June 25, 2013


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Calvert Collaborative for Children and Youth -

Non-profit community building, networking and advocacy organization supporting children and youth interests; providing pilot gap programs to youth and parents, and asset development workshops, community-wide.



Incremental increases in solid waste fees for all solid waste from commercial customers


As part of the Fiscal Year 2014 budget, the Calvert County Board of County Commissioners has approved incremental increases in solid waste fees for all solid waste from commercial customers, Calvert County residents and out-of-county customers.

New tip fees apply to chargeable loads of solid waste brought to the Appeal Landfill. The following tip fees (the cost per ton of solid waste disposed of at the transfer station or in the landfill) will become effective July 1, 2013:

  • All out-of-county and commercial customers: $76.37 per ton (up from $74.70)
  • Calvert County residents with chargeable loads: $68.74 per ton (up from $67.23)

County residents are charged for disposal of the following items at the Appeal Landfill:

  • Construction and demolition debris: doors, windows, cabinets, sinks, tubs, toilets, carpet, drywall, wood, fencing, sheds, siding, shutters, shingles, etc.
  • Yard debris: leaves, branches, trees, etc.
  • Mixed loads: construction and demolition debris and/or yard debris mixed with household trash

Calvert County residents are not charged for bagged household waste, metal or other items separated for recycling.


The tip fee increase is tied to changes in the Consumer Price Index under an agreement between the county and Waste Management, Inc. The agreement includes the provision for annual disposal fee adjustments, with a maximum annual adjustment of 3 percent.


The solid waste fee, charged per household or business and billed annually on property tax bills, will increase from $115 to $117. The fee funds county solid waste handling and disposal operations, including the county's seven solid waste convenience centers and the Appeal Landfill.


For more information, contact the Calvert County Department of Public Works Solid Waste Division at 410-326-0210, email Solid Waste Division Chief Michael Thomas at thomasma@co.cal.md.us, or visit online at www.co.cal.md.us.

Messages from BBG Member: RAR Associates


1) The Grand Opening of RAR Associate's North Beach Professional Building near Chesapeake Ave. and 7th Street is being RESCHEDULED for July; it will NOT be on Wed, June 26. Watch the BBG e-news for the rescheduled event for JULY. All BBG Members are invited to the Grand Opening.

2) BBG Member RAR Associates has a 1,000 square foot business space/retail storefront available for rent. It's located at 7th and Bay Avenue in a high traffic area next to Sweet Sue's Bake Shoppe and the North Beach Post Office; across from the new Plaza Mexico Restaurant. Rent is negotiable. Call Ron Russo for more information 301-855-6600


Your Legacy...



Smartphone App to Help Teens quit smoking


A smartphone app designed by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) texts teens to help them quit smoking,            


One text says, "Smoking may seem like the answer but you know it's not. Stay strong! Cravings fade even without smoking & you'll be proud for staying focused."


The messages (written in "teen speak"), and their timing, are based on texts sent by the participating teens, describing their tobacco cravings and moods. The text messaging program, called SmokefreeTXT, lasts about eight weeks.


Teens who sign up for the texts choose a quit date. The program checks in daily to see how the teens are doing. It responds to the teens' texts with suggestions, advice and encouragement, providing tips about controlling their moods and managing cravings.


Teens can sign up for the program at teen.smokefree.gov or text QUIT to iQUIT (47848).