
What a week! As the Wayne County Fair approaches with it's policy to uphold and support the sale of the Confederate Flag and/or merchandise, Westminster continued to be a driving force in Wayne County for racial justice.
I invite you to visit our Blog page on the Westminster website to read the following two Press Releases describing how events unfolded for Westminster and the Wooster/Orrville NAACP to host a booth at the Fair, Saturday, September 10th through Thursday, September 15th.
This month I again encourage you to sign up for Suppers for Six or So as we will divide participants in groups by Friday, September 9, 2016. This is a wonderful opportunity for long time Westminster members and friends to get to know students and newcomers to our community of faith.
This year the College of Wooster Black and Gold Weekend (September 16 through 18) will bring a change to our schedule as we will not only host the family luncheon after worship, but also have volunteered to host the traditional Presbyterian Families Reception on Friday night, September 16. Although the Reception was traditionally only for Presbyterians, we are extending a welcome to all families, Presbyterian or not! We will have a Food Truck on the Mackey patio with live music. We hope that each one of you as well as our neighbors at First Presbyterian Church will join in our welcome to College of Wooster students and their families. For this event appetizers and desserts will be catered with main dishes available for purchase.
I invite you to stop by the Fair this month and visit with the Westminster and the Wooster/Orrville NAACP volunteers at our #WayneCountyFairForAll booth. If you are willing to volunteer at the booth please contact Beth and she will send a sign up to you. We need volunteers!
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Intergenerational Activity, Sun. September 18
Join us on the 3rd Sunday of each month for an Intergenerational Activity at 9:30am before worship. Let us come together, get to know each other, have fun, bake cookies and live into/embrace the blessings/gifts of Westminster's intergenerational community! Save these dates in your calendar: Sept. 18th, Oct. 16th, Nov. 20th and Dec. 18th. For more information or to help contribute, contact Emily here.
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Lunch after Worship on September 18

Westminster and UKirk invite students and their families to join us for lunch after worship for The College of Wooster Black & Gold Weekend (Homecoming and Family Weekend combined).
At Westminster we always feel honored and blessed when students bring their families to worship and share the precious time they have together with us. Not only does this speak to the priorities of the students and their families, but also to the connection they have made with our community of faith. Help make our guests feel warmly welcomed! Bring a side or a dessert if you're able, but above all, come and share Westminster's gift of radical hospitality.
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Sunday, September 25th at 5pm, we will have a Family Meal for all children/youth and families of our Westminster community! This is a relaxed time to come together, share a burger, summer adventures, play a couple of games and just have fun getting to know each other better. Join us at 5pm at the Coetzee's home.
I am excited for this Fall as we grow, laugh, eat, and commune with one another over meals, through worship, at Westminster and in the larger Wooster community!
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Nahida Gordon's Book Release

Do you want to hear and learn about a people who have suffered loss and through perseverance continue to long for freedom and peace? Nahida Gordon invites you to come to the Wooster Book Company on September 17 at 2 pm to listen to readings from her new book, Palestine Is Our Home: Voices of Loss, Courage, and Steadfastness. The book is available at the Wooster Book Company.
What: Book Release by local author, Nahida Gordon, Palestine Is Our Home: Voices of Loss, Courage, and Steadfastness.
When: Saturday, September 17 at 2 pm
Where: Wooster Book Company, 205 W Liberty St, Wooster, OH 44691
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The Lincoln Buy Way Yard Sale was a resounding success, earning $1,128.35 for the upcoming Habitat for Humanity home build. Thanks to the generosity of Westminster members and friends, sale workers watched hundreds of donated items from baskets to baby beds, fine china to camp chairs, and appliances to accessories leave the sale grounds with their new owners and enter into a repurposed life.
Thanks to Ferenc Relle and his miracle truck, to Chuck Slater, a good friend of Westminster and Habitat, and to Linda Barbu, Jean Brazee, Sue Coleman, Rich Drushal, Josie Drushal, Adrian Dryer, John Dryer, Don Fraunfelder, Joe Hartzler, Dorothy Iams, Mary Kilpatrick, Dawn Kridel, Stephen Kridel, Tim Mendiola, Sherry Hatter-Miller, Dave Noble, Gayle Noble, Barbara Norris, Camie Packe, Shelley Peterson, Lemoine Peart, Candy Relle, Ferenc Relle, Caryl Slater, Marty Taggart, Bill Weiss and Cheryl Weiss for their untiring efforts during three days of record-breaking heat, punctuated with periodic pop-up thunderstorms.
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Women's Bible Study Books Now Available

Westminster's Women's Bible Study will resume this fall on Tuesday, September 13 at 10:00am in The Lounge (the second Tuesday of each month through June 2017). If you are interested in joining the Women's Bible Study you can pick up your study guide, entitled Who Is Jesus? by Judy Yates Siker, for a cost of $8.00 at the church office during office hours or after worship. For more information you can contact Elaine Smith Snyder here.
Of the study the Presbyterian Women's website reads: "Halfway through the Gospel of Mark, as Jesus and his disciples are on their way to Caesarea Philippi, Jesus turns to his disciples and asks, "So, what's the word on the street? Who do people say that I am?" It seems like a reasonable question to ask the people who travel with you and who have the opportunity to hear what folks in their towns and villages are saying about their teacher. "Well," they answer, "some say you are John the Baptist (back from the dead); others think you are one of the prophets, maybe Elijah, maybe another one." Then Jesus looks them squarely in the eyes and asks, "Yes, but who do you say that I am?" Now that's a good question! The author's prayer is that, through the course of this study, you will find your own voice, your own answer. When Jesus turns and looks you squarely in the eyes and asks, "Who do you say that I am?" what will you say?"
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