October 2016TOP
In this Issue
New Members
Meredith Adler

Phyllis Bosworth
Ellen Cohen

Arlen Donly

Nancy Gendimenico

Jane Goldberg

Denise Hamliton

Harriet Harkavy

Debra Heinrich

Phyllis Katz

Debbra Lang

Nancy Lauter

Trish Littman

Terri Littman

Tarah Newfield

Rose Pike

Cheryl Rosen

Ryan Lampl

Marcia Steinberg

Lynn Steuer

Ethel Wolvovitz
October 14th

 October 19th

 October 24th

October 26th

October 29th 
Upcoming Events
November 2

November 10th

November 12th

November 29th

December 1st
Chapter Contacts
Chapter Chair:
Barbara Alpern

Member Services:  
Linda Paige Levine

Member Enrollment: 
Marticia Moore Madory 
Peer Groups:
Barbara Alpern
Karen Merson

Sandy Merrill

Explore NYC:
Julie Geller

Judith Glass  
Betty Rauch

Caring Collaborative:
Barbara Stahura

MaryLou Floyd

Life Transition Services (LTS): 
Eileen Kobrin

Maria Tardugno

Betty Rauch

 Dear TTNer,

As I mentioned in my previous letter, Fall is my favorite season.  I find the cooler weather invigorating, and I'm energized even more when I think about our jam-packed schedule of events, with even more to come!  Just a sampling includes:
  • The Volunteer Fair on October 19th. Learn about opportunities to volunteer with TTN's nonprofit partners, as well as with TTN itself.
  • And, did you know that TTN is overflowing with artistic talent?  More than 25 of our Artists and Artisans will be showing their work at our first Artists and Artisans Fair on Saturday, November 12th, including oil paintings, drawings, photographs, collages to jewelry of every kind, scarves, decoupage, objets d'art, and much more!
This issue of our Newsletter is dedicated to these artistic and very talented women.  Read on to learn more about them and their work. If you're anything like me, you can always use another piece of art, whether it's a large canvas or a small painting, a piece of beautifully crafted jewelry or a decorative piece to fill that empty spot on your �tag�re.  So stop by the Fair on November 12th to meet them, see their work, and perhaps add to your own collection!

Looking forward to seeing you there! 
And remember to...

Enjoy Your Day,
Barbara Alpern
TTN's 1st Artists & Artisans Fair ArtFair 
By Sally Dougan

Join TTN-NYC on an artistic adventure November 12th from 11am to 6 pm!

That's right. This is a terrific opportunity to explore the realms of creative talent among the ranks of TTNers and friends. It's also an opportunity to think about your own creative journey...

Remember how modesty used to "become us" in our earlier lives? No longer: we are now the ones who are inventing the New Rules of the Game. And we are no longer happy to hide our light under a bushel!  Some of us have always been artists; others have come to pursue their talents after long careers in something else. We are some 30+ of your fellow TTNers and friends strutting our amazing creative talent and the lovely goodies that we have created - and all of it is for show and sale...  Read More 

Register for TTN's 1st Artists & Artisans Fair

Shirley Ranz - This time, she's creativeShirleyR
By Marticia Moore Madory
TTNer Shirley Ranz has been creating jewelry for about 10 years.  She first became interested in the idea when she was on a riverboat cruise and visited the jewelry booths in the open markets of foreign countries. She found the offerings at those booths to be uninspiring, and told herself "I can do better than that."

When she returned home from the trip, she started creating items for herself. She took basic classes that informed her about techniques and sources of materials, reviewed books and magazine articles, and watched tutorials on You Tube. And she was off. Off to still another career, after pharmacy and linguistics studies, activism in women's organizations, leadership in a secular Jewish Humanist congregation, singing in a chorus, and founding a book club!

Now she creates "wearable art" for the public which is available on her web site: Her offerings include necklaces, earrings, brooches, and bracelets. Shirley's "Creations by Sheva" will be among the exhibitors at TTN-NYC's Artists & Artisans Fair to be held on November 12th ... Read More

Chahee Chei - "Making art is a way of learning to be intimate with our inner selves..." Chahee
Betty Rauch

"I think I was meant to be an artist," muses Chahee Chei, "I was always interested in the bigger questions."
One of five children, Chahee left Seoul after attending college. 

"I wanted to see what was happening outside of Korea and wanted to go to graduate school in the US. So I went to University of Wisconsin. It was an abrupt overnight transplant onto an American campus of hippies, Vietnam War protests, and feminism. It was sink-or-swim in every aspect: from my limited English to the fact that I had to create something on my own in my studio."  After earning her MA in textile design, and subsequently her MA and MFA in fine arts, Chahee moved to New York and settled in a loft on Broome Street where she was involved in creating 3D conceptual art pieces. 

She married, raised two children on the Upper East Side as a hands-on mother, and worked in her nearby studio. Now divorced, Chahee lives in Brooklyn and works in her studio in Long Island City near PS1. 
Chahee has continued to evolve as an artist; finding a thread and a sense of self amid changing art world trends and a world becoming global. "I think of myself as a global citizen and feel more at home in New York than anywhere else. But if I had known that we can never go back home again, I don't know whether I could have left Seoul"... Read More
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Lil Kates - If there is a theme to her life, it is making artLilKates
Victoria Weill-Hagai

At ten she was copying pictures from the NY Times. So her mother sent her to the Art Students League.  She went to the Music & Art for high school and Brooklyn College where she studied art and design. 

Then, Lil became a busy mom and didn't get back to art until her 30's when she again started painting and drawing, this time on her own, showing at street fairs.

Another break from creation came while she ran an employment agency, and then worked as a "Real People" model for catalogues. In her 60's Lil obtained certification as a fitness trainer and worked for the Arthritis Foundation. Currently, she is a volunteer in this field for Health Advocates for Older People.

Last year the siren call of art drew Lil... Read more

Tina Weintraub  - "Legendary" Gallery Tour Leader for Explore NYCTinaENY

A profile of Tina Weintraub, written by Marticia (Marti) Madory, appeared in our February 2015 newsletter. 

 Excerpted here, because it is so appropriate for this Art and Artisans newsletter, is the section about Tina's role as the beloved and legendary leader of the art gallery tours offered by TTN's Explore NYC over the past 16 years.   

For 31 years, Tina Weintraub taught special education classes, but her love of art never left her. While in college at Wisconsin, she took all the art history courses she could fit in her schedule, including one in Italian Renaissance Art taught by an instructor who took an interest in her and encouraged her to study in Italy. It didn't take much urging; off went Tina to Florence for a summer program between her junior and senior years.  She then earned her MA at Columbia Teachers College but also continued to take non-credit art classes at The New School and elsewhere.  At some point, her vast knowledge of art became known and she began to receive requests to guide people through exhibits... Read more
Around TTN TownAround-TTN_Town
Brand new Political Study & Action pop-up SIG: 
It's been a long, tedious and nerve-wracking Presidential race so far.  For those TTN members who might want a place to share your frustrations and concerns, identify some actions we can take to get out the votes, for example, or just plain vent, consider joining our pop-up Political Study & Action SIG.  The group may last after November or maybe not.  Learn More

Save the Date
Sign up today for our Annual Volunteer  Fair on  October 19th! This is a great opportunity to explore fulfilling volunteer experiences and meet other TTNers. It's our Signature Volunteer Event For The Year.  Learn More

Call to TTN Artists and Artisans 
Do you want a unique opportunity to show your work and sell directly to the TTN Community, family, and guests?   Participate in the First TTN Artists and Artisans Fair to be held on November 12th! Learn More   
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