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The Queen's Chronicles
July/August 2014
In This Issue
Hail Queens!
Finding the Way Home to Myself
Judyth's Party
The Laughter of Women
The Queen's Court
Ceremonial tools & supplies from around the world 

For All Your 
Ritual Needs

Free Gift!

All orders over $50 
placed by August 31, 2014 -
will receive my
Blue Peace of Mind Blessing Oil.


Use this oil to aid in stilling frenzied thoughts and calming and focusing the mind.



Click HERE to shop. 

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Donna Henes is an internationally renowned urban shaman, award-winning author, popular speaker and workshop leader whose joyful celebrations of celestial events have introduced ancient traditional rituals and contemporary ceremonies to millions of people in more than 100 cities since 1972. She has published four books and currently writes for the Huffington Post, Beliefnet and UPI (United Press International) Religion and Spirituality Forum, and serves as ritual consultant for television and films. Mama Donna, as she is affectionately called, maintains a ceremonial center, spirit shop, ritual practice and consultancy in Exotic Brooklyn, NY where she offers intuitive tarot readings and spiritual counseling and works with individuals, groups, institutions, municipalities and corporations to create meaningful ceremonies for every imaginable occasion.


"All hail the Queen: New York City's celebrated celebrator of all seasons, Mama Donna Henes! This urban shaman has delivered an archetype for women who no longer identify with the childbearing Mother Goddess nor feel ready to assume the heavy mantle of the wise, old Crone." 

- DancingWorld

Book Cover Big 
The Queen of My Self is now available in all E-book formats: Kindle, Nook Book and Apple 

Do you have a Kindle? 


Buy The Queen of My Self
print edition on Amazon and get the Kindle ebook for only $1.99 
(normally $6.99).

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The offer also applies to readers who have already purchased the print version through Amazon!   


Visit the Kindle Store 
for details. 


Buy the print version  HERE.

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"I have just returned from 5 days of backpacking and your book was at the top of my pack! I devoured it in the 5 days, reflecting as I walked for 7 hours, on what I had read the night before. Amazing! I love the way you clearly supported your ideas of the Queen with sound evidence. It is written clearly, allowing the reader to understand yet not be bogged down in facts. This is an enjoyable book and not written in the traditional self-help style!"

- Jenn, New Zealand


The Queen's Chronicles

Offers upbeat, practical and ceremonial inspiration for all women who want to enjoy
the fruits of an influential, passionate, and powerful maturity.


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if you would please forward
The Queen's Chronicles
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The Queen's Chronicles.  

It is offered freely  

from the heart.


However, if you welcome  

and value this work  

and want to support it, please feel free  

to make a donation  

to keep it going and growing.


Your help confirms the importance of our community of Queens

and I am ever grateful.




A very grateful welcome to all our new donors this month!  

Red indicates new or renewed donors:
Randi Anderson, NY
Marin Bach-Antonson, NY
c. bangs, NY

Tracey Baum-Wicks, NY   

Michelle Berlin, CT

Diane Blaha, NY 

Elana Marie Carnes, NY 

Sheila Cohill, NJ
Susan Corso, MA
Charoula Dontopoulos, OH
Gail Dunlap, OH
Sherli Evans, CA
Margaret Flanagan, NY
Goddess Temple of Staten Island, NY
Naomi Grupp, DC
Judyth Hill, Mexico 
Cheryl Jenni, CO
Daile Kaplan, NY
Elysa Kaufman, NY  
Elfie Knecht, NY
Betty Krulick, NY 
Marya Leonard, NY 
Dorothea Lutz, PA

Linda Marks, NY
Dominique Mazeaud, NM
Virginia Mc Allister, NY   
Melissa O'Grady, OH
Gloria Orenstein, CA
Janice Pemberton, NY

Adeline Penn, CA

Lyn Pentecost, NY

Donna Fontanarose Rabuck, AZ
Renae Rebechini, IL
Lynne Schwartz, OR
Pamela Sichel, CO 
Weslea Sidon, ME
Nancy Strode, CA

Dani Sutliff, WI
Terese Svoboda, NY

Gail Wasserman, NY 

Patricia Worth, MA

Sharon Whitewood, AZ

Suzanne Zuckerman, NY 

present box purple 
The Queen's Chronicles
and help The Queen's Chronicles maintain its mission to promote meaning, moxie, magic, and majesty to women in midlife.




