Welcome to our newly designed "This Week at Westminster, Wooster." This weekly publication is in addition to our monthly newsletter and will just share highlights of the week with links to the Westminster website. We invite you to click the links and read more information when suggested.
This coming Sunday, August 21 at 10:00am we are looking forward to gathering at Oak Hill Park for our annual Outdoor Worship and Picnic with Blessing of the Backpacks. For many in our congregation, young and old, these two worshipping opportunities are among their highlights of the year.
We are also drawing your attention to the celebration of life for Barbara Bell on Saturday, August 20th. Barbara has been a long time member of Westminster and friend, role model and inspiration to many in our church, community, and the world.
Now is also the time to sign up for our "Suppers for Six or So" as you help Westminster discern what it means to be "Intentionally Inclusive,", while at the same time enjoying fellowship with Westminster members and friends over a meal. |