The GIRLS Issue | Spring 2013

editor's note 

The Girls Issue features a collection of artists using their work to bring awareness to the complex experiences girls face around the world. 


Although the challenges our girls confront daily often seem insurmountable and heartbreaking, the artists and writers in this issue remind us that if there is one continuous thread that connects all of their stories, it is resilience. 


And yet we know resilience isn't enough. We know this because we continue to see the headlines: Ethiopian girls married off at age nine; Afghanistan girls poisoned for wanting an education; American girls trafficked as sex slaves; Mexican girls disappear by the hundreds; and a Pakistani girl is shot point blank in the head for going to school. 


Then there are the stories that don't make the headlines. There are the girls we never hear about because they are silenced, censored, imprisoned, or killed. These are the stories--the unknowns--that trouble me most. 


I wish that the Girls Issue was all about stories of hope. It is not. The truth is, there is much more trauma that exists. It is my hope that one day an issue focused on the challenges our girls still confront won't be needed. 


Grace Aneiza Ali

a girl from Guyana



OF NOTE features global artists using the arts as tools for social change. The magazine is a digital space where art meets activism, empowerment, and social responsibility. Read more. . .


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Summer 2013 | Artist of The Middle East
Fall 2013| Artists for The Environment 
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  By Mikael Awake
 By Misha McGlown



  By Grace Aneiza Ali


  South Africa

  By Kimberly Burge



  By Zoraida Lopez


 By Grace Aneiza Ali


 Cuba | New York 
  By Grace Aneiza Ali


  By Grace Aneiza Ali


 Canada | South Africa | India
 By LeRonn Phillip Brooks
 By Grace Aneiza Ali
OF NOTE Magazine is freely accessible to readers across the globe, free of advertising, and free of subscriptions--all made possible by generous supporters like you. Please consider making a tax-deductible gift. 


OF NOTE Magazine is a fiscally sponsored organization of Artspire, a program of the New York Foundation for the Arts, a 501 (c) (3), tax-exempt organization. New York Foundation for the Arts's Federal Tax ID# is 23-7129564. All donations are 100% tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.