Newsletter                               Number 3, January 25, 2013
In This Issue
Featured Article
Israel News
What We've Been Doing
What We've Been Reading
What We're Planning
Culture Buzz
Innovation and Economy
Tourism News

Ron Prosor


The United Nations Security Council holds a regular monthly open debate on the Middle East. Although statements in this forum are rarely reported in the media they offer perspective on the issues of the day that is worth noting. 

Following are highlights from Israel's UN Ambassador Ron Prosor's remarks at the UNSC Middle East debate on Wednesday, 23 January:  

"Elections are just one component of Israel's vibrant democracy. Our government guarantees the protection of minorities, women, and gays. Our courts ensure that everyone is accountable under the law. Our educational system teaches tolerance and peace, not violence and hate. We long for the day when the scenes of real elections built on the foundations of real democracy spread to all corners of a safe, stable, and secure Middle East." 

"France's Foreign Minister said this month that his country was fighting to prevent the creation of an Islamist terrorist enclave 'at the doorstep of France and Europe'. If Mali is on France's doorstep, Gaza is in Israel's living room. France's principled stand should be commended.  We only ask that France and all the countries who are supporting its principled stand today support Israel tomorrow when we fight Islamic terrorism on our borders."

"Last November, President Abbas stood in these halls and submitted a unilateral resolution in the General Assembly. He insisted that it was "the last chance to save the two-state solution".  Just ten days after President Abbas spoke to the entire world about his commitment to a two-state-solution, his political party - the Fatah - released a new logo that completely erased Israel from the map. The major obstacle to the two-state solution is the Palestinian leadership's refusal to speak to their own people about the true parameters of a two-state solution; to speak a lexicon of peace, not a litany of war."


The full speech can be found here. 

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Israeli Election Results

Yair Lapid

Israelis went to the polls Tuesday  and elected the parties and parliamentarians who will lead the country in the coming years. A seemingly predictable outcome - based on the plethora of public opinion polls published throughout the months of the election - turned on election night into an unforeseen drama as the Likud-Beytenu list of PM Netanyahu lost votes and a new potential kingmaker in Israeli politics - Yair Lapid of the Yesh Atid (There is a Future) party - burst onto the scene.   

The final tally of seats is as follows:

* Please note an error in the English on this graphic. The party with three seats is the Arab Party, Balad. Kadima received two seats in the final vote


For an analysis of the makeup of the incoming Knesset, including the increased number of female representatives, see this Haaretz article, which also includes a helpful graphic with the names and photos of all 120 prospective MKs. 

Interested in getting to know the fifty three new members just voted into the KnessetSee here. 

And for a more detailed look at the 19 new MKs of Lapid's Yesh Atid party, see here.

For an excellent early assessment of what the vote represents in terms of the priorities and concerns of the Israeli electorate, see this piece by Times of Israel editor David Horovitz. 


For a general review and an analysis of possible coalition options for PM Netanyahu, see this piece by David Makovsky of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

As regards potential implications for future efforts to promote peace with the Palestinians, see the following New York Times op-ed by Mark Heller, of Israel's Institute for National Security Studies, in which he argues that Tuesday's vote reflects the dominant sense in Israel that peacemaking is futile unless and until PA President Mahmoud Abbas demonstrates a credible desire actually to end the conflict.

For ongoing coverage of the election aftermath and coalition-building we recommend you continue to check the main Israeli news sites (Times of IsraelJerusalem PostHaaretz,Ynet), whose comprehensive reportage and analysis provides a much clearer and complete window onto Israel than any local Canadian or international news outlets can offer.

(Other) Israel News

In a commitment to grant the public access to transparent emissions data, Israel acceded last week to the Kiev Protocol, a UN protocol on air pollution release and monitoring. Israel's accession places it alongside an elite group of 36 countries, including all members of the European Union, who have taken on the protocol's provisions. Canada and the US have not acceded to the protocol. Read more..


The entire archaeological archive of Israel is be

Church of the Holy Sepulcher
Church of the Holy Sepulcher

ing scanned and  will go online in the coming days

The first stage, containing tens of thousands of documents, photographs, maps and plans from the years 1919-1948 from Akko and Jerusalem, is

The project is part of a broader landmark heritage program initiated by the government, designed to reinforce knowledge and awareness - amongst Israel's citizens as well as the international community - of ancient and modern Jewish heritage in the Holy Land . Read More... 


