August 2013  
Issue: 121
Sound, visionary stewardship


Sunflowers at TanglewoodWhat's left on your summer bucket list to accomplish? There are still a few weeks left to squeeze in those activities. For us, we've been making the most of summer fun. We've enjoyed some beautiful afternoon concerts at Tanglewood (our sunflowers were a head turner), as well as the viewing of West Side Story with the BSO providing the music. Plus, Bill's team won the blue fish category of a recent fishing tournament this month!

Deepak at Kripalu I also did a weekend workshop with Deepak Chopra at Kripalu at the end of July. He has a new book out: Super Brain and this workshop was about unleashing the power of the mind. It was great! The key take away's: Meditate everyday. Be present. Be mindful. He had lots more to say and great things to incorporate into one's life. It's been exciting and challenging to remind myself to focus on each of these things daily but when I do, it is a better day!

Now, go schedule in some fun because September is right around the corner and we all know that's the time to get back to reality. We'll be here, refreshed and ready, to help you make most of your financial future.


     Paula Harris signature  



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From Bill's Corner... 


Protect your financial records from disaster     


Last year, a small storm formed in the southern Caribbean Sea off the coast of Nicaragua as a small, simple depression with gusty 40 mph winds. Over time, that depression strengthened and became Hurricane Sandy. It was the deadliest and most destructive hurricane of the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season, as well as the second-costliest hurricane in United States history. With 285 total fatalities, Hurricane Sandy was one of the most destructive storms in U.S. history. Regardless, the IRS still collected its taxes.


For whatever reasons, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and other natural disasters are more common in the summer months. In New England, we get our share in the winter months as well. While there are many ways to plan for a disaster, like stocking up on food, water and batteries, many of us neglect protecting tax and financial records.  


Read on...


  Bill Harris signature

Recent Changes for GMail Users

If you are a Gmail user you may have noticed that Gmail recently made a change and is now filtering your email messages for you. (If they haven't made the changes to your account yet, they will be doing so soon). So if you enjoy my Intuition Newsletter and other occasional messages from me, they may now be in your "Promotions" folder instead of your main Inbox.
We want to make sure that we can stay connected, so you can make a quick change to ensure that you can continue to receive emails from us in your main inbox.  There are 2 ways to handle this issue:

Remove the "Promotions" Folder
Go to the Settings wheel in the upper right hand corner of your inbox and click on "Settings" in the pull-down menu:
  • Click on the "Inbox" tab, then simply un-check the "Promotions" box and save your changes.
  • If you decide to use the Promotions inbox, you can still ensure that my emails go to your main inbox by doing the following: 
    • Simply drag this email from the "Promotions" inbox to the "Primary" tab
    • Click "Yes" when the alert pops up.  
Either way, our emails will show in your "Primary" inbox as usual.
In This Issue
From Bill's Corner
Recent Changes for GMail Users
Time to Share. Create a Buzz.
How to deal with volatile mortgage rates
Top five regrets of the dying
A retirement spending blueprint will protect your nest egg
How to save money at the farmers market
12 strategies to score back-to-school savings
In the media
About us
Time to Share. Create a Buzz.

"Showing up" and "being present" in everything you do is the key to successful business relationships.  That's what our friend George Weir has done over the last 50 years of his career and with his business Weir Moving Services.

Weir Moving Service's launches "Moving Coach" to help you make the best moving choices any time during your move. A Moving Coach provides independent unbiased information. Saving time and money for you. Forget the Yellow Pages and contact Weir Moving

How to deal with volatile mortgage rates      


If you plan to buy and are concerned about rising rates, don't procrastinate.


Top five regrets of the dying        


A nurse has recorded the most common regrets of the dying, and among the top ones is 'I wish I hadn't worked so hard'. What would your biggest regret be if this was your last day of life?


Read on...

A retirement spending blueprint will protect your nest egg


Accounting for every possible expense can help you create a withdrawal strategy that ensures your savings will last a lifetime.

Read on...

How to save money at the farmers market


Follow these seven tips to cut the cost of buying fresh produce and other farm goods.


Read on...

12 strategies to score back-to-school savings             


Here's how to avoid spending too much on clothing, electronics and school supplies.


Read on... 

In the media... 


WH Cornerstone's principal's are tapped by the media to write for and contribute to a variety of publications. Here are our latest contributions.
  • WH Cornerstone Investments is a proud sponsor of "Tuesday's with Phil"--a musical collaboration between the Plymouth Philharmonic and the South Shore YMCA.
  • INVESTORS, PLANS AND MONEY: Protect your financial records from disaster
    Duxbury Reporter, July 19, 2013
  • Paula Harris quoted in Economic advisory panel shares advice for small businesses
    The Patriot Ledger, July 13, 2013
  • Bill Harris quoted in ETF Investing For Q3: 10 Ideas From 10 Strategists
    Investors Business Daily, July 2, 2013
  • INVESTORS, PLANS AND MONEY: How is this 'relief' for taxpayers?
    Duxbury Reporter, June 28, 2013
About us

We are authentic, thoughtful, straight-shooters who provide the sound, visionary  stewardship that helps our clients protect their financial foundation while building their wealth.


We are private and independent, which means we have the unique ability to build deep, meaningful relationships with our clients with no competing agendas.


We have several decades of broad financial and business expertise that enables us to knowledgeably advise on a wide range of financial and business affairs and to help our clients navigate the sea of complexity with confidence.


We are strong believers in the power of near-term, actionable planning and disciplined focus on forward-facing goals.


We are at our best when we help our clients optimize their financial resources to realize their goals and dreams.   


road map image
Paula Harris and Bill Harris, CFP
WH Cornerstone Investments

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