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The Queen's Chronicles
January 2014
In This Issue
Queens of Rebellion

Ceremonial tools & supplies from around the world

For All Your 
Ritual Needs


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Donna Henes is an internationally renowned urban shaman, award-winning author, popular speaker and workshop leader whose joyful celebrations of celestial events have introduced ancient traditional rituals and contemporary ceremonies to millions of people in more than 100 cities since 1972. She has published four books and currently writes for the Huffington Post, Beliefnet and UPI (United Press International) Religion and Spirituality Forum, and serves as ritual consultant for television and films. Mama Donna, as she is affectionately called, maintains a ceremonial center, spirit shop, ritual practice and consultancy in Exotic Brooklyn, NY where she offers intuitive tarot readings and spiritual counseling and works with individuals, groups, institutions, municipalities and corporations to create meaningful ceremonies for every imaginable occasion.


"Magnificent - this is really great stuff! Donna Henes is such a wise writer. She digs into the ways we give away our power in the face of negative energy from others and gives pragmatic solutions."

- Amy Martin, Editor, 
Moon Lady News, Dallas, TX


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The Queen of My Self is now available in all E-book formats: Kindle, Nook Book and Apple 

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"I intend to take at heart your encouragements to blossom. The book is beautifully designed and the way you structured its valuable information is extremely clever. So thank you for your vitality and conviction."

- Christine, England



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The Queen's Chronicles

Offers upbeat, practical and ceremonial inspiration for all women who want to enjoy the fruits of an influential, passionate, and powerful maturity. 


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from the heart.


However, if you welcome  

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Your help confirms the importance of our community of Queens

and I am ever grateful.



 A very grateful welcome to all our new donors this month!  

Red indicates new or renewed donors:
Randi Anderson, NY
Marin Bach-Antonson, NY
c. bangs, NY

Tracey Baum-Wicks, NY   

Michelle Berlin, CT

Diane Blaha, NY 

Elana Marie Carnes, NY 

Sheila Cohill, NJ
Susan Corso, MA
Charoula Dontopoulos, OH
Gail Dunlap, OH
Sherli Evans, CA
Margaret Flanagan, NY
Goddess Temple of Staten Island, NY
Naomi Grupp, DC
Judyth Hill, Mexico 
Cheryl Jenni, CO
Daile Kaplan, NY
Elysa Kaufman, NY  
Elfie Knecht, NY
Betty Krulick, NY 
Marya Leonard, NY

Dorothea Lutz, PA
Linda Marks, NY
Dominique Mazeaud, NM
Virginia Mc Allister, NY   
Melissa O'Grady, OH
Gloria Orenstein, CA
Janice Pemberton, NY

Adeline Penn, CA

Lyn Pentecost, NY

Donna Fontanarose Rabuck, AZ
Renae Rebechini, IL
Lynne Schwartz, OR
Pamela Sichel, CO 
Weslea Sidon, ME
Nancy Strode, CA

Dani Sutliff, WI
Terese Svoboda, NY

Gail Wasserman, NY 

Patricia Worth, MA

Sharon Whitewood, AZ

Suzanne Zuckerman, NY 

present box purple 
The Queen's Chronicles
and help The Queen's Chronicles maintain its mission to promote meaning, moxie, magic, and majesty to women in midlife.




"Whatever plane I was in when I created you in my life was awesome!"

- Cary, CT

Are you looking for
meaning, moxie, magic & majesty in midlife?

Consult the Midlife Midwife™ 

bio portrait  


The transition from Maiden and Mother to Queen can be a difficult one, fraught with hard lessons and lots of loss. It takes great determination and courage to confront and embrace the changes brought about by the midlife passage.


It can be really helpful during this confusing time to have the inspiration, advice and encouragement of a counselor/coach/mentor - someone who has been there and done that and is ready to help you do the same.


Queen Mama Donna offers upbeat, practical and ceremonial guidance for individual women and groups who want to enjoy the fruits of an enriching, influential, purposeful, passionate, and powerful maturity.






Ever since I first introduced The Queen as a helpful archetype for midlife women, I have received hundreds of requests for detailed instructions on how to become a Queen.


"Dear Mama Donna," women would write, "I want to be a Queen, too. How do I access my power? How can I feel good about myself? How do I change my life? How do I find magic and spiritual wisdom? How do I know what to do? How do I learn how to rule?"