Israel's cabinet approved (13th January) an upgrade in status for the Jerusalem-based Shalem Center, making it a recognized institute of higher education. Shalem College will accept 50 students a year to pursue degrees in philosophy and Jewish thought, Middle Eastern studies and Islam. It will be the first time that a classic liberal arts degree will be offered in Israel. The new program will also include, amongst other things, a scholarship fund for exceptional Israeli and Canadian students, sponsored by Larry and Judy Tannenbaum.

On a lighter note, we're pleased to share this report on the integration of three Canadian soccer players into Israel's national league.  

What We've Been Doing

Raoul Wallenberg Stamp
Unveiling of the Postage Stamp in Tribute to Raoul Wallenberg

On January 14th, the Consulate, in partnership with the Swedish consulate in Toronto, The Toronto Reference Library and Canada Post, unveiled a postage stamp in tribute to Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who saved thousands of Jews in Nazi-occupied Hungary during World War II. The stamp, developed with the active involvement of the Israeli and Swedish Embassies in Ottawa, was issued on the 100th anniversary of Wallenberg's birth, in conjunction with an exhibition entitled "To Me There is No Other Choice", which began touring across Canada in November.

Also on January 14th CG Schneeweiss met in Toronto with the entire team of Jewish Agency Shlichim currently in Canada, to discuss mutual efforts to build ever-more relevant and rewarding Israel experiences for the Jewish communities across Canada.  

CG Schneeweiss held a series of meetings last week with various UJA-affiliated young leadership development frameworks to promote closer cooperation and exchange with the Consulate and Israel. In his comments to the various groups the CG spoke of the importance he attaches to working with the Jewish community to build the next generation of communally-engaged and Israel-engaged leaders, stating that "a strong, Israel-connected, Jewish community and a strong, Jewish-world connected Israel are the linchpins of our future". The discussions with these various forums will now turn to building concrete collaborative programs.
On Tuesday 15 th January the Consulate convened the second meeting of the  coordination committee for organizing the annual Israel Memorial Day ceremony in Toronto, which will take place on April 14th. More news of this will follow in future newsletters.
What We've Been Reading

Where Social Problems and Business Solutions Meet

(Jerusalem Post, January 9, 2013)  How young Israeli social entrepreneurs are working to identify ways in which Israeli technology could be used to alleviate social problems and spur development, not just through non-profits or charity, but with business and private capital.


An article by Gabriel Scheinmann in The National Interest (Jan. 21, 2013), in which he argues that while settlement construction may indeed spark outrage in European capitals and angst in the White House, this has not stood in the way of Israel's continued and successful integration in the global economy and international institutions.


Irish film-maker Nicky Larkin on his personal journey to Zionism and his lament that some Canadian supporters of Israel find it necessary to criticize him.


Raised on Hatred, a powerful article in the New York Times, by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, on the origins and impact of rampant anti-Semitism in the Arab world.


An insightful interview with Benjamin Ward, Deputy Director of Human Rights Watch, on the seeping of far-right thinking into mainstream European discourse, as well as this piece in the Daily Beast by Jonathan Freedland of London's Guardian, urging those concerned with anti-Semitism in Europe to avoid jumping to simplistic conclusions.


We'd also like to draw your attention to Intelligence on Iran, a new website dedicated to following developments regarding Iran's nuclear weapons program and the international efforts to bring it to an end.

What We're Planning

On Sunday January 27th CG Schneeweiss will participate in the formal Canadian Society of Yad Vashem ceremony to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Toronto, alongside Minister Jason Kenney and Dr Mario Silva, Chair of the Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research (ITF). For more on International Holocaust Remembrance day, see here


The Consulate is supporting the upcoming visit to Toronto of Professor Ken Stein of Emory University, a world-renowned expert on Zionist history and education. The visit, which will include a public meeting as well as a full-day of teacher training, is sponsored and organized by the Israel Engagement Committee of the UJA Federation and CIJA.


Tu Bishvat Upside Down Day, in partnership with the UJA Federation Israel Engagement Committee, Associated Hebrew Day School, The Robbins Hebrew Academy and Leo Baeck School, January 28, 2013.


