McNichols Reveals its Historic Frieze
The McNichols Building at 144 W. Colfax (once the Carnegie Library) is getting a makeover.
In reviewing design plans, the LPC recommended removing the panels covering the writing on its original band.
Discover Denver in Globeville
Lincoln Street in Globeville
Having recently wrapped up work in Jefferson Park, the Discover Denver citywide building survey has begun surveying in Globeville and will move on to Elyria-Swansea next. The recent Globeville and Elyria-Swansea neighborhood plans recommended identifying historic resources and promoting the adaptive use of significant buildings, in order to preserve the neighborhoods' identity and unique character.
The area is marked by small residences built between the 1880s and 1930s that served as housing for those working in the nearby stockyards and smelters, as well as small-scale commercial buildings that held local businesses.
Discover Denver is a partnership with the City and County of Denver and Historic Denver, Inc. The survey is gathering information using public records, neighborhood canvassing, academic research, and tips from the public. Findings from the survey will be accessible online so that everyone can learn about Denver's past -- building by building. Learn more at DiscoverDenver.CO.
2015 Mayor's Design Awards Winners Include Rehabs and Landmarks
In October Mayor Michael B. Hancock recognized 16 projects for exterior design, architecture or placemaking. Seven are adaptive reuse or preservation projects, two are city landmarks and four are located in historic districts. See the winners >>
Good Things Come in Small Packages: 2857 Stout St.Even though the house at 2857 Stout St. in the Curtis Park Historic District was built in the late 1800s, it is not listed among the district's contributing structures. That's because when the district was created, the clapboard house was in such poor condition that nobody thought it worth preserving.
Owner Keith Pryor, however, saw beyond the small house's crumbling walls. He declined to sell the property and painstakingly renovated the 600-square-foot home. Now it's a charming and historic reminder of Denver's beginning as a modest mining and railroad town. Mr. Pryor and co-owner John Hayden received the Mayor's Design Award for artfully preserving a piece of Old West history in central Denver.
Historic Designations Head to Council
Two community-initiated landmark designation applications will come before City Council this month, following nods from the Landmark Preservation Commission. Designation by City Council would protect the buildings from demolition and require design review for major exterior alterations.
Because they are opposed by the property owners, the applications have garnered significant attention. However, these two cases represent a small fraction of the properties reviewed by Landmark Preservation staff this year. The city's Landmark Preservation ordinance mandates demolition review to ensure that no undiscovered architectural or historic treasure is destroyed before thoughtful consideration. So far in 2015, Landmark Preservation planners have reviewed more than 600 demolition requests. They identified and posted 34 with designation potential; applications were brought forward for only the two cases detailed below. 2329 Eliot St.: Council hearing November 16This 1890s brick, stone and wooden house in Jefferson Park was the home of William W. Anderson, a notorious Denver attorney who shot the publishers of the Denver Post in 1900 over a dispute involving infamous Colorado cannibal Alferd Packer. The LPC found that the property has direct and substantial association with a person who has influence on society (Anderson), and embodies distinguishing characteristics of an architectural style (Queen Anne). Learn more in the staff report (PDF). 5115 W. 29th Ave.: Council hearing November 30This large, white Denver Square stands on a hill at 29th Avenue and Zenobia Street in West Highland. It was designed by prolific Denver architect Richard Phillips and built in 1918. The LPC found that the property embodies an architectural style (Denver Square), is a significant example of the work of a recognized architect (Phillips), and is distinctive in its relative size and prominent hilltop location, making it an orienting feature in the neighborhood. Learn more in the staff report (PDF). |
Historic Denver, Inc. Honors Five
Larry Nelson in the Epworth Church
On October 28 at its annual dinner, Historic Denver, Inc. honored five rehabilitation projects with its Community Preservation Award. See photos and descriptions of the winners at Each building is protected by virtue of being a city landmark or located in a local historic district. Four of the five buildings were vacant or largely vacant in recent years. They were brought back to life thanks to inspired property owners and design teams, and stand as shining examples of the value of local historic preservation.
