Community Supported Agriculture

In This Issue

3:00pm - 7:00pm

Brox Farm Stand
1276 Broadway Road
Dracut, MA
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Summer is here!
Apricots at Hill Orchard. About 4 weeks to go!


This week, the first week of June, feels more like spring than did the whole summery month of May. This week also is the last week of our spring share. Most of the season the spring share included items stored underground or in a cellar through the long winter, or items that were grown in the protection of a greenhouse. Now, as the season is progressing, more and more of the items are coming directly from the fields.


It is a real challenge to grow in the winter and early spring. Temperature and clouds play a huge role in what grows well and what does not. This winter was particularly cold and cloudy. As a result, the warm sun loving crops of tomatoes and cucumbers grew very slowly. Next year we will be seeding those crops about two weeks earlier so that we will hopefully harvest the first cucumbers in March and the first tomatoes in April. The greenhouse greens did not mind the cool cloudy weather so much. But, by May it became just too hot in the greenhouses, more so than the typical May. We typically grow our greens as a mixture. This season we planted the beet greens and baby kale alone instead of just as a mix. Next season we will grow each different item alone to be custom mixed later. Each plant reacts differently to each season's conditions. Planting them alone will allow us to care for them better and harvest each at its best size rather than when the average of the mix is ready. After harvest hopefully everyone will also enjoy more of their favorite items in their mix.


Looking forward into the main season of the CSA, things are looking great. We were very concerned with the slow melting of the snow and slow warm up of the spring. But, the warmth of May has made up for it all. There are blossoms on the first squash and in a fortnight we should be harvesting the first. Some lettuce, kale, chard and other greens will be ready for harvest next week also. For fruit, we still have some of our Cortland apples in storage and will enjoy the last of them this month. The strawberries will be ready by the middle of the month. The first raspberries will be ready later in the month along with our first harvest of apricots. The peaches, plums and nectarines all look unscathed by the frigid winter and will be sure to sweeten the summer. Moving from spring to summer brings sweet joy to us all.


To summer!

Farmer Dave


Season Kick off and Strawberry Picking at Farmer Dave's


Saturday, June 20th

9am - 12pm

Farmer Dave's

437 Parker Road

Dracut, MA


Is there a better way to kick off the summer than with strawberries? We don't think so and we think you'll agree!

On June 20th join Farmer Dave's for a fun morning at the farm.

Time: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. (Heavy rains will cancel the event)

Place: 437 Parker Road, Dracut MA 01826

Bring/Wear: Mud-friendly, closed-toed footwear. Sunscreen and water.

We'll walk out to the strawberry patch together, pick some sweet strawberries that you can take home with you, and then head back to the barn to enjoy some snacks, vegetables on the grill and of course, strawberry shortcake!

We'll have games and crafts for the kids, a longer tour of the farm for those who are interested (leaves promptly at 9am), food, drinks and be sure to say hello to Farmer Dave's pet goats!

Of course, we'll be able to answer your CSA questions.

Please R.S.V.P on the Facebook event or via email by Wednesday, June 16th.


In Your Share: Week 14
Beautiful June Veggies
The following items may make an appearance in your shares this week.  The actual contents of your share may differ based on harvest conditions.  As always Mother Nature ultimately dictates what is available.
  • Arugula
  • Broccoli Rabe
  • Bok Choy or Tatsoi (heads from the field)
  • Spinach (there will be a lot of spinach this week. Check out the tips on how to easily freeze for later below)
  • Cucumbers
  • Chives
  • Oregano
  • and Tomatoes (if we're lucky)

Unsure what's in your share? Check out our produce ID guide for help identifying any new to you vegetables. You'll be a CSA pro in no time!  



Storage Notes:



Here is a quick and easy tip for freezing spinach to use later.

  1. Remove stems and tear into smaller pieces. Wash and spin dry to remove any lingering field dust.
  2. Place washed spinach in a microwaveable bowl and cover loosely. Microwave on high for 2 minutes. Allow to cool.
  3. Drain and squeeze out excess liquid. Wrap tightly in parchment paper, squeezing out air as you go. Place in a ziplock bag and freeze. Will store well for 3-4 months or longer if you use a vacuum seal system.
Last week of the spring share!


This week marks the last week of the spring share. Please take a look around and return any of the Farmer Dave's green plastic bins that you may have forgotten to return earlier in the season.


If you will not be joining us for the main season vegetable and fruit shares, please bring grocery bags with you to transport your share home and leave the plastic bin at your pick up.


Now is also the perfect time to register for your vegetable and fruit shares if you haven't already done so. If you're not sure if you're registered or if you have a balance remaining just shoot us an email or give us a call at 978-349-1952 and we'll be happy to help you out!  


We also have opened up a lot of new convenient pick up locations this season. If you would like us to move your pick up to another location more convenient to you we'll be happy to switch you to the new location.
Clean Out Your Fridge Frittata

By Farmer Dave's. This is a great way to clean out your fridge of vegetables prior to the start of the main season vegetable shares. Easy to modify to use anything that you have on hand.
  •  2 Tablespoons olive oil or butter
  • 6 small potatoes, sliced thinly
  • 1 cup torn fresh spinach or other green (tatsoi or broccoli rabe are good substitutes)
  • 2 Tablespoons sliced green onions or chives
  • 1 teaspoon crushed garlic
  • 6 eggs
  • 1/3 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup shredded cheese (cheddar, gruyere, feta or goat cheese all work well)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  1. Heat olive oil or butter in a medium oven proof skillet over medium heat. Place potatoes in the skillet, cover and cook for 10-15 minutes until the potatoes are softened and beginning to brown. Add spinach, garlic, green onion and salt and pepper to taste. Continue cooking 1-2 minutes until spinach is wilted.
  2. In a medium bowl, whisk together eggs and milk. Pour over the vegetables in the skillet. Sprinkle top with cheese. Reduce heat to low. Cover and cook for 5 minutes or until the eggs are beginning to set around the edges.
  3. Remove cover and place in pre-heated oven with broiler set to low. Broil for 5 minutes until frittata has puffed and eggs are firm.
For more ideas check out our recipe blog or follow us on Pinterest!

Have a great recipe that you'd like us to feature in the weekly newsletter? Email it to Ginger or share it with your fellow CSA members on our facebook page. Be sure to include a photo!
Groundwork Share-a-Share Update
Thanks to generous donations by you (CSA members) to the Groundwork Share-A-Share™ fund, we were able to subsidize the cost of shares in 2014 for over thirty individuals and families, as well as shares for local food pantries.

Please consider helping us in our efforts to make the CSA accessible to more families by donating to Groundwork Share-A-Share.


To learn more about the program,  click here.


Thank you all for helping us keep this program going in 2015!  


Contact Us:

Farmer Dave's CSA
437 Parker Road
Dracut, MA 01826

(978) 349-1952