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Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom News 
November 2014
Gustavus Adolphus students complete a geography lesson
Education students at Gustavus Adolphus College complete the Minnesota Apple Pie lesson from the Food for Thought resource
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Newly Revised Food for Thought, 4th Edition

Food for Thought: Connecting Minnesota Geography with Agriculture is a unique classroom resource that is the result of a long-standing working relationship between the Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom Program and the Minnesota Alliance for Geographic Education. The 4th Edition features 18 K-12 lessons and maps that align with the MN K-12 Academic Standards. The breadth of content in these lessons, along with the wide variety of companion maps, will inspire interest in the geography of Minnesota agriculture and engage students in learning about our state's geography and agricultural industry. The entire 4th Edition of Food for Thought is available online and the 18 lesson Teacher Guide is also available in hard copy. 

In This Issue
Teacher FeatureMs. Kellie Friend
Ms. Kellie Friend
3rd Grade Teacher
Turtle Lake Elementary in Shoreview, Minnesota 
Ms. Friend was one of the contributing writers to our 4th edition of Food for Thought:Connecting Minnesota Geography with Agriculture.
What advice do you have for other teachers on implementing agriculture into their classroom/program?
I would encourage all teachers to begin to incorporate agricultural learning into their classrooms.  It is a natural fit with social studies, science, and many of the reading standards.  Even more important, it develops awareness of many resources in Minnesota and how agriculture intersects with their daily life.
How has the Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom Program impacted your students and instruction?
I love using the Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom Program with my students.  Living in a suburban area, students have limited experience with the agriculture that exists in Minnesota. Using the resources  from Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom, builds an awareness of what agriculture is and how it impacts their own lives.  Additionally, students begin to understand and see the interdependence we have with people from all different regions in Minnesota and the United States.
Host a School Garden Workshop at your School!


MAITC staff member Zoe Hastings is traveling the state this school year to provide schools with workshops featuring hands-on, standards-based garden activities. Each workshop is designed to fit the needs of educators at your school and build on your current garden use. If you do not have a garden at your school and are interested in learning more, Zoe can also facilitate a discussion about starting a school garden, including sharing resources and fun ways to integrate the garden into your curriculum. 

 kids in the garden

Zoe joined the MN Dept. of Agriculture this year to provide direct Farm to School support to schools by facilitating school garden workshops for educators and providing local procurement assistance for school food service. Previously, Zoe managed school gardens and taught food and nutrition education while serving with FoodCorps and the University of Maine Cooperative Extension in Bangor, Maine.


To learn more about the MAITC school garden workshops and to schedule one at your school, please contact Zoe Hastings at [email protected] or 651-201-6260.

Excellence in Teaching About Agriculture Award Applications Due December 4th
Cash Prize and Travel Opportunity!National Teacher Winners
The MAITC Foundation is excited to recognize a Minnesota K-12 teacher with the Excellence in Teaching about Agriculture Award. The winner of this award receives a $500 cash prize and a trip to the National Ag in the Classroom Conference in Louisville, KY. Applications are due December 4, 2014.
Fantastic Resources
Fourth edition of the Food for Thought curricular piece
Newly Revised 4th Edition of Food for Thought
The new edition of Food for Thought is available online and the 18 lesson Teacher Guide is also available in hard copy. The full menu (44 maps) of companion maps is available in both full color and black and white versions. Explore this resource at  http://www.mda.state.mn.us/fft
  Child and adult building a tool for measuring water clarity
4-H SOAR Challenge
The new 4-H Science of Agriculture Response Challenge (SOAR) provides a hands-on learning experience to inspire the next generation of agriculture leaders in Minnesota. Youth teams partner with local expert mentors to develop science-based responses to agriculture-related issues they have identified in their communities. To learn more visit http://www.extension.umn.edu/youth/mn4-H/events/science-of-ag-response/
National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD)Soil to Spoon logo
The NACD has an extensive on-line library of educational resources including guides, activities and more, to educate students about the importance of natural resources .  Explore the library at http://www.nacdnet.org/education 
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