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Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom News 
January 2015


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Teachers give the thumbs up sign 

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MAITC has Grown its Social Circle!


Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC) is excited to add Pinterest as its newest avenue for connecting with K-12 teachers.  Visit us on Pinterest  to get great ideas for embedding agriculture in your classroom, and Follow our boards and Re-Pin our resources and pins.  You can also connect with us on Facebook and explore our MAITC videos on YouTube.    

In This Issue
Teacher FeatureCarrie Allord
Carrie Allord
Ag Time Educator 
Brainerd Public Schools, Brainerd, MN

What is Ag Time?

Ag Time is a program that was started after Magnus Nelson and I attended the 2013 National Ag in the Classroom conference in Minnesota.  After coming back from the conference completely filled with wonderful ideas, we wanted to find a way to reach out to teachers and help them implement Ag in the Classroom.  So Ag Time was born.  Over the last two years myself and another teacher, Veronica Nelson, have gone into 5 different 2nd grade classrooms for one hour each month.  We teach an agricultural based lesson using different resources from the MN Ag in the Classroom website and ideas gathered at the Ag in the Classroom conferences we have attended.  Our hope is to reach out to all of the 2nd grade classrooms in our district so we can reach every student as they go through the 2nd grade.

Carrie Allord helps a student create a wook bracelet
During a lesson an agricultural fibers, Carrie helps a student make a wool yarn bracelet.

2015 Schoolyard Garden Conferencekids in the garden
MAITC was excited to be involved in the 2015 Schoolyard Garden Conference planning process and we are looking forward to presenting!  If you are invovled in a school garden or hope to be someday, plan to attend this conference at the U of M Landscape Arboretum on February 27-28, 2015. 
MAITC is also exhibiting and/or presenting at the following conferences in early 2015: 
Jan. 15-16 MN School Board Assn Leadership Conference, Minneapolis 
Jan. 16-17 MN Assn of Agricultural Educators, St. Cloud
Feb. 4-6 MN Elementary School Principals Assn, Bloomington
Feb. 20 MN Conference on Science Education, Mankato
Feb. 23 MN Conference for the Social Studies, Brooklyn Park
Be sure to stop by and say hi!
Fantastic Resources
Commodity Cards
This newly revised set of cards features images and facts on eighteen Minnesota crop plants and livestock animals.  Order a FREE set or download at  http://www.mda.state.mn.us/kids/commoditycards.aspx
Sugarbeet commodity card front Sugarbeet commodity card back
Ask the FarmersAsk the Farmers webpage logo
Where does your food come from? How is it raised? How is it grown? Do you have questions or concerns? If so, ask the farmers.This webpage was designed to start conversations about agriculture, to respond to questions consumers have about the products farmers produce, and to give supporters of agricutlure a place to turn when they don't know who else to ask.  Explore the blog posts, photos, and fun at http://www.askthefarmers.com/
Agricultural Trivia
The first person to email the correct answer for the question below will win a Minnesota Department of Agriculture Coffee Mug!

What is the gestation length for a female pig?

Email your answer to  Sue Knott to be eligible for the prize!

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