"I can feel better and I can feel that my life become a little bit brighter now. Thanks to you I can see the light in the tunnel."

- Jacek, Poland


Are you looking for
meaning, moxie, magic & majesty in midlife?

The Midlife Midwife™ 

bio portrait  

The transition from Maiden and Mother to Queen can be a difficult one, fraught with hard lessons and lots of loss. It takes great determination and courage to confront and embrace the changes brought about by the midlife passage.


It can be really helpful during this confusing time to have the inspiration, advice and encouragement of a counselor/coach/mentor - someone who has been there and done that and is ready to help you do the same.


Queen Mama Donna offers upbeat, practical and ceremonial guidance for individual women and groups who want to enjoy the fruits of an enriching, influential, purposeful, passionate, and powerful maturity.




For further information, click HERE.
Sessions are available in person, by phone and skype.  
To make an appointment,  
call 718-857-1343  
or email the Queen at 


"One is happy as a result of one's own efforts once one knows the necessary ingredients of happiness: simple tastes, a certain degree of courage, self denial to a point, love of work, and above all, a clear conscience." 

George Sand [pen name of Amantine-Aurore-Lucile Dupin]
with Mama Donna

Red Telephone




Lessons in practical spirituality
that offer no-nonsense approaches and practices to help you live your daily life in a consciously
(and conscientiously)

sacred manner.

$5 PER Download
(plus PayPal fee)
Back Issues Sale!

Always in Season 
Living in Sync with the Cycles

A Quarterly Journal by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman

1999 - 2006  

"A Gem.

A fresh highlight
of the independent
and alternative media."

- Utne Reader 

Order the complete 32-issue set for only $32

Free shipping! 
(U.S. only)

Order HERE.

Crowned Queens at Isis Institute, TX
Austin, TX Queens





A tarot reading is the next best thing!
TAROT SALE AUG. 1st - 31st 


Mama Donna is offering special intuitive Tarot Readings
with a 1/3 discount off the regular price. In person, by phone, or by Skype.


CLICK HERE to learn more about the August Tarot Special! 

~Gift Certificates Available~ 

For info: 718-857-1343






Tuesday, 7:00 pm  



Learn how to protect yourself against the predators and parasites who steal away your personal power and resolve.  

Mama Donna's Tea 

Garden & Healing Haven

Park Slope, Exotic Brooklyn  


Advance registration required



1/3 off for September Birthdays. In person, by phone, or by Skype.
Click HERE to learn more.  


 ~ Gift Certificates Available ~ 

For info: 718-857-1343





Monday, 6:30 PM



A family friendly event. Please bring kids, dogs, drums and percussion instruments.  

Grand Army Plaza  

Park slope, Exotic Brooklyn

For info: 718-857-1343









Tuesday, 7:00 pm




Learn how to protect yourself against the predators and parasites who steal away your personal power and resolve.


Mama Donna's Tea 

Garden & Healing Haven

Park Slope, Exotic Brooklyn



Advance registration required






Bring the Queen to You!

Book Queen Mama Donna
for a reading, presentation, ritual, workshop, or keynote address at your next meeting, conference or retreat. 


The Queen will be available for Tarot Readings in Boston on September 8 & 9.

Time slots are minimal, so reserve yours NOW!

Call her at 718-857-1343
or e-mail her.

More info here.
donna speaking


Can a room filled with women ever be completely silent? The answer is: if Mama Donna is talking, yes! Mama Donna kept 40 of us enchanted, enthralled and empowered throughout her workshop, 'Queen of My Self.' Long live the Queen(s)!

