Join us this week at Westminster for meaningful worship and fellowship that cultivates spiritual growth as we work towards a more just world. Remember that your presence makes a difference!
This Week at Westminster, Wooster
It is with excitement that we welcome first-years and returning students of The College of Wooster this coming Sunday at 10:45am followed by our traditional brownie reception. As a church we are privileged to be on The College orientation schedule for first year students and to have many new and returning students visit us on the first Sunday of a new academic year.  

It is with a sense of accomplishment that the Wayne County Fair Board awarded a vendor's contract to Westminster Presbyterian Church and the Wooster/Orrville NAACP to have a #BlackLivesMatter booth at the upcoming fair, September 10-15.  You are also invited to visit Westminster's blog and read our latest blog of what precipitated approval and join the debate online. A followup press release will be published later today.

Remember this week worship returns to 10:45am, but if you should show up 10:00am Pastor Dries will be more than happy to visit with you over a cup of coffee.
Welcome new and returning students this coming Sunday, August 28

Sunday, August 28, 10:45am in Mackey Hall
Student Welcome Sunday with Brownie Reception.
Come welcome first-year and returning College of Wooster students! Student ministry is an important part of our identity. Join in making Westminster feel like students' "church home away from home!"

Sunday, September 4, 10:45am in Mackey Hall
Labor Day honors the contributions that workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of the country. In worship our focus will be on the workplace, economic justice, and the fair treatment of all workers. As a community of faith we believe that the whole of our lives matters and is sanctified by God, and that all people have dignity and deserve respect.
Click here for more information 
Student Ministry
As students are back on campus at the College of Wooster, we are excited to announce that Agape Latte and UKirk will meet this coming week.  

Agape Latte, starting Tuesday, August 30 meets every Tuesday at 8:30am in the Old Main Caf� fish bowl (Kauke 025). Agape Latte endeavors to be a welcoming space for all! Join us for questions and conversation in community.  

On Thursday, September 1 UKirk will meet for a meal in the Meeting Place at 6:00pm.  This gathering takes place once a month in the basement of Westminster Church House. Ukirk is for Jesus freaks, skeptics, Christians, Atheists, doubters, and wanderers.
#BlackLivesMatter Booth
Westminster, in partnership with the Wooster/Orrville NAACP, will host a #BlackLivesMatter booth at the Wayne County Fair, September 10-15, 2016. 

At the booth fair-goers can learn more about the history as well as the present-day perception for African Americans regarding the Confederate Flag; and the profound effects of white privilege, specifically on the Wayne County community and on our society in general in the United States.
More information to be released and volunteer opportunities to be posted.
CAMO Sept. 2015
Service Spotlight: CAMO

Join Westminster on Wednesday, August 31 as we travel to the Central American Medical Outreach (CAMO) warehouse in Orrville. From 10am - 12noon, we sort and pack all kinds of donated linens for use in Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras.  If you are interested in lending a helping hand, please contact Beth for more information.

 Click here for more information
Showing Hospitality is Peacemaking!
Help make Westminster the warm and inviting place we are called to be! Sign up to provide flowers or bring goodies for fellowship time after worship. If you are interested in helping, please sign up at SignUpGenius or by contacting the Church Office at 330-263-2398.
What's happening at Westminster

Sunday, August 28
9:30am Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
10:45am Worship in Mackey Hall, Pastor Dries preaching, Student Welcome Sunday
12:00pm Brownie Reception on the Mackey Patio

Tuesday, August 30
8:30am Agape Latte in the Old Main Caf� fish bowl 
6:30pm Session in the Lounge

Wednesday, August 31
10:00am CAMO monthly volunteer day (meet at 9:30 in Mackey parking lot to carpool)
7:00pm Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
7:00pm Student Led Bible Study in the Lounge

Thursday, September 1
6:00pm First UKirk meal in the Meeting Place
6:30pm Dance Group in Mackey Hall

Friday, September 2
10:15am Meals on Wheels (for information contact Sue Coleman)

Sunday, September 4
9:30am Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
10:45am Worship in Mackey Hall, Pastor Dries preaching, Communion will be
12:00pm Fellowship in Mackey Hall
Sign Up For Suppers For Six of So

This year Westminster's Session invites us to talk about what it means to be 
Intentionally Inclusive and we have chosen to do it in the format of informal gatherings over a meal.