The reality is that I cannot possibly know how anyone else will attain her Queendom, I only know how I came into mine, and that is largely through hindsight. The truth, my truth, at least, is that there is no one true truth. We must each find our own way in this world.


As a shaman, I teach through example, but not through dictum. I can and do offer information, exposure, personal experience, encouragement, inspiration, suggestions and support to my constituents, but I cannot - dare not - pass judgment or establish rules and laws. It is simply not for me to say.


When you come to me for help and spiritual guidance, I listen to your concerns and embrace your needs. I pat you on the back, give you a good, swift kick in the butt, or let you cry on my shoulder, as needed. I can tell you what I did in such and such situation, how I did it, what I learned from this or that lesson, but I cannot tell you what you should do. How do I know what your soul needs?


Only you know what you know. I can, of course, aid you in reaching into the well of your own deepest wisdom, and help you to hear the messages from your best inner Self. And I can offer tools and practices to help you develop the confidence to follow your own purpose, path, passion and power.


A woman who I have been working with recently told me that I had changed her life. "Well, no, of course, I didn't, honey," I assured her. "You changed your own life." The fact of the matter remains that I could not give her what was not already hers.



For further information, click HERE.
Sessions are available in person by phone and skype.  
To make an appointment,  
call 718-857-1343  
or email the Queen at 


"It is absolutely joyous to get up in the morning and feel good, to see the beauty of things around you, to live a life that isn't anesthetized, that's open to all feelings."

- Anne Richards

with Mama Donna

Red Telephone




Lessons in practical spirituality
that offer no-nonsense approaches and practices to help you live your daily life in a consciously
(and conscientiously)

sacred manner.

Back Issues Sale!

Always in Season 
Living in Sync with the Cycles

A Quarterly Journal by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman

1999 - 2006  

"A Gem.

A fresh highlight
of the independent
and alternative media."

- Utne Reader
Order the complete 32-issue set for only $32

Free shipping! 
(U.S. only)

Order HERE.

Kris' Crowning Ceremony, NY








Only $120, which is 1/3 off the regular $180 cost of a reading! 


Start the New Year on the right foot! 

In person, by phone, or Skype.

~~Gift Certificates Available~~

For info: 718-857-1343 




Saturday, 1:00 - 3:30 PM 


Learn the basics about the tarot. Connect with your inner wisdom to do simple readings for yourself and others. This class is required for further tarot study.


Mama Donna's Tea 

Garden & Healing Haven 

Park Slope, Exotic Brooklyn, NY

For info: 718-857-1343 

to register.






1/3 off reading for February Birthdays. In person, by phone, or by Skype.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the Tarot Special!

~~Gift Certificates Available~~

For info: 718-857-1343 




Saturday, 1:00 - 3:30 PM 


Learn the basics about the tarot. Connect with your inner wisdom to do simple readings for yourself and others. This class is required for further tarot study.


Mama Donna's Tea 

Garden & Healing Haven 

Park Slope, Exotic Brooklyn, NY

For info: 718-857-1343 


CLICK HERE to register.


Sunday, 7:00 PM


 One of the eight power days in the wheel of the year. Please bring a candle in a holder.


Mama Donna's Tea 

Garden & Healing Haven

Park Slope, Exotic Brooklyn, NY

For info: 

Advance reservation required. 



FEBRUARY 5, 12, 19, 26,
MARCH 5, 12
6 WEDNESDAYS, 7:00 - 9:30 PM

A Spirit Support Skills Workshop  

An in-depth study of the tarot. (The beginners Tarot 101 workshop is required for this series.) Major Arcana, Minor Arcana, Suits, Numerology, Royal Cards, Spreads are covered.


Mama Donna's Tea Garden & Healing Haven
Park Slope, Exotic Brooklyn, NY

For info: 718-857-1343

$55 per class
$270 ($45/class) for the entire series if prepaid by 1/29/14


Note: Students from past tarot classes are welcome to take single make-up classes.


Friday, 11:00 AM EST

Interview with Deb Scott on

Self love show!  






