© 2013 Avalon Park Group Management, Inc. This Internet site and all images and text contained herein are provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as the basis for making a decision to purchase property in Avalon Park West. All plans, site plans, images, renderings and other graphical depictions are subject to change without notice. Future development of Avalon Park West may or may not occur as depicted on on illustrations, depictions or maps. Avalon Park Group Management, Inc., sitEX NR Development, LLC, sitEX NR Holding, LLC, and their affiliated entities (collectively, "Developer") are under no obligation to construct or install any facilities or improvements whatsoever. Developer does not warrant or guarantee the obligations of builders who may build and sell homes in Avalon Park West. Images of other projects developed by Developer are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute any commitment whatsoever to build the same or similar improvements in Avalon Park West. Developer reserves the right to change any information on its Internet sites without prior notice. Developer Internet sites may not contain complete information about a particular community or property or the amenities offered at that community. While Developer will make reasonable attempts to provide current information on its Internet sites, it is unable to represent or warrant the accuracy of any information contained on its Internet sites and expressly disclaims all such representations or warranties. Prices may increase or decrease at any time without notice. The information contained on this Internet site is not intended to be an offering to residents in any jurisdiction where prior registration is required, and further information will not be provided to residents of such jurisdictions. This information is provided for informational purposes only.This Internet site may contain links to other Internet sites that are not affiliated with Developer. Developer makes no representations or warranties about the information, products and services that may appear on such other sites and has not reviewed, endorsed or approved such products and services. Developer encourages and supports an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin. The contents and distinctive and original presentation of www.avalonparkwest.com, including all text and images, is copyrighted. CDC# 1253741 |