- Amber Grey, Co-Chair

Unitarian Universalist Womenspirit Institute

HIghlands, NC




specializing in all manner of elegant, practical, and frivolous goods to fulfill all the royal needs and fantasies of
The Queen of Your Self. Therein you will find a choice collection of goods to augment and accessorize your royal prerogative.

Anoint, Adorn, Enjoy! 

SHOP on CafePress

In addition to the elegant offerings at

There is now also a

Kitchenware, business accoutrements, stylish accessories, and assorted items both useful and whimsical. 
Travel Mug
Shop till you drop without ever having to get dressed! 

Read and listen to  
Queen Mama Donna's words  
of information
& inspiration.
Red indicates new additions.

Regular Syndicated Columns:

Always in Season
Ask Your Mama

The Queen of My Self: Meaning, Moxie and Majesty for Midlife Women

Recent Articles about QMD: 

Recent Articles by QMD:

Recent Radio Interviews:


The Queen of My Self
was named as a Best Ezine!

Mama Donna's website
received a
Best Spiritual Site Award!

Queen Mama Donna and The Queen's Chronicles were named Baby Boom Woman Blogger To Watch Out For
by Virtual Woman's Day!


It is my hope that as more and more women
rise to reign
in the fullest potential 
of our supremacy, we will harness our purpose,
passion, and power and direct it toward
creating a more balanced and peaceful world. 
This is the legacy of Her majesty.
- QMD 
Turn Your  
Midlife Crisis
Your Crowning Achievement! 
10 Ways To Be Happy


1. INTEND TO BE HAPPY. Intention is key.


2. AFFIRM YOUR INTENTION. Create an affirmation to keep you connected to your intention.


3. REPEAT YOUR AFFIRMATION. Like a mantra, affirmations work to reframe the brain.



Remember, this should be the worst thing that ever happens to you!


5. DON"T WASTE THE ENERGY. Worrying is like praying for what you do not want. Energy goes where you send it.


It is contagious!



Concentrate on the good things in your life.



It makes you feel good to be good.



Do something you love.


10. SMILE!  

The smile muscles actually create endorphins in your brain to make you feel good.


Don't Worry, Be Happy

Crow Flag  
Hail Queens!







I am a happy camper. This is not say that my life has been easy. Anything but. But being happy is a choice that I made. It was my decision to be a happy person. And given the choice - as we all are - who wouldn't choose to be happy?


However, in my decades as a spiritual counselor I have seen all too often that many women do not make that choice. They are bound and determined to be miserable. And, although I am compassionate and empathetic, I have to admit that I just don't get it.


Given what we know of the world and the dismal, frightening, traumatic lives imposed on so many women in so many places, how can we not be grateful and filled with joy? We could have been born in Afghanistan, for heaven's sake. Or in Darfur. Where is our perspective?


Perspective is key to being happy. Perspective comes with age, with experience, with maturity, and wisdom. This is one reason that happiness increases with age. According to a major new study from University of Chicago sociologists, older people are the happiest on earth.


"The good news is that with age comes happiness," study author Yang Yang told The Associated Press. "Life gets better in one's perception as one ages."


There are various theories as to why this might be so. Older people have fewer arguments. We envision better solutions to conflict. We are better at controlling our emotions, better at accepting misfortune and less prone to anger and self-pity. 
We learn to accept life as it comes. We are easier on our own foibles and wrinkles, as well s those of others.

Another explanation, is that we have come to understand only too well that we are mortal beings - something younger folks rarely conceive. Laura Carstensen, professor of psychology at Stanford University, talks of "the uniquely human ability to recognize our own mortality and monitor our own time horizons."

Because we know we are closer to death, we grow better at living for the present. We come to focus on things that matter now - such as feelings, relationships, personal interests, passions, and pleasures - and less on long-term goals.