MARCH 1-31

1/3 off reading for March Birthdays. In person or by phone.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the Tarot Special!
~~Gift Certificates Available~~

For info: 718-857-1343






Saturday, 1:00 - 3:30 PM



Learn the basics about the tarot. Connect with your inner wisdom
to do simple readings for yourself and others. This class is required for further tarot study.
Mama Donna's Tea 
Garden & Healing Haven
Park Slope, Exotic Brooklyn, NY

For info: 718-857-1343 

CLICK HERE to register.

Thursday, 12:30 PM 
Events Starts
12:57 PM Equinox Moment



A family friendly event. Bring kids, drums, percussion 
instruments and plenty of spirit. 

Call to volunteer.   

Bowling Green
Broadway and Whitehall Streets



Bring the Queen to You!

Book Queen Mama Donna
for a reading, presentation, ritual, workshop, or keynote address at your next meeting, conference or retreat. 
Call her at 718-857-1343
or e-mail her.

More info here.
donna speaking  


"Thank you for delivering such an empowering and delightful speech."

- Lorraine Arlington, Glastonbury Goddess Festival




specializing in all manner of elegant, practical, and frivolous goods to fulfill all the royal needs and fantasies of
The Queen of Your Self. Therein you will find a choice collection of goods to augment and accessorize your royal prerogative.

Anoint, Adorn, Enjoy! 

SHOP on CafePress

In addition to the elegant offerings at

There is now also a

Kitchenware, business accoutrements, stylish accessories, and assorted items both useful and whimsical. 
Travel Mug
Shop till you drop without ever having to get dressed! 

Read and listen to  
Queen Mama Donna's words  
of information
& inspiration.
Red indicates new additions.

Regular Syndicated Columns:

Always in Season
Ask Your Mama

The Queen of My Self: Meaning, Moxie and Majesty for Midlife Women

Recent Articles about QMD: 
DNA Info - Spring Equinox '13

Recent Articles by QMD:

Recent Radio Interviews:


Live From the Couch, CBS

Mob Wives, VH1



Peace, Love & Misunderstanding

featuring QMD's Luna Moon Chant 

and Invocation!


The Queen of My Self
was named as a Best Ezine!

Mama Donna's website
received a
Best Spiritual Site Award!

Queen Mama Donna and The Queen's Chronicles were named Baby Boom Woman Blogger To Watch Out For
by Virtual Woman's Day!


In my wildest dreams I never thought

I would be the person I have become

Just the quiet little mouse I used to be

Now become a warrior woman fighting

For what she thinks is hers by right

The chance to live each day in peace

Serene and wise maybe I would be

But first comes the battle - ground

Long ago I was so scared of life

Now I grab it by the throat tightly

And face all it brings me head on

I'm not afraid of anything anymore

Not even time itself can phase me

The new day brings its challenges

I smile and take a step with hope


Nothing more will ever beat me


- Fiona Davidson


big girl panties
Being Change Changes Everything
Crow Flag

Hail Queens!



It is so damn easy to feel depressed, frustrated and disillusioned right now. These are terrible times of artificial division, manipulated resentment and palpable fear. The real dynamic being played out right now is not about warring religious, economic or nationalistic factions. Not even about war. The struggle is actually between those who believe that the world is defined in terms of opposition - war or peace, right or wrong, rich or poor, with us or against us - and those who are able to see things in a more holistic, congruent manner.  


In these deciding times, it is imperative for us Queens who see the big picture to decide, to commit, to make a concerted effort to reach out in ever-expanding circles of affinity and embrace. Now is the time to create healthy, functioning networks in recognition and in honor of our mutual state of being and our common fate.  

Because there really is still a chance for peace - and that chance will definitely increase if we each do our piece. It is ultimately up to us, each one of us, all of us, individually and together, to create the kind of world in which we want to live - to be the change we seek - starting right here, right now: within the context of our immediate lives, within the concentric circles of our ordinary interactions. With each step that we take, we must walk our talk, speak our truth and put our money where our mouth is.


I once gave a presentation in Washington, D.C. about creating peace in our world and in our lives. During the question and answer period, a woman commented that she wished that she could drop her job and just devote herself to working for peace. "What do you do?" I asked her. "I'm a therapist," she replied. Surely she has many opportunities every day to create peace in her professional capacity. We all do.


