Celebrate Women's History Month

Women & Climate Change Summit

Energize  |  Elevate  |  Educate


"Conservation is no different from any other situation in which personal interests are involved. As individuals we are so apt to see only the immediate results and not to realize what will happen to us in the long run" 


--- Eleanor Roosevelt, My Day, November 15, 1947
Eleanor Roosevelt with women from the She-She-She Camp at Bear Mountain, NY, a female version of the New Deal Conservation Corps that she championed for unemployed women in 1933.

You are invited to a  

Summit on Women & 
Climate Change


in Celebration of Women's History Month 


hosted by 

EPA Region 2 and The Eleanor Roosevelt 

Val-Kill Partnership in conjunction with the Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site.





9:30 am      

Registration & Coffee

10:00 am   

Welcome by Sarah Olson, Superintendent of Roosevelt-Vanderbilt National Historic Sites


Uri Perrin, Executive Director of The Eleanor Roosevelt Val-Kill Partnership 


Judith Enck, Regional Administrator, EPA Region 2


10:10 am

Presentation on Eleanor Roosevelt and the Environment by Kevin Oldenburg, Park Ranger, Roosevelt-Vanderbilt National Historic Sites 

10:30 am  


ELEVATE:  Studies in success 
Moderated by Becky Ofrane, EPA Region 2
  • NY State Renewables Policies and Maple Ridge Wind Farm - Anne Reynolds & Jenny Briot
  • Green City Force & Solar on Public Housing - Lisbeth Shepard
  • Sustainable CUNY: NYC Solar Map - Tria Case
  • Yonkers Streetlight Replacement Project - Brad Tito
  • Climate Smart Community Spotlight: Kingston - Julie Noble

 Noon         Catered lunch



EDUCATE:  EPA's climate strategy and current actions, Judith Enck 



Moderated Wrap-up:  Where do we go from here?: Catherine McCabe, Deputy Regional Administrator of EPA Region 2



Concluding remarks:  Uri Perrin and Judith Enck 



Optional guided tours of Val-Kill provided by National Park Service's Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site 


Including guided tour of Eleanor Roosevelt's home, Val-Kill Cottage, and self guided tours of the new exhibits Eleanor Roosevelt and Val-Kill: Emergence of a Political Leader and the documentary Close to Home with an introduction by Secretary Hillary Clinton. 


Questions? Contact Becky Ofrane at EPA,

Reservation are being taken now for an optional $15 lunch, and payment options will be confirmed before the Summit.
Participants are welcome to bring their own lunch as well.


Friday, March 6, 2015
from 9:30AM to 2:30PM
with optional Val-Kill tours from 2:30-4pm.


Henry A. Wallace Visitor and Education Center at the FDR Library and  Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site

4079 Albany Post Road 

Hyde Park, NY 12538



Women and Climate Change in Celebration of Women's History Month 


The goals are to:


ENERGIZE our daily actions around climate work; and


ELEVATE the voices of women on this historic issue. 


EDUCATE each other on policies for addressing climate change, including EPA's regulatory actions
Becky Ofrane at EPA
(212) 637-4302

About Val-Kill
Val-Kill was the only home Eleanor Roosevelt ever knew. It was a place where Mrs. Roosevelt created jobs, advanced social reform, gathered advisors, dignitaries, family and ordinary citizens to address pressing issues of her day.

Don't miss free tours of Val-Kill (just five minutes away from the summit) provided by the National Park Service.