Andrew J. Oswald, a professor of psychology at Warwick Business School in England, who has published several studies on human happiness, called the findings important and, in some ways, heartening. "It's a very encouraging fact that we can expect to be happier in our early 80s than we were in our 20s," he said. "And it's not being driven predominantly by things that happen in life. It's something very deep and quite human that seems to be driving this."

I would say that that deep human quality is the capacity to decide, to intend, to determine how we feel and how we choose to live.

So, if things seem hard right now, take heart. The good news is we are aging! And really, that is fabulous considering the alternative. I always say, I am not afraid of getting old. I am afraid of not getting old!


With best blissings,



Finding the Way Home to Myself

By Joan Chittister
It wasn't any kind of special moment when it happened. It wasn't my birthday, for instance, or an anniversary of anything. It wasn't even a family reunion or a great community event. I was just sitting somewhere, gazing into space, doing nothing whatsoever of significance or importance or even of any particular kind of enjoyment. I was just sitting, on an ordinary day in the midst of the ordinary things of life, waiting for a friend to arrive. And then it happened.

The gentlest sense of wholeness and down-deep satisfaction came over me that I have ever known. It enfolded me like a warm mist and calmed me to the core. Every ounce of taut energy so common to the demands of daily life in a technological society had been drained, it seemed. Only the feeling of being totally, quietly, completely alive remained. Then I realized what it was: I was happy. Happy. That's all. Just happy.



It felt within me like the stillness of an inland lake. I looked back over all the open meadows and tangled underbrush of my life and knew in an instant, like the snap of a shutter on a digital camera, that whatever had been, it had been right. Where I had been born was right, how I had lived life had been right, even all its wrong parts had been right.


But it has not always been thus. There were hollow, gaping times of uncertainty on the timeline of my life when the direction seemed wrong or the path it promised was at best a dull and dreary dead end. Those were not happy times. They were times that were productive, even successful by some standards, perhaps, but not happy.


Later, still quietly touched by the experience, I read a line that made me pause. "Life," the philosopher Soren Kierkegaard wrote, "can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards." Clearly I had lived life forward long enough to understand how it is that we can get to feel such a moment of righteousness, to know such satisfaction, to come to such happiness.


One cannot divine nor forecast the conditions
that will make happiness: one only stumbles upon them by chance, in a lucky hour, at the world's end somewhere, and holds fast to the days,
as to fortune or fame.

- Willa Cather
Judyth's Birthday Party in the Sky !

By Judyth Hill


The Everything's Always Possible Party!   

The Let's Be Divinely Happy Party! 

The Everywhere to Go & Plenty of Time To Get There Party!  

The Nowhere to Go & Nothing to Do Party!


Here we are again! The Celebration that comes to YOU!!    This year I am declaring my birthday:

Dreams Comes True & Ecstatic BeautyMaking Jamboree!!


This is our More is More Day!!  Sigh deeply!  Feel that?   Yummmmmmm!

We get to Be in 100% JOY! Remember how great this is?


 What Have You ALWAYS wanted to DO?   

Climb Machu Picchu? Dance with the Monarch Butterflies?  Write the Great Pan-American Novel??

Learn to play the alto sax? Take up Watercolors? Make a fish pond? Sail, skateboard, crochet?    

Sing lead in a Garage Band?

Dance for hours & go for breakfast as the sun comes up? Like we usta?!


Forgive Everyone you need to?  

Write a poem thanking Seeds!


Do absolutely nothing and feel fine?   

Go to India and serve in an Ashram?

Play! Paint! Sing Loud! Sign up! Yahooo! Good on Ya!

Dye your hair purple and paint your doorways blue??


Write everyone one you Love & say so!

Get a facial, a pedicure, and massage?   

At the same time!!! Go on a wild date! 

With the Beloved! With Yourself!

Be instantly on a fabulous adventure!  

An exotic vacation! Dress up & Stay Home!