Some might argue that we don't have any choice in this upside down dangerous world and that we can't affect what will happen. But even if we can't immediately alter the course of human events on the world stage, we can certainly create change in our own lives and in all of the lives that we touch. And our thoughts are the seeds of that change.


Dr. Christiane Northrup writes, "Use your thoughts wisely. Understand their power. Thoughts have a tendency to become their physical equivalent. This is one of the fundamental laws of the universe. Another one is the law of attraction, which states that 'like attracts like.' Because it is consciousness that creates reality, the kind of consciousness you hold - your vibration - actually creates the kind of life you're living."

We cannot change the past,  

but we can change  

our attitude toward it.  

Uproot guilt and plant forgiveness.  

Tear out arrogance and seed humility. 

Exchange love for hate ---

thereby, making the present comfortable  

and the future promising.

- Maya Angelou


So our first order of business must be to stay positive. To entertain only positive possibilities. To imagine only affirmative alternatives. To surround ourselves with wholly uplifting, life-affirming people and influences. To align ourselves solely with the greater good so that our actions will be born of only the finest of our best intentions.


What we all have to do from now on is to be aware, stay centered, keep connected and most important of all, keep talking. Talking,

writing, protesting kee


ps the light of truth and tolerance shining upon the hidden agendas of governments, industries, institutions, and individuals. Silence, like the dark of night, shelters nefarious deeds.



Silence forgives violence. Silence equals compliance.


We have been socialized to respect fear more than  

our own needs for language and definition,  

and while we wait in silence for that final luxury of fearlessness, the weight of that silence will choke us. The transformation of silence into language and action  

is an act of self-revelation and that always seems fraught with danger. We fear the very visibility without which  

we also cannot truly live-and that visibility which makes us most vulnerable is that which is also  

the source of our greatest strength.

- Audre Lorde

Best blessings for peace on the planet,


Rebellious Queens


The bitter truth is that peace is not always possible in the near term. Sometimes we must first struggle for equality, for dignity, for freedom and liberty. Sometimes we just don't have a choice except to defend ourselves and our loved ones from oppression and violence. 


While the power of the Queen of Her Self comes from the balance of Her passionate heartfelt emotions and Her clear, calm, reasonable mind, She also embody the female fighting spirit of the Mother - the lioness, the she bear, the badger, protecting her young.


The Queen is a mighty Amazon-for-right, fierce and unafraid. Her determination to prevent harm and to prevail in Her moral rightness is stabilized by Her astute maturity: Her experience and wisdom.


She is a seer, a strategist, a leader, a General who steps back to survey the situation, evaluate the conditions, decide on a strategy, and follow through with a viable a plan of action.


Here are some sensational Queens through the ages and across cultures who were leaders of rebellions against tyranny and in support of peace and justice:



Queen Mavia, Arabia

4th C., A.D.



Following her husband's death in the latter half of the Fourth Century, Mavia became Queen of the Saracens, a confederation of nomadic tribes who inhabited southern Palestine and northern Sinai. When she took the throne, her people had been living under the heavy-handed subjugation of the mighty Roman Empire and were in desperate straits.


She gathered her troops and staged a huge rebellion against Roman rule. She led her army through Phoenicia and Palestine all the way to Egypt, consistently and soundly defeating the Roman soldiers as they rode by. The revolt was so fast and effective that historians refer to it in comparison to the German Blitzkrieg.


Badly beaten and unable to contain the defiant Warrior Queen, Emperor Valens was forced to admit defeat and sign a truce, the terms of which Queen Mavia stipulated. She chose a local monk to be the administrative director of the region, which resulted in far more freedom for the tribes. Queen Mavia took on the might of Rome and won on her own terms.



Nanny of the Maroons, Jamaica

c. 1685 - c. 1755




Nanny, reputed to have descended from a royal family in the Gold Coast of what is now Ghana, was born into slavery in the early British colony of Jamaica. As soon as she was able, she escaped from her masters, taking other slaves with her up into the highest mountains on the island. Word of her daring escape spread and her small band was soon joined by many other ex-slaves who called themselves Maroons. Large Maroon communities were formed, including Nannyville, the largest, which was founded around 1723.


A ferocious woman, Nanny led raids against the oppressive plantations in order to liberate the slaves. The British were not amused. Nannyville was attacked on a number of occasions, and finally in 1734 they succeeded in capturing the settlement, forcing Nanny and the survivors to flee higher up into the impregnable mountains, from which they proved just as defiant. It is said that when the pursuing British fired cannonballs into their village, Nanny caught them between her buttocks and farted them right back.


