Westminster Presbyterian Church News
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August Newsletter 
Friday, August 5, 2016
Join Westminster in worship this Sunday, August 7 at 10am to hear about Alazar, Endalkachew and Emily's experiences at the 2016 Presbyterian Youth Triennium. This transformative event with 5,000 other high schoolers and youth leaders on Purdue University campus was life changing, and as a church we are thankful for their participation.
Westminster hosted a "Service of Grief, Protest and Pursuit of Change" on Monday, July 11th. Read about it in the Wooster Weekly News article, 
Many faith traditions call for peace
I invite you to to read this month's newsletter with consideration as it is filled with exciting ways in which we can connect with one another as a church family, as well as with the larger Wooster community and world.  As a community of faith we have embraced our aspiration to be an "Intentionally Inclusive Church" which leads us on a journey toward connection and  transformation.   

Please click the links and sign up to attend and/or help make these upcoming events and worship services meaningful with your participation.  I think we sometimes forget that to show up makes a difference!

Now is also a time to start planning our fall activities.  This year Westminster's Session invites us to talk about what it means to be "Intentionally Inclusive" and we have chosen to do it in the format of informal gatherings over a meal.  Please contact Beth to sign up here or by phone at 330-263-2398 or complete the form that will be included in the bulletin in the weeks to come.   

"Suppers for Six or So" is a fellowship opportunity where six people (or so) - couples or singles (and hopefully some students!) - get together three times (once each month in September, October, and November) for dinner, taking turns hosting each month. After being randomly put into groups, they decide what they want to do for their dinners. Some prefer to meet for dinner, some for brunch. Some prefer potluck with the host furnishing the entr�e; other groups prefer to have the host(s) fix the entire meal. If you are looking for a great way to get to know your fellow Westminsterites better, this is an opportunity for you.

I am looking forward to connecting with you this month in many different settings!
Event: Nonviolent Resistance 
Wednesday August 10 at 7:00pm with a meal and training at 5:30pm
Westminster Presbyterian Church, an Intentionally Inclusive Church in Wooster, Ohio, invites you to a presentation by Iyad Burnat, one of the best-known leaders of Palestinian nonviolent resistance against the Israeli occupation, on Wednesday August 10 at 7:00pm in Mackey Hall, Westminster Church House 353 East Pine Street, Wooster, Ohio 44691.

This event endeavors to help participants gain skill in nonviolent action; many people sign petitions and march in demonstrations, but wish to do more to bring about change for justice and improve the human condition. The evening also focuses on the long-standing Palestinian nonviolent resistance movement as experienced in Bil'in. This presentation is part of Burnat's current tour of the US Midwest to present his book, "Bil'in and the Nonviolent Resistance," which documents Bil'in's twelve-year struggle against Israel's annexing of over 60% of the villagers' farmland. In his talk and from this book, the reader will come to understand their struggle and learn about the many different and innovative ways that they succeeded in gaining the support of the international community and from prominent internationally known world leaders, including President Jimmy Carter and Bishop Desmond Tutu, while all the time demonstrating against the wall and theft of their land. Through nonviolent means they regained 40% of the land they lost to the adjacent Israeli settlement which is considered illegal by international law. Their struggle for the remainder of their land continues. 

Iyad described his choice of nonviolent protest, saying "The belief in one's rights is more important than anything else. If I am confident about my rights, nothing will make me despair...When you resist an Israeli soldier by peaceful means, their weapons become irrelevant."

Prior to this public event, at 5:30pm downstairs in the Meeting Place, Westminster will host a meal for local activists to engage with Iyad about nonviolent strategy as we educate ourselves to make a difference locally, especially as we work to uphold the welcoming, family atmosphere and diversity of the Wayne County Fair. To register for this meal please phone the church office at 330-263-2398 or sign up online at SignUpGenuis

In speaking of Burnat, Prof. Nahida Gordon, Elder at Westminster Presbyterian Church says, "Iyad Burnat is an inspiration for the human spirit in resisting oppression through nonviolent means." Of the event, Andries Coetzee, Pastor of Westminster says, "The timeliness of this event is so fitting as we see a justice movement growing here in Wooster, Ohio, lifting up the voices of our residents. This event will give us the opportunity to strengthen ourselves as a local movement, to learn about creative and innovative methods used in a long-standing nonviolent resistance against injustice."

The speaker, Iyad Burnat is leader of the Bil'in Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements. He was featured in the 2011 Academy Award nominated film, "Five Broken Cameras" (directed by his brother, Emad, and Israeli film maker, Guy Davidi). In 2015 Iyad received the prestigious James Lawson Award for Achievement in the Practice of Nonviolent Conflict. Iyad's book, "Bil'in and the Nonviolent Resistance" will be on sale at this event.  For more information, contact Andries Coetzee
Support Habitat
Your Benevolences Work Group is holding a yard sale on Thursday, August 11, Friday, August 12, and Saturday, August 13, as part of the Lincoln Buy Way event held each year to celebrate Rte. 30, which wends its way across the country.  The sale will be at 2104 Lincoln Way East, right next to McDonald's, and there will be a large sign at the base of the driveway. 
For weeks your committee has been getting together to price all the items which many of you have generously donated.
On the days of the sale we will need your help to staff the sale:  collecting money, answering questions, and generally keeping an eye on the merchandise.  We are fervently hoping that you will sign up for one or more of our 2-hour shifts.  All proceeds of the sale will go to our local Habitat for Humanity. We'll be signing up volunteers until the sale.  You can speak to any of the committee members:  Shelley, Linda, Candy, Dawn, Lemoine or Sue, you can call the church office, or sign up here.
Please help us spend three days in the yard for Habitat, and also, pray for good weather.
Submitted by Sue Coleman
Westminster's regular worship time of 10:45am will resume Sunday, August 28th.