Why not?  It's our day! It's our life!


Stay Home!!   Travel!!   Spend the day in bed!   

Or a mountain trail!

Take a train somewhere you have never been!!!   Yippppppee!

Wear something gorgeous!    Velvet!   Silk!    Topless!

Do what you wish!   Sleep!   Lollygag!   Loaf!   Lounge!


Feed Birds!   Swim!   Tango & tangle!   Day dream!

Find yummy hot water & loll joyously about for hours!

Read all day, eating dark chocolate bonbons & moan,

Or just quietly, in pleasure!

Walk into deep woods!    Sing loud!      

Dance for the nuthatches!

See 3 movies & eat buttered popcorn!  Procrastinate!

Give just-baked cookies away one by one!      

Take a walk & smile at Everyone!


Be Happy for no Reason! For Every Reason!


Make Prayers for Peace & and cuddle up close!     

Go to Work & Be at Play!

Go where you've always wanted!   Seychelles?   Bequa?    The Altai?  Your back porch?   My kitchen?

Linger over warm churros and chocolate calientito at the San Augustin Caf�,

dunk and dream...


If your morning is booked, have a Moonbath  

& pizza: with fresh basil and extra cheese!

Aren't the the Rockies... the Yankees...playing somewhere we could go?

Visit the Monets?  A playground with swings? A Kirtan?


A picnic in the Bosque at dawn,  

kergillion cranes wheeling overhead?     

Snowgeese & Sandhill Cranes!

By the Presa full from recent rains, Egrets & Cormorants in circling flight above?

Fajitas and Limonada after? Lobster roll with extra wasabi?    Pho?   Sag Paneer,

Sherpa Hot? Carnitas with pico de gallo, 

guayabas and pineapple on a balcony overlooking your life,

in gratitude for every blessed second?


A chance to say I love you one more time?     

And have it said back?

Say it again and again! Aren't our hearts so full!  Whew!


A luxurious nap with a thick blankie,  

Assam tea with cream?  More Kisses?

A Hot bath, scented rose geranium, reading Neruda?   Aloud!   

Coltrane and Tinarwien, Billie H and Bob D?


Snow in the high country, waves rolling in on Cabo,

silver bracelets, satiny avocados, camerones y mango liquados?


You Are Invited! You are My Guest!  

Come to my Party!       

Start Now!

Come as You Are!    How else could you be?


Don't worry if you are Late - Come as you were!

If you are Early - Come as you will be!


It's all in my heart for us! See you here! Or there!   Now! Or later!

Invite your friends! Always room for More Partiers!


And know I Love you Best!


Let's stay thrillingly, heartbeating wildly, in love & that...that!  


Will make Our Dreams Come True!


The Laughter of Women

By Lisel Mueller


The laughter of women sets fire

to the Halls of Injustice

and the false evidence burns

to a beautiful white lightness


It rattles the Chambers of Congress

and forces the windows wide open

so the fatuous speeches can fly out


The laughter of women wipes the mist

from the spectacles of the old;

it infects them with a happy flu

and they laugh as if they were young again


Prisoners held in underground cells

imagine that they see daylight

when they remember the laughter of women


It runs across water that divides,

and reconciles two unfriendly shores

like flares that signal the news to each other


What a language it is, the laughter of women,

high-flying and subversive.

Long before law and scripture

we heard the laughter, we understood freedom.



The Queen's Court

your throne!  




The Queen's Court is a gathering of sovereign women of a certain age - our dear peers - who graciously offer information, guidance, inspiration and encouragement to each other.






We Queens know what we know. And we know a great deal. Our experience has made us wise. So, feel free to consult with our cyber council/counsel when you are need of sage advice or wish to explore a particular topic of interest.  


A Question of Happiness


Dear Queen Mama Donna,


If someone put a curse on me for me to never be happy. How can I change that and make him forget me?