Nanny and her people faced nearly constant attack and deprivation, they stood united and strong against the British under her rule. Eventually the British were forced to sign a peace treaty with the Maroons, giving them 500 acres of land to call their own. Queen Nanny is still today a Jamaican national hero whose image graces the $500 bill.



Toypurina, Native America





Toypurina was 9-years old when the Spanish settlers first invaded what is now the Los Angeles Basin of Las Californias. She saw firsthand the suffering that her people, the Kizh Nation, faced at the hands of the Spanish colonists who were constructing Catholic missions throughout her native lands. After the first mission was completed, Toypurina witnessed over 1000 Native People taken into its walls. Traditional ceremonials were banned and the tribes were bribed or forced to convert to Christianity, after which they were forcibly confined to the mission and used as farm labor.


By this time, Toypurina had grown to be a powerful medicine woman and shaman, the spiritual leader of her people, respected for her bravery and wisdom. She joined several outraged tribal captives of the mission in a plot to lead a rebellion against the Spanish oppressors. She recruited her brother, a Kizh Nation chief, and warriors from eight villages to join them in arms. She inspired her people to not be afraid of "Spanish sticks that spit fire."


Alas, her planned raid on the mission was foiled by an inside informer and the Native American rebels were surrounded and captured. Toypurina was sentenced to exile from her home, forced to be baptised and confined to a Spanish mission, where she spent the rest of her life.



Laskarina Bouboulina, Greece

11 May 1771 - 22 May 1825



Laskarina was born during her mother's visit to a Constantinople prison where her father, a Greek naval captain was incarcerated following his participation in a failed coup against the Ottoman Empire. Upon her father's death, Laskarina moved with her mother to the island of Spetses where she married twice, both times to wealthy men. With her riches, she built four ships, including the Agamemnon, one of the largest vessels of the time and like her father, became a naval captain.


Bouboulina joined the Filiki Etairia, a Greek revolutionary movement planning to oust the Ottomans, the only woman to do so. Twelve days after the group initiated their War of Independence, she raised the revolutionary flag on Spetses. Soon after, the islands of Hydra and Psara joined the cause.


Laskarina sent her ships to join the blockade of the Ottoman fortress at Nafplion. She later attacked Monemvasia and Pylos, depleting her vast fortune in the struggle that ultimately resulted in the creation of an independent Greek nation. It is likely that without her ships, money and brave command, the revolution would not have been successful.



Kittur Rani Chennamma, India

1778 - 1829


Born in a small rural village in India, Kittur grew up riding horses and training in archery and swordplay. At 15, she was married to Mallasarja Desai, the ruler of Kittur, a small principality, which was under the control of the insanely powerful East India Trading Company.


When her husband died, soon followed by the death of their only son, she was left the rightful but unrecognized ruler of Kittur. Rani refused to recognize British rule of her people, and met their forces as they entered Kittur with an army of her own. Hundreds of British soldiers were killed in the ensuing battle, along with the British-appointed ruler of Kittur.


She staved off the British advances for 12 days, until traitors sabotaged her gunpowder supplies. After her defeat, Queen Chennamma was kept prisoner until she died in 1829. Although her battle was unsuccessful, she was a shero and served as a role model and figurehead for her people during the Freedom Movement.



Countess Emilia Plater, Poland

1806 -1831




Countess Emilia Plater was born to Polish patriots who resented the Russian takeover of huge areas of Poland and the ruthless suppression of Polish customs that they imposed. Emilia grew up learning to fight from her male cousins and became a skilled fencer. When news of the Warsaw Insurrection of 1830 reached her town of Wilno, the Polish patriots began to plan their own rebellion


Because she was a woman, Emilia was barred from their meetings. So she cut her hair, sewed a uniform for herself and joined the revolution in drag. At her own expense, she assembled a force of 500 Lithuanian freedom fighters and led them into battle against a Russian horse patrol. On another occasion she forced an infantry division into a retreat.


In her greatest feat, Emilia and her group seized the town of Jeziorosy. Later, she joined forces with another revolutionary unit and continued to prove herself in battle, earning the rank of Captain in the field. The Countess of the Revolution fell ill and died during the ultimately unsuccessful uprising.



