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January 2015
Mark2 Stop or Go - Are You Driving Your Business With the Brakes On?


Some organizational leaders look for opportunities to NOT take chances, preferring to stay the course and keep doing what they've always done.  While appropriate in certain situations, managing and organization based on fear or indecision is analogous to driving your car with the brakes on.  It's a good way to get nowhere quickly and ultimately get left behind.


Read the full article.

To learn more, please visit my website at www.kodyne.com.

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Thoughts From Mark: 
It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day as we focus on achieving our goals and objectives to better ourselves and our organizations.  Being prone to this myself, I made it a point at the end of 2014 to pause for a while and take stock of some of the cool stuff I was able to do throughout the year and contributions I hope I made to the Minnesota business community. 

In addition to adding some new credentials and tools to the toolbox I bring clients (check these out on the kodyne.com website), I received a great deal of personal satisfaction from volunteering my time.  First, I acted as project adviser to a team of graduate students from different disciplines at the University of Minnesota who were assigned to help a small consulting company figure out how to improve their branding and marketing strategies.  It was a lot of fun to step back and watch the students enthusiastically tackle the project and provide value to the client.  They did a great job.

Another volunteer project I was involved with was as an evaluator for the Performance Excellence Network, evaluating a health care organization pursuing organizational excellence.  The company ultimately received a very special award - the Minnesota Performance Excellence award given to top-performing companies in Minnesota and the Dakotas.  It was a treat to see the inner workings of this company and to see where my team could add value to them.  I'm currently serving on another evaluation team for 2015 and we're off and running.

I hope you'll take the time to think back on last year and realize all the lives you touch and the difference you can make by sharing what you know to help others.

I hope 2015 is a fantastic year for you! 



In This Issue
Stop or Go?
Thoughts from Mark
From My Clients
Upcoming Articles

" The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary."  


Vidal Sassoon 


From My Clients ......

"I've gotten great value out of my participation in The Alternative Board - TAB. My board is truly my board - providing me with honest and frank feedback, insight into struggles or challenges I experience in the course of doing business, and much-appreciated support! Along with all of this is how well it works to hold me accountable to my goals and strategies. TAB has been very helpful in keeping me on track and focused."

Kalli Matsuhashi, Owner
Executive Confidante
Eagan, MN

Upcoming Articles

Mergers and Acquisitions
Strategic Planning

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Strategic Planning

If you haven't created a written strategic plan in the last couple of years (or reviewed your current plan), then let's talk.

I have a proven strategic planning process optimized just for the privately held company.  But guess what?  I've used this successfully with not-for-profit organizations as well as for-profit ones.

To learn more about my strategic planning process and management team planning retreats, please contact me at 763-551-4777 or email [email protected]

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