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From the FSF Blog                              November 19, 2014

On November 14, the Free State Foundation held a policy seminar at the National Press Club entitled "Thinking the Unthinkable: Imposing the 'Utility Model' on Internet Providers." At the seminar, Rep. Bob Latta, Vice Chairman of the House Communications and Technology Committee, and FCC Commissioners Ajit Pai and Michael O'Rielly delivered opening remarks.    


In their remarks, they addressed a wide range of concerns surrounding classification of Internet providers under the Title II utility model. These included (but were not limited to) diminished investment and innovation incentives; a decrease in consumer choice; the prospect of rate regulation of Internet services and higher prices; the likelihood that consumers will experience an increase in Universal Service fees and other taxes; the difficulties of implementing forbearance; and the prospect that other countries will use the FCC's action to justify increased Internet regulation.     


The video containing the remarks of Rep. Latta and Commissioners Pai and O'Rielly is below:


Opening Addresses at the November 2014 Free State Foundation's Policy Seminar
Opening Addresses at the November 2014 Free State Foundation's Policy Seminar


Following the opening addresses, a lively panel discussion took place. 

Our expert panelists were:
Robert Crandall, Nonresident Senior Fellow of the Economic Studies Program at Brookings Institution, and member of FSF's Board of Academic Advisors; Gerald Faulhaber, Professor Emeritus of Business Economics and Public Policy at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and former FCC Chief Economist; Deborah Taylor Tate, FSF Distinguished Adjunct Senior Fellow and former FCC Commissioner; and Michael Weinberg, Vice President of Public Knowledge.


The video of the panel discussion is below:


November 2014 Free State Foundation's Policy Seminar Panel Discussion
November 2014 Free State Foundation's Policy Seminar Panel Discussion


Separate printed versions of the opening remarks are also available below.


Rep. Bob Latta's speech is available here.

FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai's speech is available here.

FCC CommissionerMichael O'Rielly's speech is available here.


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