Yaa Asantewaa, Ghana

c. 1840 -1921


  yaa asantewaa


Yaa was born in the Edweso region of the Asante Kingdom. Large areas of their tribal land including gold mines were being besieged by the powerful British Empire that imposed taxes and colonial control. When the Asante began to resist British rule, the Governor, Lord Hodgson, demanded that they turn over their Golden Stool, used as a throne and symbol of independence. The British enforced this demand by traveling from village to village delivering brutal beatings to anyone they saw.


The Brits assembled a meeting with the Asante monarchy, during which Yaa's son, the King of Asante, Nana Osei Agyeman Prempeh I, was forced into exile in a demeaning ceremony. Yaa, the only woman present, stated that she refused to pay any more of their taxes. She also offered her undergarments in exchange for the loincloths of any male Asante chief not willing to fight the tyrannical Imperial rule. Major R. S. Baden-Powell, who was to become the founder of the Boy Scout movement, witnessed her speech. His assessment of the occasion was that "The only 'man' among them was the Queen."


In 1900, the 60 year-old Queen Mother Yaa Asantewa, often called the African Joan of Arc, led an army of more than 4,000 soldiers against the British in a last ditch attempt to rout them. She was ultimately defeated by the superior arms of the Empire and deported to the Seychelles Islands where she was re-united with Prempeh and lived nearly thirty more years, a celebrated folk shero. The Asante still chant her deeds, "Yaa Asantewa, the warrior woman who carries a gun and a sword of state in battle."



Margarita Ortega Neri, Mexico

c. 1870? -1910



In 1910, the Mexican peasants began a revolution to overthrow the dictator Porfirio Diaz Mori and implement a constitution and reforms to ensure more stability for the farming classes. The ten-year long conflict was bloody, resulting in close to 900,000 deaths. This made it necessary for women and children to join the battle for freedom and  they played a major role in Mori's eventual downfall.


The most famous of all the soldaderas was Margarita Neri, a Dutch-Maya from Quintana Roo. A weapons expert, crack shot, and nurse, she teamed with her daughter, Rosaura Gortari, and they both served as couriers, spies and fighters. Margarita commanded a force of over 1000 soldiers, which swept through Tabasco and Chiapas, looting, burning and killing. Neri was so effective in her slaughter of anti-revolutionary troops that the Governor of Guerrero hid in a crate and fled the town upon hearing of her approach.  

Margarita and Risaura were captured by the Maderistas and forced to march into the desert where they were left without food or water. They survived the immediate ordeal, but Rosaura died soon after. Following one more rebel mission, Margarita was recaptured and forced to stand in a cage where she was poked, prodded, and savagely beaten. When she refused to betray her comrades after four days of torture, she was summarily executed.



Corazon Aquino, The Philippines

1933 - 2009



María Corazón Sumulong "Cory"Cojuangco Aquino was educated in the United States. After graduating from Mount St. Vincent College in New York City, she returned to the Philippines and married Benigno Aquino, an outspoken critic of the Philippines dictator, Ferdinand Marcos. Her husband was arrested, imprisoned for eight years and then exiled to the USA. When he was finally allowed to return home Aquino was assassinated by the government as he stepped off the plane.


This bloody execution, along with a declining economy, gave Marcos' opposition a boost. Cory, outraged by her husband's death, took control of the opposition, ignoring her own danger. In 1985, a staged election was held to legitimize Marcos' rule. Cory ran against him despite having never held an elected office. In response to being attacked for her gender and political inexperience, Cory publicly agreed that it was true she had "no experience in cheating, lying to the public, stealing government money, and killing political opponents."


Marcos "won" the fake election by a landslide. The US Senate and the Catholic Church both accused the dictator of election fraud, and Cory called for peaceful protests, strikes and boycotts. The movement became known as the People Power Revolution - nuns and entire families, including children, took part. In a final attempt to regain control of their lives, Marcos ordered the army to fire on the peaceful revolutionaries. The military refused to follow their orders. Marcos was forced to flee and Corazon Aquino, the icon of the revolution, became President of the first democratically elected government of the Philippines since before the Japanese occupation.



