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As November is upon us I often wonder where the time has gone?  We are now starting the holiday season and then tax time is upon us.  This year the requirements to file 1099's for business owners is the "thing" to be prepared for.  As the IRS is very cash hungry they will be assessing penalties for not filing these forms.  Contact us if you would like help or need more information visit:



We wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving!!


Tammy & Staff

November 2013

Avoid the Three Biggest Sales Mistakes and Close More Business


Every sales lead is precious.  It takes a lot to get people's attention these days, and once a lead or prospect comes in your door, you've accomplished that hurdle, but now you have another one:  getting the business.  To ensure you can turn those prospects into paying customers as often as possible, here are three mistakes we can all learn from and avoid at the very beginning of the sales process. 


#1 Tech-Speak


Every industry has its own vocabulary.  For example, pool service companies talk about "shock," booster pumps, and cyanuric acid levels.  If the salesperson starts slinging too many of these words around, the new pool owner is going to freak out. 


Worse, you can end up going down a technical conversational path that derails the sale and has you answering all sorts of educational questions that the prospect doesn't even need to know about if they hired you.  It's a sort of foxhole you don't want to go down, at least not during a sales call, and especially not during the very first interaction with a prospect.


Continuing our example, a pool owner's goals are usually that they want their pool looking awesome and safe to swim in. Although your business is likely to be far more complex than your prospect realizes, they will be scared away if you overwhelm them and sound like you will be difficult to work with.   Instead, focus on their goals and how your services meet their goals.      


#2 Lack of Interest


If your staff is tired when they answer the phone or if they simply answer the questions of the prospect and wait for them to ask the next question, then you're likely to make a ho-hum impression on that prospect.  It will feel like your company is not interested in them. 


A great salesperson - or even receptionist -- will answer a prospect's questions, and will go further to find out more about the prospect's situation.   Establish a rapport by finding something in common with your prospect.  Perhaps you went to the same college, grew up in the same neighborhood, or attended the same church.  


Then find out about the business issue to be solved.  What are their goals?  Ask them for the big picture so that you understand where they're coming from before you get into the details.   This will make for a great start to the sales process as well as your relationship.   


#3 Lack of Preparation


You may have called a vendor in hopes of finding out more about what they have to offer, only to discover they are not ready.  This typically happens with new business owners or new staff.  If the staff does not know the answers to the most basic of questions, then you could have a problem. 


Prepare a list of questions that your staff is likely to get, and write in the answers so they will have this cheat sheet in front of them when they field calls.  This will allow your employees to speak more confidently and more accurately with prospects. 


Be sure they also know how to best handle the question we all love, "How much do you charge?"  Providing a good answer to this question requires extra skills.  You might consider putting together a sales script to handle that question or even putting your employees through some basic sales training. 


Check to see if you need to avoid any of these three selling mistakes, and you'll be on your way to more sales. 


If you have any question regarding this article or anything else related to QuickBooks, bookkeeping or your business, don't hesitate to call us.

Tammy Foley

Bookkeeping Services