Prof. Alean Al-Krenawi, President of Achva College (the first non-Jew to be president of an Israeli college) will be in Toronto on February 13-14 and will meet with Jewish leaders and local universities.


Community Development Initiative for the Israeli community of Toronto, in partnership with the Toronto UJA Federation, Israel's Reut Institute and the Canada-Israel Chamber of Commerce, February 19th.

Culture Buzz
Heads of Cultural Departments meet in New York

January has been an exciting time for the Culture Desk! Rebecca Singh, Director of Cultural Affairs at the Consulate flew to New York to confer with other Directors of Culture for Israel from across North America.  We imagine there will be a boost for Israeli Culture in North America now that the team is freshly re-energized and connected!

While in New York Rebecca also was exposed to new and cutting edge art, met many agents, artists,  officials and other contacts from Canada who were in town for the APAP and ISPA conferences. Here's a snap on a group of Cultural Directors  Cultural Directors at a reception for the world renowned Israeli deaf-blind  Nalaga'at Theatre whose latest show Not by Bread Alone opened to a packed house in New York at the Skirball Centre last Thursday.


Upcoming events:

In Toronto on Sunday January 27 at 3:00 pm  Soundstreams presents The Three Faces Of Jerusalem (Pre concert chat 2PM) Don't miss Yair Dalal in action! Tickets start at $20 Call 416-408-0208 or buy online now.


Young Israeli Musician Daniel Cohen to conduct the Canadian Opera Company's Toronto production of Mozart's La clemenza di Tito for nine performances Feb. 3 to 22, 2013. Read all about it in an article in the Canadian Jewish News.


The well-known Vancouver festival, Chutzpah! runs Feb. 7 to March 3rd and tickets are selling fast!  Here are some of the Israeli highlights from a stellar line up of performance: The Idan Raichel Project, When You See God...Tell Him by Israeli choreographer Itzik Galili, perennial favorite world music act Yemen Blues, and don't miss If at All by Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company.

Innovation and Economy
IMRICHebrew University discovery could lead to new cancer treatments

Researchers at the Hebrew University's Israel-Canada Institute for Medical Research (IMRIC) have discovered a new pathway by which cells in the body become cancerous. The discovery is expected to facilitate the development of new treatment methods that could prevent the spread of cancerous growths.


Canada's world-leading Spin Master toy company visits Israel to find new technologies

spinmaster logoRead about the planning and preparations behind the visit and the opportunities that exist for cutting edge collaboration between Canada and Israel in the field of children's  entertainment.


Israel's recent life sciences success stories

While hi-tech companies often garner more headlines, Israel's life science companies are also at the forefront of innovation in their fields. Here is an overview of the most successful Israeli companies in the life sciences and medical arenas.


Facilitating Canada-Israel Telecoms Partnerships

Mark Goldberg, a telecom industry consultant and co-founder of the Canadian Telecom Summit, met last week in Tel Aviv with a group of 17 Israeli telecom companies and presented information on the Canadian telecom market including, regulation, national landscape and opportunities.



For more innovation, business and economic news, visit the Israel Economic Mission to Canada website at www.itrade.gov.il/canada/

Tourism News

Lonely Planet ranks Tel Aviv World's 7th Best Beach City

Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv has successfully branded itself as one of the world's leading tourist destinations in recent years, despite Israel's often problematic image. And now Lonely Planet has ranked Tel Aviv the seventh best beachside city in the world, after Barcelona, Capetown, Rio de Janeiro, Tangier, Sydney, and Valencia.This isn't the first time that Lonely Planet has placed its spotlight on Israel. In October, the esteemed travel publication ranked Israel among the most recommended areas to visit in 2013, naming Israel's Negev Desert as the second-best place to see.  

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Jerusalem International Book Fair Celebrates its Jubilee, 10-15 February 2013

First held in 1963, The Jerusalem International Book Fair is a unique biennial event, renowned not only as a business fair but also as a prestigious and important cultural event. ..

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For more tourism news from Israel, check out the Israel Government Tourist Office website at www.goisrael.ca

Please feel free to contact us with comments and suggestions at information@toronto.mfa.gov.il 
We value your feedback.