This Week At Westminster, Wooster
|  | #WayneCountyFairForAll Juanita Greene, president of the Wooster/Orrville NAACP, and Dries met with Wayne County Fair Board Secretary Pete Armstrong on Tuesday, August 23rd. |
This week Westminster will live more fully into our peacemaking presence here on the campus of The College, in Wooster, and Wayne County, Ohio!
It is with excitement that we will be able to put our faith into action at the Wayne County Fair where you can help uphold the welcome, family atmosphere, and diversity of Wayne County, Ohio and the Wayne County Fair. Remember, by showing up to visit and/or to volunteer at the #WayneCountyFairForAll booth and share your story of why you are supporting the movement, you are making a difference! Sign up for a two-hour shift at the #WayneCountyFairForAll booth starting Saturday, September 10 through Thursday, September 15 on Sign Up Genius here or by contacting Beth Coetzee at 330-263-2398. If there are no shifts available when you are, you are welcome to come anytime to support the booth.
Why not make next Friday evening, September 16, a night out at Westminster on the Mackey patio? Come and enjoy the fellowship of Westminster. We will have a food truck and live music as we welcome students and their families to Wooster for the The College's Black and Gold weekend. Westminster will cater appetizers and dessert; main dishes will be available for purchase.
Also, don't miss Nahida Gordon's book release, Palestine Is Our Home: Voices of Loss, Courage, and Steadfastness on Saturday, September 17 at 2 pm at the Wooster Book Company.
In case you missed it! Listen here to Dries' interview with WKSU's about the Confederate flag at the Wayne County Fair. |
Westminster at the Fair
As we enter the final week before the fair we are excited as our movement has made great strides towards the inclusion of all people, especially with the Fair Board's verbal assurance that they are asking vendors not to flaunt the Confederate flag. Still, we have not reached our goal as the Fair Board continues to approve the sale of the Confederate flag, an oppressive and bigoted symbol. Therefore, we need you to take action and strengthen the cause with your presence at the Wayne County Fair. In the words of Juanita Greene, president of the Wooster/Orrville NAACP: "This is not an issue of freedom of speech; this is about ignoring the aspirations of our community that strongly feels that the flag represents racism and hatred against people of color. We need the people of Wayne County to claim back our identity as a welcoming and accepting people, as we all have a moral duty to protect the rights of all people, especially the minority."
Sunday, September 11
7:30am Walking in Mindfulness
Join us for "Walking in Mindfulness," a meditative worship experience on the second Sunday of each month at 7:30am at Oak Hill Park. This worship opportunity is experiential in nature and together in community we experience the Holy in the midst of nature as we learn from one another.
10:45am in Mackey Hall
Looking from a Biblical perspective, Pastor Andries Coetzee reflects on Luke 15:1-10 and why it is important that we uphold the dignity and worth of all people as we step out in faith and action with the #WayneCountyFairForAll campaign!
Sunday, September 18, 10:45am in Mackey Hall
As we welcome College of Wooster students and their families for Black and Gold weekend, we observe International Day of Peace, joining churches around the world in prayer and reflection on peace.
Click here for more information
Women's Bible Study
Westminster's Women's Bible Study will resume this week on Tuesday, September 13 at 10:00am in The Lounge (the second Tuesday of each month through June 2017). Join us for this time of learning, spiritual growth, and fellowship.
Vegan Potluck
Westminster Presbyterian Church invites you to our monthly Vegan Potluck in Mackey Hall, on Thursday, September 15 in Mackey Hall. To learn more click here and to sign up click here.
Food Truck at Westminster
Friday, September 16 5:30 - 7:00pm
As our Westminster community embraces the spirit of radical hospitality and strives to be "Intentionally Inclusive," we welcome all College of Wooster students and their families to the Presbyterian Families Reception (Presbyterian or not!). Additionally, we welcome First Presbyterian Church to join us in this fun opportunity to further connect with students and their families. Previously hosted by Office of Interfaith Campus Ministries, this year's event will be held on the Mackey Hall patio from 5:30 - 7:00pm on Friday, September 16. Appetizers and dessert will be provided by Flamingo Jack's food truck, featuring eclectic comfort food. Harpist Wendy Barlow will also provide an eclectic set of music! Join us on the Mackey patio for food and fellowship. Be there to acquaint families with their students' college faith community and wider Wooster! All students and families are welcome!
Nahida Gordon's Book Release
What: Book Release by local author, Nahida Gordon, Palestine Is Our Home: Voices of Loss, Courage, and Steadfastness
When: Saturday, September 17 at 2 pm
Where: Wooster Book Company, 205 W Liberty St, Wooster
Do you want to hear and learn about a people who have suffered loss and through perseverance continue to long for freedom and peace? Nahida Gordon invites you to come to the Wooster Book Company on September 17 at 2 pm to listen to readings from her new book, Palestine Is Our Home: Voices of Loss, Courage, and Steadfastness. The book is available at the Wooster Book Company.
Click here for more information
Showing Hospitality is Peacemaking!
Help make Westminster the warm and inviting place we are called to be! Sign up to provide flowers or bring goodies for fellowship time after worship. If you are interested in helping, please sign up at SignUpGenius or by contacting the Church Office at 330-263-2398.
What's happening at Westminster
Sunday, September 11
7:30am Walking in Mindfulness at Oak Hill Park
9:30am Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
10:45am Worship in Mackey Hall, Pastor Dries preaching
12:00pm Fellowship in Mackey Hall
Wayne County Fair Booth 11:00am - 10:00pm
Monday, September 12
Wayne County Fair Booth 10:00am - 10:00pm
12:00pm Building Committee Meeting in the Lounge
Tuesday, September 13
8:30am Agape Latte in the Old Main Caf� fish bowl (Kauke 025)
10:00am Women's Bible Study in the Lounge
Wayne County Fair Booth 10:00am - 10:00pm
Wednesday, September 14
Wayne County Fair Booth 10:00am - 10:00pm
7:00pm Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
7:00pm Student Led Bible Study in the Lounge
Thursday, September 15
Wayne County Fair Booth 10:00am - 10:00pm
6:00pm Vegan Potluck in Mackey Hall
6:30pm Dance Group in the Meeting Place
Friday, September 16
9:00am Benevolences Work Group at Green Leaf
10:15am Meals on Wheels (for information contact Sue Coleman)
5:30pm Presbyterian Families Reception on the Mackey Patio
Saturday, September 17
2:00pm Nahida Gordon's Book Release at the Wooster Book Company
Sunday, September 18
9:30am Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
10:45am Worship in Mackey Hall, Pastor Dries preaching
12:00pm Black & Gold Weekend Family Potluck in Mackey Hall