Bosler House Assessment Underway
The Bosler House at 3209 W. Fairview
Denver CPD has enlisted Hord Coplan Macht (formerly Slaterpaull Architects) to conduct a historic structure assessment of the Bosler House at 3209 W. Fairview.
The assessment, funded by a History Colorado grant, is performed by an architect and structural engineer and will detail the building's physical condition. The report will help the city and any future owner make informed decisions about restoration.
The 1875 building, designated a Denver historic landmark in 1984, has been in disrepair since 2009, with the roof open to the elements. Attempts to work with the owner to bring the property into compliance with city maintenance and preservation requirements were not successful, and the property had amassed $560,000 in liens. In May 2015, in an effort to ensure the rehabilitation and preservation of the building, the city of Denver filed to foreclose on the property. The Bosler House is an individually landmarked structure -- one of only 332 in the city. It is significant not only for its Italianate architecture but also for its history in the development of Denver and its association with Ambrose Bosler and W.H. Yankee, two early settlers of the West Highland area of Denver.
Park Hill Considering Historic District
Residents of Park Hill are exploring the possibility of creating a Park Hill historic district. Check out the Greater Park Hill News' coverage:
Design Guideline Revisions, Character-Defining Features on Tap at LPC
 When the LPC adopted design guidelines for the city's historic districts in 2014, it pledged to continually evaluate and revise them to ensure they continue to protect historic properties, are user-friendly and are flexible where appropriate.
The LPC is now proposing revisions to the guidelines, as well as the adoption of character-defining features for four historic districts: Alamo Placita, Morgan's Subdivision, Witter-Cofield and Wyman. (It has already adopted character-defining features for eight other historic districts.)
The LPC uses these character-defining features in combination with the design guidelines to perform design reviews of projects in specific historic districts, and to ensure that new construction is compatible with the unique character of each district. A public hearing on all of the above is slated for December 15. More>>
LPC Adopts Changes to Design Review, Formalizes RNO Participation
On October 20, the Landmark Preservation Commission adopted improvements to the design review process that clarify the process and rules for customers. The updated rules involve pre-application requirements for design review and the two-step process for infill construction. The newly adopted rules (PDF) will go into effect December 1, 2015.
One change formalizes the participation of registered neighborhood organizations (RNOs) for large projects. In areas where RNOs have design review committees, any landmark or historic district project involving infill construction, pop-tops and/or accessory dwelling units will be required to meet with the RNO design review committee. RNOs that wish to participate must have (or must establish) design review committees and must take part in annual training to ensure members are up to speed on the design review process and the applicable design guidelines.
In support of this change, Landmark Preservation staff will create a guide explaining the process for customers as well as RNOs. The guide is slated for review and adoption at the LPC meeting scheduled for December 1. A draft guide and additional information will be posted here.
Changes to State Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits in Effect
Changes to the state of Colorado's historic preservation tax credit program became effective October 1, 2015. Here's what you need to know!
Originally enacted in 1991, the state historic preservation tax credit allows owners of locally designated historic properties to obtain a 20% credit toward their state property taxes for qualified rehabilitation work (maximum $50,000 credit). In 2014, the state changed the list of improvements that qualify for tax credits and expanded the timelines for owners to complete projects.
Denver Landmark Preservation planners process tax credit applications on behalf of the state, allowing for faster processing and the ability to combine the landmark design review with the tax credit application.
See the Tax Credits Program Handout (PDF) or visit the State Historic Preservation Income Tax Credits page for complete info for commercial and residential projects.
Landmark Preservation is an important function of the Department of Community Planning and Development. Denver City Council enacted the Denver Landmark Ordinance in 1967 to foster the protection, enhancement, perpetuation and use of structures and districts of historical, architectural and/or geographic significance.
Landmark Preservation staff and two landmark boards carry out that mission through design review, historic surveys and landmark designations. Staff also assists owners of historic properties by providing guidance and resources for preserving, maintaining and rehabilitating historic buildings and properties. You can learn more about Denver's Landmark Preservation efforts on our website.
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