Unhappy in Utah


Dear Wanting to Be Happy,


You can change that by being happy! I know that sounds simplistic, but it is true. You and only you are responsible for your own happiness. If you are not contented in your soul, no one else can make you happy. Conversely, if you are happy in your heart of hearts no one and no situation can rob you of that inner joy.


We can't control so much in our lives. We are enormously affected by the weather, the economy, the political climate, the insane vagaries of global relations, geophysical happenings and the actions of others. The impact is enormous, but none of it is personal. It is not about us.


The one thing that we can control is our own attitude and our own perceptions. You see, you can decide to be happy. No matter what. This is your choice. You can choose to maintain your balance, your spirit, your soul center, intact no matter what circumstance you may face.


Or you can give it away and let someone else steal your happiness. It is not a matter of getting him to forget you. It is a matter of your forgetting him and taking back your power to create your own happiness.


Vicktor Frankl, a survivor of the German death camps, wrote about the seeming impossibility and necessity of keeping your inner equilibrium, no matter what. He said that the Nazis - that anyone - could take your possessions, take your liberty, even take your life. But no one can take your spirit or steal your humanity. It was this attitude that helped him to withstand the unthinkable.


I never would have made it if I could not have laughed. It lifted me momentarily out of this horrible situation, just enough to make it livable.  

- Viktor Frankl


So take heart, my dear. Allow yourself to feel pleasure and joy and humor and lightness of being. Make your inner joy a sacrament to share with everyone you meet. The happiness you share will be returned many fold.


Make up your mind to be happy and I guarantee you that you will be.



Are YOU happy? If so, how so?


I would love to continue this thread of discussion. Please send your response, thoughts, opinions, and personal experiences about creating happiness.Your letters will be printed in the next Queen's Chronicles.


Please send your questions or responses to

The Queen's Correspondence


Thanks so much for taking the time to respond to
The Queen's Chronicles
It is a joy to connect with you and to share your comments with our sister Queens.

Response to the JUNE 2014 Issue:


Love the 'happy' info. Just wanted to add, though...Martha Washington's comments on happiness are ironic considering her ownership of an incredibly talented slave named Oney Judge. Martha was planning to 'give' Oney to her (Martha's) grand-daughter as a present. Oney thwarted the plan by escaping to New Hampshire. I wonder if Martha ever considered the 'happiness' of a woman who was not free, never going to be free (Oney was not to be freed upon Martha's death), and never going to have free children (the status of the mother determined the child's status). I suspect Oney's happiness occurred when she was able to remain free in New Hampshire, even after George Washington's attempts to return her to Virginia were unsuccessful. Check out Oney's history in Wikkipedia. She was a real 'shero' to be sure. Regaliciously,

- Queen Delight, NJ


Thank you, Queen. I can't tell you what a good feeling I got when I read your newsletter. Thank you for all your newsletters that I look forward to seeing in my inbox.

- Janice, NJ


This couldn't have arrived at a better time. I needed this! What a bright light on a dark day in a dark week. Thank you so much for lifting my spirits.  

Justine, MO 


I so enjoy your newsletters. Your philosophy as well as your language is superb.

- Dominique, NM


Fabulous as always! Put a smile on my face!

- Nancy, NC



I just had the pleasure of reading your daringly illuminated article regarding the Queen aspect of the Triple Goddess, and would first off like to thank you for sharing your concept with the world. As you stated, the Universe is primarily dissected into fours. Seeing this has hindered my identification with a deity that has only three aspects. Also, lately, having enjoyed the Maiden and endured the Mother, but being nowhere near the wisdom of the Crone, I've been feeling rather out of place. Reading your article has given me a celestial place to rest my throne. For that I very much thank you. I feel so strongly about the Queen aspect I am going to incorporate Her into the teachings to my daughters and others who have asked for my guidance.