Leymah Gbowee, Liberia

1972 -

















Leymah grew up in the midst of a bloody Civil War, which tore Liberia apart and killed more than 250,000 people in 14 years. This conflict put Charles Taylor into power, soon after which, he began to support ethnic killings and embezzlement. This led to further discord within the country and instigated the Second Liberian Civil War, a war characterized by its brutality and the use of child soldiers.


Leymah Gbowee, trained as a trauma counselor for girls and women raped by militia, joined together with Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Tawakkul Karman to organize the Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace movement. They gathered women from many different backgrounds to pray and sing in public, demanding peace. Picketing, fasting and threatening a "sex strike," the women risked their lives, protesting in the capital, to demand that President Charles Taylor do something to end the conflict.


After pressure from the women and international condemnation, the brutal president finally listened and Taylor flew to neutral Ghana for peace talks. The women followed him to Ghana to continue their efforts. Violence ended in 2003, with Taylor forced to resign and imprisoned by The Hague for crimes against humanity. Democratic elections in 2005 saw Ellen Johnson Sirleaf elected by the people as the first female head of state in an African nation.  Queens Gibowee, Sirleaf and Karman were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize "for their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women's rights to full participation in peace-building work."


Source material:

10 Amazing Women Who Led Rebellions

by Mark Pygas on Listverse.
The Queen's Correspondence

Thanks so much for taking the time to respond to The Queen's Chronicles


Please keep your comments coming. And do feel free to make suggestions about content you would like to see. Or anything else, for that matter. It is a joy to connect with you.


Letters In Response to the DECEMBER 2013 Issue


Donna, your essay about darkness is so brilliant, so needed. Yes, yes, YES. Deep soul love,

- Camille, CA


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...what a MARVEL your thoughts in this Chronicle!!! Oooooo, my Beloved Donna: BRILLIANT...thank you so EVER...... WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW......

 - Judyth, Mexico


Your writings have been nice - the context of the season. That you can't have light without dark has never seemed more true for me.

- Megan, NY


Thank you for giving me these words to check into each month. There is always something strong, something wise and something that hits me where it hurts! All in all, so fulfilling. Thanks from across the pond.

- Janet, England


I love getting your emails, and watching, even from afar, the great work that you do.

- Jane, MA


Thanks for your continued inspirational newsletters!! I share your work with everyone like-minded I come across!!!

- Susan, NY


Thank you Donna. As always, so enlightening and inspiring. 

- Wendi, CA


We both really enjoy your posts.

- Be and Hans, Spain



Please send your responses to 
Your letters will be printed in the next Queen's Chronicles. 
Kudos to the Queens!

clapping hands rotated






We extend hearty congratulations to our multi-talented circle of Sister Queens for their impressive accomplishments and successes.




Creativity comes from trust. Trust your instincts.

And never hope more than you work.

- Rita Mae Brown


Dale Allen, CT; Robin Bady, NY; Alessandra Belloni, NJ; Karen Finley, NY; Krissie Keefer, CA; Elfie Knect, NY; Arlee Leonard, NY; Colette Michmanon, NY; and Martha Wilson, NY; on their performances and/or performances of their work.


Joan Breton Connelly, NY; The Parthenon Enigma: A New Understanding of the World's Most Iconic Building and the People Who Made It (Book); Dr. Judith Orloff, CA, The Ecstasy of Surrender: 12 Surprising Ways Letting Go Can Empower Your Life (Book); Karen Tate, CA, Goddess Calling: Inspiration Messages and Meditations of Sacred Feminine Liberation Thealogy (Anthology including an essay by Mama Donna); Bianca Turetsky, NY, The Time Traveling Fashionista On Board the Titanic (YA Book); on their new publications.


Lauren Curtis, NJ; Mary Beth Edelson, NY; Karen Fitzgerald, NY; Karen Guancione, NY; Meryl Meisler, NY; Carolee Schneeman, NY; Barbara T. Smith, CA;  Linda Stein, NY; Robin Tewes, NY; Linda Vallejo, CA; and Hannah Wilke, R.I.P.; on the exhibitions of their artwork.  


Martha Wilson, NY, on her new home.


Elana Carnes, NY, on her retirement.


Rev. Judith Laxer, WA, on the new home of her congregation, Gaia's Temple.


