Hoffman & Associates Newsletter
Spring 2013 
In This Issue
Musings from the CEO
What the New Tax Law Means to You
The New Tax Law: Does Your Estate Plan Need to be Updated?
Introducing: Estate Planning for Women
Introducing: Hoffman Family Office
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Musings from the CEO
These are interesting times, and I choose to believe we are at the beginning of good times. While we are clawing out of a recession, and Washington, DC has us constantly on pins and needles, the economy is generally getting better, unemployment is generally not increasing, and our clients generally are in an upswing in their attitudes and well-beings. We want to be here for those who need assistance, whether it is planning for them or an elderly family member, assisting with the growth and success of their business, or simply to put their mind at ease that they have satisfactorily addressed planning considerations within their realm of influence. Let us hear from you!

With the fiscal cliff behind us and the spring season clearly upon us, it's time to focus on renewal, transition and preparing for the future. The new tax law, just as the warm weather, encourages us to tidy up not only our homes but our finances as well. In this edition, we bring you information on the new tax law and what it means to you, how to better prepare for wealth transition to future generations, and new programs that can help you take control of your financial well being.   
What the New Tax Law Means to You

For most Americans, the 2012 Tax Act has decreased the emphasis on estate tax planning for worst case scenarios and put it back on the real reasons we need to do estate planning: taking care of ourselves and our families the way we want. Read More

The New Tax Law: Does Your Estate Plan Need to be Updated?
With the new changes in the tax law in place, and some of them "permanent", does your estate plan need to be revisited?
Introducing: Estate Planning for Women
Women are a powerful financial force in today's economy as they independently earn, manage, and distribute more wealth than ever before. So why are women unique when it comes to estate planning? Read More
Introducing: Hoffman Family Office
Hoffman Family Office services are a welcome addition to our practice and can become your family office handling bookkeeping, bill payment, insurance shopping and investment reporting just to name a few. Read More
NOTE: This is a promotional communication dealing with general legal, business, and tax topics of interest for a broad range of readers. It is not legal or tax advice upon which readers may rely, as the advice contained herein is general in nature. This newsletter may be distributed to others who may find this informative.