Special Edition Newsletter
Holiday 2013
Wishing you health and happiness this Holiday Season and prosperity in the New Year.
MusingsMusings from the CEO
By Mike Hoffman

Here's a dire prediction.  You will remember 2013 as the year your taxes really went up!  There has been a perfect storm of tax law changes that take place in 2013, combined with the expiration of a number of recession tax relief measures, and the general prognosis that earnings and investment income are finally moving up in 2013 and into 2014.  Read More
Year2013 Year-End Tax Planning: Personal Tax Considerations
By Mary Daugherty & Doug McAlpine
As January 1, 2014 gets closer, year-end tax planning considerations should be starting to take shape. New tax legislation has brought greater certainty to year-end planning, but has also created new challenges. The number of changes made to the Tax Code and the opportunities these changes bring may seem overwhelming. However, early planning will help you to maximize your potential tax savings and minimize your tax liability. This letter is intended to be a mile-high view of some key year-end tax planning strategies. Read More

ConservationConservation Easements - Easy Tax Savings
By Ian Fisher
You may not be able to have your cake and eat it too, but you can own your land and donate it too. Conservation easements allow a property owner to maintain ownership of their land while also ensuring that it will be preserved in perpetuity.  Read More
WealthWealth Transfer Strategies
By Kim Hoipkemier
How Wal-Mart's Waltons Maintain their Billionaire Fortune

Wealth transfer strategies are at the core of our business.  This recent article featured in Business Week  is an excellent example of various wealth transfer strategies used by billionaire families.  You don't have to be the Waltons to benefit from such strategies, so let us help you incorporate these strategies into your estate plan today.  Read More
All the best to you, your family, and your organization,

Hoffman & Associates
6100 Lake Forrest Drive
Suite 300
Atlanta, GA 30328
NOTE: This is a promotional communication dealing with general legal, business, and tax topics of interest for a broad range of readers. It is not legal or tax advice upon which readers may rely, as the advice contained herein is general in nature. This newsletter may be distributed to others who may find this informative.

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