Please send your good news, achievements, accomplishments, successes and celebrations so that our international circle of sovereign sisters can send you blessings and accolades. 

And we are glad to so. It is a joy and a privilege to share in the fortune of another woman. I recently heard Oprah say the saddest thing ever - "The hardest thing about being successful is having someone to be glad for you."

It takes a centered and confident Queen to break that pattern. There are 60 million thrones out there. One for each of us. There is plenty of purpose, passion and power for us all. May we use it well! 
Circle of Concern

Helping Hands Circle

Please Offer Your Purest Thoughts, Your Heart-Felt Prayers, Your Great Good Feelings, And Your Very Best Blessings For Healing and Peace of Mind To:






Adrianne, NY; Alison, TN; Ansja, NY; Babs, NY; Bebee, DE; Berenice, NY; Bettye, NY; Betty, AL; Chrissie, NY; Christine, NY; Dana, CA; Dani, WI; Dolly, NY; Dominique, NM; Gail, WA; Glenys, Australia; Jo, AZ; Joan, ME; Joan, NY; Judith, NY; Karen, NJ; Kathleen, PA; Kaylin, MD; Kazuko, NY; Kim, NY; Kimi, NJ; Laura, NY; Linda, SC; Lisa, NJ; Lorie, KY; Lydia, CO; Lisa, PA; Lucia, TX; Mari, VA; Marna, NY; Mary, MD; Mary, NY; Mary, OH;  Naomi, DC; Pat, MA; Patsy, NY; Paula, NT; Pearl, NY; Roberta, NY; Sandy, CA; Sharon, NY; Shelley, NY; Shirley, IN; Sherli, CA; Sid, PA; Smriti, CA; Susan, MA; Susan, NC; Terri, FL; Urvashi, NY; Vicki, MN; Weslea, ME; and Yvette, NY; who are in the process of healing themselves from illness, accident, injury, or surgery.


Amy, NY; D. Barbara, NY; Beverly, NY; Carol, NY; Diana, FL; Eleni, NY; Gaetana, NY; Glenys, Australia; Joanne, NY; Kimberly, NY; Kimi, NJ; Kyia, MN; Linda, NY; Linda, NY; Maureen, NY; Meryl, NY; Dee, NY; Patricia, Australia; Regi, CA; Sheryll, CA; Susan, NY; and Svetlana, NY; who would benefit greatly from some spiritual support.


Ali, VT; Annie, NY; Barbara, NY; Chrys, NY; Deni, NY; Diane, NY; Erica, New Zealand; Erica, CT; Gaetana, NY; Gail, NY; Hemetra, PA; Kat, NY; Kate, NY; Kathrine, Denmark; Laurie, OH; Lois, NY; Marla, NY; Marya, NY; Nancy, NC; and Roslyn, NJ; the caregivers who are in weary need of care themselves

May Their Spirits Rest in Peace:

Joy Chatel, NY


With Heartfelt Condolences:

Pamela Morgan, NY

Megan Sheehan, NY

   Helping Hands
   Please send your requests for physical and spiritual healing and positive energy so that the powerful women of The Queen's Court might send their prayers and blessings to you in your time of need. 


Where the Queens Are



Tell us about your Self and/or your Queen Group:  

who, what, where, when, why?


What Queenly topics do you explore?  

What projects do you engage in?

Describe some golden regal moments.


Send pictures!  



Our extended circle of Queens includes some mightily talented women. Please support them by availing yourself of their superior services and by buying their excellent products.

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Spruce Short Ad Spirit of Woman ad 
She is Everywhere (display) To Me Peace Is Ad 






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May you be successful in your endeavors and blessed with spiritual and material abundance.

Would you like to reach the 5000+ Queens in our royal network across the country and around the world with information about your business?

The Queen's Chronicles
now offers three levels of ads:  
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Advertising deadline for the FEBRUARY Issue is: 2/14/14  

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New Newsletter!

for Personal & Planetary Transformation
By Mama Donna, Urban Shaman 

Information about seasons, cycles, & celebrations



It is my hope that as more and more women  
rise to reign in the fullest potential
of our supremacy, we will harness our purpose,
passion, and power and direct it toward  
creating a more balanced and peaceful world.
This is the legacy of Her majesty.
- QMD 
Turn Your  
Midlife Crisis
Your Crowning Achievement!