Agricultural Trivia
Congratulations to Darla Haines for being the first person to respond with the correct answer to our September trivia question. Darla knew that the Honeycrisp apple is our state fruit. The top ten responders were Marueen Hauck, Jim Resch, Marilyn Vollbrecht, Shell Tumberg, Tracy Tebben, Hayley Faber, Brian Boomgaarden, Lisa Busack, Katrine Bender and Beth Pagel.
October Trivia
The first person to email the correct answer for the question below will win a copy of the book The Cow in Patrick O'Shanahan's Kitchen. It's harvest time! Minnesota farmers are harvesting field corn, also known as dent corn, from fields across the state. On average, how many ears of field corn are grown on one corn plant?
Email your answer to Sue Knott to be eligible for the prize!