Deborah, Taycheedah Correctional Institute, WI


Beautiful book and site, Donna. Thank you for sharing the beauty of who you are, as doing so expresses your soul's essence. I enjoyed visiting your website. You are an inspiration. I found everything of great interest. I 


honor your passion and purpose. Know that you have a profound effect on people and that by giving of yourself you move others to share the spark of joy in their heart also. You have my utmost respect. I wish you a life of freedom and fulfillment. May you bring forth a new vision as you reach for the stars and aay you claim your own divinity as you explore your inner beauty and live your sacred truth. Yours in Everyday Blessings,

MicHEAL, Ontario, Canada


  Please keep your letters coming. And do feel free to make suggestions about content you would like to see. Or anything else, for that matter. 


Please send your responses to
Your letters will be printed in the next
Queen's Chronicles
Kudos to the Queens!

clapping hands rotated




We extend hearty congratulations to our multi-talented circle of Sister Queens for their impressive accomplishments and successes.






When we say yes to ourselves, the Feasting begins -  

a way to enjoy life right as it is in the midst  

of all the challenges, there is this beauty that enters.  

And a call to create.

- Shiloh Sophia McCloud



Alessndra Belloni, NJ; Barbara Hammer, NY; Judith Malina, NY; Pauline Oliveros, NY; Elaine Silver, FL; Diane Torr, Scotland; on their performances and/or performances of their work.


Emma Amos, NY; Camille Billops, NY; Catti, NY; Marieken Cochius, NY; Lauren Curtis, NJ; Robin Holder, NY; Meryl Meisler, NY; Reynolds, NY; on the exhibitions of their artwork. 


Bornbazie Flame, NY, Mode Of Living (Book); Miriam Jacobs, CA, Tarot and the Chakras: Opening New Dimensions to Healers (Book); Rev. Judith Laxer, WA, Along the Wheel of Time: Sacred Stories for Nature Lovers (Book); Glenys Livingstone, Australia, PaGaian Prayers: Invoking Her (DVD); Weslea Sidon, ME; The Fool Sings (poetry Book); Nabi Su, NY, Succeeding Through Doubt, Fear and Crisis(Book); on their new publications. 



Carol Sun, NY; and Angela Omulepu, CA; on their new jobs.


Susan Buckley, NY; and Beverly Naidus, WA; on their moves.


Carrie Moyer and Sheila Pepe, NY, on their marriage.


Maya Rachel Stein and Amy Tingle, NJ, on their marriage.


Shiloh Sophia McCloud, CA, on her marriage.


Margi Flanagan, NY, on her new grandbaby.


Jerri Allyn, CA, on her grant from the Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs.



Please send your good news, achievements, accomplishments, successes and celebrations so that our international circle of sovereign sisters can send you blessings and accolades. 

And we are glad to so. It is a joy and a privilege to share in the fortune of another woman. I recently heard Oprah say the saddest thing ever - "The hardest thing about being successful is having someone to be glad for you."

It takes a centered and confident Queen to break that pattern. There are 60 million thrones out there. One for each of us. There is plenty of purpose, passion and power for us all. May we use it well! 
Circle of Concern

Helping Hands Circle

Please Offer Your Purest Thoughts, Your Heart-Felt Prayers, Your Great Good Feelings, And Your Very Best Blessings For Healing and Peace of Mind To:




Adrianne, NY; Alison, TN; Amy, NY; Babs, NY; Barbara, NJ; Bebee, DE; Berenice, NY; Bettye, NY Betty, AL; Chrissie, NY; Christine, NY; Dana, CA; Darla, NY; Diane, NY; Dolly, NY; Dominique, NM; Donna, NY; Gail, WA; Glenys, Australia; Jo, AZ; Joan, ME; Joan, NY; Judi, FL; Judith, NY; Karen, NJ; Kathleen, PA; Kaylin, MD; Kazuko, NY; Kim, NY; Kimi, NJ; Laura, NY; Linda, FL; Linda, SC; Lisa, NJ; Lorie, KY; Lydia, CO; Lisa, PA; Lucia, TX; Mari, VA; Marna, NY; Mary, MD; Mary, NY; Mary, OH; Mary, CO; Naomi, DC; Pat, MA; Patsy, NY; Paula, NT; Pearl, NY; Rebecca, NY; Roberta, NY; Sandy, CA; S haron, NY; Shelley, NY; Sheriden, MA; Shirley, IN; Sherli, CA; Sid, PA; Smriti, CA; Susan, MA; Susan, NC; Terri, FL; Urvashi, NY; Vicki, MN; Weslea, ME; and Yvette, NY; who are in the process of healing themselves from illness, accident, injury, or surgery.