For updates to our worship schedule visit the Westminster website at www.wpcwooster.org   

Walking in Mindfulness
Sunday, August 14 at 7:30am
"Walking in Mindfulness," a meditative worship experience on the second Sunday of each month at 7:30am at Oak Hill Park at least through October.  

New Worship Experience at Westminster
Monday, August 15, 2016 - 7:00pm
With this service for Racial Justice we are envisioning a monthly gathering on the third Monday of each month beginning August 15 in partnership with our ecumenical, interfaith, and other community partners.  Our desire is to cultivate the "Beloved Community" facing racism locally, while having a national impact, through contemplation and action.  

Westminster is a child-friendly space and a safe place for all people to worship, regardless of ethnicity, creed, age, cultural background or sexual orientation.
Oak Hill Park & Blessing of the Backpacks  
Oak Hill 13 Worship
Sunday, August 21
This year we are continuing a tradition in a new way!  We are combining our yearly Oak Hill Park outdoor worship experience and the Blessing of the Backpacks ritual to mark the end of summer.

Join us for worship at 10:00am Sunday, August 21st at Oak Hill Park, located on Oak Hill Road, followed by a picnic lunch and time to explore the park. For lunch Westminster will provide sandwich trays, chips, and drinks. Congregants are invited to bring fruit or dessert to share. Or just come! There is always plenty.

This year we will incorporate the Blessing of the Backpacks to mark the end of the summer vacation with our children and youth, many who return to school on Monday, August 22.       

Please support this service by bringing your backpacks or satchels and come dressed to go for a walk on the various trails for all abilities or sit and visit with friends. 
Welcome Students
Cheryl Weiss welcome students last year during our annual Brownie Reception
Sunday, August 28th we will welcome first-year and returning College of Wooster students during worship followed by our traditional "brownie reception" on the Mackey Patio.  We encourage everyone in our community of faith to join us in hospitality. Please make a point to wear your name tags, especially this Sunday, in an effort to be more welcoming towards those who have been gone for the summer or are new in our midst. (If you have misplaced your name tag, please let Beth know and you will get a new one.) Student ministry is an important part of our identify. Join in making Westminster feel like students' "church home away from home!"
Vegan Potluck
We look forward to seeing you at the first Vegan Potluck of the new school year on Thursday, August 25th, at 6:00 p.m. in Mackey Hall. This meal is a great opportunity for WPC members, Wooster community members, and College of Wooster students to enjoy delicious food and good fellowship while learning more about sustainable living. Just bring a pot-luck dish containing no meat, dairy, or eggs (no need for students to bring a dish, but always welcome).
The program for the month of August will feature Cheryl Weiss and others discussing the How/What/Why of the Vegan Meal. The Sign Up Genius will be published next week. If you would like to be on our Vegan Potluck email list please contact the church office. 
Women's Bible Study Books Now Available
If you are interested in joining the Woman's Bible Study this fall you can now pick up your study guide, entitled Who Is Jesus? by Judy Yates Siker, for a cost of $8.00 at the church office during office hours or after worship.  

Our study and fellowship will resume on Tuesday, September 12 at 10:00am in The Lounge, the second Tuesday of each month through June 2017.

Of the study the Presbyterian Women's website reads: "Halfway through the Gospel of Mark, as Jesus and his disciples are on their way to Caesarea Philippi, Jesus turns to his disciples and asks, "So, what's the word on the street? Who do people say that I am?" It seems like a reasonable question to ask the people who travel with you and who have the opportunity to hear what folks in their towns and villages are saying about their teacher. "Well," they answer, "some say you are John the Baptist (back from the dead); others think you are one of the prophets, maybe Elijah, maybe another one." Then Jesus looks them squarely in the eyes and asks, "Yes, but who do you say that I am?" Now that's a good question! The author's prayer is that, through the course of this study, you will find your own voice, your own answer. When Jesus turns and looks you squarely in the eyes and asks, "Who do you say that I am?" what will you say?"

If you are interested contact Elaine Smith Snyder for more information.
Church World Service School Kits
Church World Services
It's Collection Time!
School supplies are on sale so now is the optimum time to purchase kit components. To complete 62 kits, we'll need the following items:
45 70-page spiral notebooks
33 number 2 new pencils with erasers
20 large erasers
41 hand held pencil sharpeners
2 BLUNT tip school scissors
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance works with Church World Service to assist our siblings, nationwide and internationally, affected by war, economic disasters, and natural disasters.  Ohio alone provides about 1/3 of the kits sent to CWS!  Any support you provide is greatly appreciated!
People To People Collection
People to People logo
Westminster is collecting cereals and drink mixes for People to People.  With children home for the summer, these items are in great demand; however, any food items are welcome!  Donations can be left at Westminster in the drop off bin underneath the coat rack in the Narthex.
Showing Hospitality is Peacemaking!
Help make Westminster the warm and inviting place we are called to be! Sign up to be a Sunday morning Greeter, to provide flowers, or bring goodies for fellowship time after worship. If you are interested in helping, please sign up at SignUpGenius or by contacting the Church Office at 330-263-2398.
Contact Us:

Westminster Presbyterian Church

353 East Pine Street, Wooster, OH 44691

 T: 330-263-2398| F: 330-263-2228
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