience.


 Y O U    Have Been Given Privileges!      (4 of 5)   


So by sufferings, God tries the faith of His people; not that He might know them, for He is not ignorant of them, but that they 


          might be made manifest to others.  


Many are the afflictions of the righteous and through much tribulation we must enter the kingdom.  


happy woman




The Apostle exhorts the Christian to count it all joy, even of the greatest joy; not that these afflictions were joyous in themselves,  


        but within their circumstances and consequences; as we are tried, exercised and worked for our good; spiritually and eternally  


         produced by them is the peaceable fruit of righteousness."


"Be not therefore terrified by your enemies; they can do nothing to you which God will not turn to your eternal advantage." (Clark)




      Y O U  
Have Been Given Privileges!   (5 of 5)   


So, along life's journey to our eternal rewards, we will experience "Life Issues", "Life Challenges", and "Life Sufferings"!  


But we are told in John 16:33-  


                 I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me (Christ). Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.  


                But take heart, because I have overcome the world."  


Jesus Embracing man


So, whether we experience the privilege of trusting in Christ or of suffering for Him, we have the blessed reminder of  


Hebrews 13:5- I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee!








Click Here for: **NEW** Joy To The World (LIVE) - Beverly Crawford




Click Here for: Gospel Artist Yolanda Adams Leads a Tent Crusade to...


Simple Beautiful

Pray the video






Tonya In red photo 

 To: The Overcomers Bible Fellowship

Dr. Tonya Lewis, Teacher  


 Each Sunday Morning, 8:00 a.m.--10:00 a.m.

West Angeles Church       North  Campus Sanctuary 


3045 S. Crenshaw Blvd.  


Los  Angeles,  Calif. 90016 

( Jefferson and Crenshaw)  




Sunday Evenings-5:30-6:40 p.m.  

Same Address,        Multi-Purpose Bldg., Room 1







Why Not Medicate Yourself by Laughing? 



  laughing crowd



A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength. Proverbs 17:22  




Click here-- Do You Want A Slice?  





Your Offering to One Faith Fellowship


  money offering 2     

You may forward it to Dr. Tonya Lewis  
Or Mail it to 

One Faith Fellowship:

    P. O. Box 56641
Los Angeles, Calif. 90056



One Faith Fellowship is  a  501c3  religious  organization. 
You can receive Tax Credit.



Multiplied Blessings to you and yours!     Thank you!





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Precious Nuggets   


treasure chest


A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart.
       - Johann Wolfgang Goethe, from "Faust"



You can't expect people to look eye to eye with you if you are looking down on them.
       - Anonymous


You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you can by what others say about him.
       - Anonymous



Words from the Heart!   


heart in glass hands



Subject: RE: Lord, Thank You for Choices.     





Hey Dr. Lewis:  Thanks for the words of encouragement today!  I really needed that. Just went through something of that sort and I tell you it kind of hurts, and it really hurts when you have to hold your peace as the Lord will have you do in some cases!  This really helped me because I know I heard in my spirit they are heaping coals up on their own heads!  Don't worry about it.  It really is a blessing how the Lord can use His Word to heal like that!  Thanks again, and I am praying for the person every day! (Good things of course)

love you lot's! V L 


 "Nuggets for the Soul"
Previous Issues and Songs!!! 






Click here for Message--Anticipation of Expectation

  Dr. Tonya Lewis




To Email One Faith Fellowship, (Click Here)



Who Is One Faith Fellowship?


Dr. Lewis:  It was my pleasure to produce this PhotoShow for your and your event attendees.

Love, LaRhonda Amos  


Click Here for: Photos of the One Faith Fellowship 2012 Celebration Recognitions  



From Inspiration Today

Congratulations Dr. Tonya Lewis





Dr. Tonya Lewis Speaking!   



Dr. Tonya Lewis Sept 2010



We Have Been Given...... Please click here! 





Take a Look

 Dr. Tonya Lewis March 2010  



Dr. Tonya Lewis

Dr. Tonya Lewis hosting a T V  talk-show!




Check this Out! Part 3 (Click Here)



Dr. Tonya Lewis and Dr Gabriel "...On Single Mothers" (Click Here) 




You Tube1 


Check Out These You-Tubes



Dr. Tonya Lewis/Dr Gabe "...On Out of Control Living!" -Click here 



Dr. Tonya Lewis Interviewing Dr. Gabriel Crenshaw - Professional Therapist (Please click here) 



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attention 4
To contact  One Faith Fellowship:


P. O. Box 56641
Los Angeles, Calif. 90056