Amy, NY; D. Barbara, NY; Beverly, NY; Carol, NY; Diana, FL; Eleni, NY; Gaetana, NY; Glenys, Australia; Joanne, NY; Kimberly, NY; Kimi, NJ; Kyia, MN; Linda, NY; Linda, NY; Maureen, NY; Meryl, NY; Dee, NY; Patricia, Australia; Regi, CA;Sheryll, CA;Susan, NY; and Svetlana, NY; who would benefit greatly from some spiritual support.


Ali, VT; Annie, NY; Barbara, NY; Barbara, CA; Chrys, NY; Deni, NY;Diane, NY; Erica, New Zealand; Erica, CT; Gaetana, NY; Gail, NY; Hemetra, PA; Janet, CT; Kat, NY; Kate, NY; Kathrine, Denmark; Laurie, OH; Lois, NY; Marla, NY; Mary, CO; Marya, NY; Meryl, NY; Nancy, NC; and

Roslyn, NJ; the caregivers who are in weary need of care themselves.


May Their Spirits Rest in Peace:

Margo Adler, NY

Angeles Arrien, CA

Lauren Bacall, NY
Virginia Cheatham, CA

Storme Delarverie, NY

Rebecca Henederson, NM

Loreon Vign�, CA

Drue Waible, OR

Leslie True Wilson, CO


With Heartfelt Condolences:

Lana Bravin, NY

Sharon C. Brown, AZ

Roslyn Drexler, NJ

Pelican Lee, NM

Ilene Miklos, NY

Jayne Rubenstein, MA

Gail Wasserman, NY

Jo Ann Wolf, AZ


Prayer requests:


Prayers Please (should you feel inclined) for my Precious Yoga teacher & dear friend, Maria. She is in tremendous physical pain (3 months & still no diagnosis or treatment to ease her suffering, yet). Please pray for her & her family, the doctors & health care givers that this resolves in the most Benevolent way with the highest Grace & Goodness to emerge through this difficult time. Love & Gentleness Thank you in advance!

 - Tamera, CA


I'm asking everyone to please keep my friend and her family in your prayers. She has gone through a horrible year. 4 deaths in less than 8 months. She was just starting to bounce back and she got a call at work her husband had a heart attack today. He has bypass surgery tomorrow and I am going with her to be there for her. We need as much positive energy and reiki you can share. Her name is Elizabeth. Thanks in advance.

- Autumn, PA


BIG MAGIC, MOJO AND PRAYERS NEEDED BELOVEDS !!! I have just been informed that the Town of Geddes is going to file an official complaint against me for my permaculture practices tomorrow night at a 7pm Town Board Meeting. I need all of the positive energy I can get to open minds and hearts to sustainable gardening/landscaping practices. We do not have time to get mad...only a tidal wave of Earth Community Loving Energy will do the magic I need tomorrow. Who's with me ?

- Tracey, NY


                    Helping Hands


Please send your requests for physical and spiritual healing and positive energy so that the powerful women of The Queen's Court might send their prayers and blessings to you in your time of need. 
  "I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."
- Audrey Hepburn

Where the Queens Are




Nan Solo and Erica Mason

Backstage managers at the Antiques Roadshow taping day in Chicago on July 26, 2014.  
Photo by Queen Daile Kaplan, an on air photo specialist on the show.

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