BAGAKOAA; March 24, 2013 Veranda Time Was A Hit 

Post 803

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Wow! We have mentioned Veranda Time here in the blog several times. It is that time of day when Jerene has stopped working us to death and I wave a shot of Morgan Rum under her nose and she allows us to retire to the veranda and relax a while before they make the long trek home to Long Beach.


I coined the term Veranda Time, because that is what I do. I stand around and think up cool names for stuff. Seriously.


Anywho, after a couple of weeks of experimenting with VT (Veranda Time), we thought we were ready for prime time. We mentioned and sent out a few e-mails to a few folk saying we were going to VT Saturday at 5:00.


We had no plans (Plenty of booze and wine but no plans.). We opened the gates at 4:30 and by 5:00, I was thinking VT was bust. After all it was casual, everyone is so busy, and what's the big deal about something called Veranda Time.


Now Dennis and Jerene and Mike and Patti drove all the way from Long Beach for VT. They knew how good it was and had helped us develop the Beta version.


By six O'clock, I was stunned. Nearly everyone had shown up. About 16 people showed up and Devin had about 22 crackers and 20 slices of cheese. Then about 5:45, Ted and Karen M. showed up with platters of food. The had gobs of shrimp and salami and brie and all kinds of goodies.


I was feeling like Jesus on the beach near Bethsaida (near the Jordan River if you were wondering) and he had about 4,000 folk to feed and all he had was 22 crackers and 20 slices of cheese. Then Ted and Karen showed up and fed the multitudes. (Before I get a bunch of emails, I was not comparing myself to Jesus. We both have beards, but that is as far as it goes.)


So thank you Ted and Karen. (Karen still reads the blog Ted has stopped, but since I am no longer his boss he does not have to suck up to me, so I understand. Love them both just the same.)


As VT rolled along, Ted said "Bocce Ball". Don't know why someone would blurt out Bocce Ball, but it happened. I proceeded down the hill and we began a ninety minute round of Bocce Ball. It was a splendid night of the guys being competitive while throwing hard wood balls on a court made of crushed shell.


The sleeper of the night was Tim T., mild mannered Financial Advisor at UBS, but at night becomes Super Bocce Ball Man. Some of his placements were amazing. Now I know what he does with those long hallways at his office in Irvine.


As we finished, the crowd started to thin and Dennis, Jerene, Mike, and Patti, helped put things back in order. They headed North to Long Beach leaving Devin and I to try and figure out how to shut off the #@&^(&)'n lights all over the place.


I enjoyed the last glass of 2002 Merus (We put away some wine Saturday night. We did the Merus, a 2006 Opus One, a 2007 Roger Sabon Ch�teauneuf-du-Pape Cuv�e Prestige, 2008 Vi�edos Bernabeleva Vinos de Madrid Navaherreros, and 2009 Domaine de la Charbonni�re Ch�teauneuf-du-Pape. It was a great night.

If you are interested in VT time, drop me a note and I will get you on the VT announcement e-mail drop. It will be as much notice as we can give. You have to let me know if you live outside of Coto, if you live in Coto, just look for the open gate and come on in. Let me know if you want to be on the VT list.

We are truly blessed. Here are a couple more shots from Chateau Cronin/Circle D.

Speaking of lists. 

I have 81 sets of Angel Ticket's this year. I need help using them all. I am starting and Angel's Give Away email list.

Again, we will give as much notice as possible, but we will drop an e-mail when tickets are available.

Dave Hanna and I are working on getting a few sets of tickets a month on auction at Hanna's with all proceeds going to the charity Dave has been very involved in, Semper Fi.

We will get the tickets to Hanna's and bidding will start at $100.00 for the four great seats. (Right off third base row V field level, with parking passes.) It will be fun and will raise money for great cause.

Again, drop me a line if you want to be on the email list or find out more about the Semper Fi.
Not On The List This Year  

I got to read Barron's cover to cover this weekend. The cover story is "The World's Best CEO's". It would have been my last chance to make the list, but it did not happen. So sad.  

Randall Forsyth wrote a great piece putting the Cypriot banking situation in a clearer light. Their banking system is 8 times larger than their GDP because they are a European version of the Cayman Islands. Money kinda floats there and hides out. A banking collapse there has much bigger ramifications than one might think.

Wealthy Russian's have been hiding money there for years. (Douglas, don't we know a few?) It is worth keeping an eye on how the market reacts to the bailout options.

Vito Racanelli (one of my favs) did a good job wrapping the week and setting up this week. Of note he points out that last week was the first loosing week in the three and that next week is the end of this earnings season. AA reports on the 8th of April.

That means the Pit Bosses and Casino Managers (Mutual fund managers and hedge fund managers) will be doing some window dressing to clean up the first quarter. Look for volatility (Hint hint VXX) this week especially with Cypress Banking Boogeymen running around.

We are sitting tight this week as we still have a loosing position on VXX that needs to come back soon. We are going to short APOL as we suggested two night ago. That will also be our spiketrade for the week.  

It is a relatively busy week in economic data coming up.


The Dallas Fed survey should look nice and make anybody who is paying attention smile.  

Uncle Ben is in front of the mic at the London School of Economics. He could surprise us with an interesting sound bite, but I doubt it.  

Germany reports retail sales that could be note worthy. I would not expect good news.


Durable good orders should be flat to slightly improved. Sans transportation (trains, planes and automobiles) it might come down a tad. Anything else could give Mr. market the jitters.

Housing and home sales number should continue to improve.

Consumer confidence should not be too volatile. Everyone has had a few pay periods with the new withholding taxes in place.

The Richmond fed report should be positive as well.   Wednesday  

Pending home sales should be very positive.

Look for the EIA Petroleum report to expose low inventories which should bring West Texas Crude prices up (as well as Brent)

The Eurozone, France, and The UK all have economic data out so this could be a volatile day.

Canada releases its consumer price info, if you care.

We have our GDP number coming out. Look for .5% on the quarter making the annual number 2.0% Yawn. If we stay down near zero, Mr. market might be getting that long anticipated correction.  

Look for continued improvement in the Jobless claims numbers coming in below 350,000.

The Chicago PMI and Kansas City fed should be positive.

Friday the market is closed.

We will have personal Income and Outlays report and it will not be good news.
Salve Lucrum
Brian Ireland
Since 3/4/2013
Y to R 2/25/2013
G to Y 2/21/2013
Y to G 12/31/2012
G to Y 12/27/2012

I am not a professional investment adviser. Anybody reading my blog and investing accordingly must be out of their minds. I have made more money than I have lost. Except for a nasty VXX trade is 2012.   There are many more qualified people than I to actually tell you how to invest your money.


BAGAKOAA=Boys And Girls And Kids Of All Ages


Salve Lucrum=Latin for Hurrah for Profit.


Brian's estimate :

2013 Year Ending

Dow 14,361

S&P 500



2012 Year Ending

Dow 13,073

Actual 13,104

S&P 500 1,358

Actual 1,426

Tool Box


Salvay And Lewcrum Explain

Buying Call Options

Market Direction

                           Survey Of One




