Westminster Presbyterian Church News
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July Newsletter 
Friday, July 1, 2016

Mark Potok from the Southern Poverty Law Center addressing about 150 community members at Westminster on the topic, "The Confederate Battle Flag and the Wayne County Fair: Making Sense of a Symbol That Still Divides Us" on Sunday, June 26th.

As a community of faith who finds ourselves in the crossroads of community, we have a long history in engaging social justice issues with work towards reconciliation.  With our faith rooted in the local context of Wooster, Ohio, and a vision for a more just world, we are challenged to become more mindful through prayer, worship, conversation, and engagement as we continue the long and arduous task of dismantling racism. Working with our local partners, especially the Wooster/Orrville NAACP, who have identified the Confederate flag at the Wayne County Fair as one of the main local issues of advocacy, we started a petition asking the Fair board to Cease approving the sale of the Confederate flag at the Wayne County Fair, Ohio.   This effort is in take_action_org_btn.gif line with Westminster's desire to build the "Beloved Community" here in Wooster as we move beyond the removal of legal racism to eradicating it from our lives and community, and thus our nation and world. 
It has been moving to read the comments of those who felt called to sign the petition available at:

I'm signing because we are a transracial family and I will not subject either of my children to an atmosphere of hate and racism.
Danielle Schantz, Wooster, OH

As President of the Black Students Association at the College of Wooster I hear very often the confusion and fear black students have when they see Confederate flags flown in our non-southern college town. Many of the black students at Wooster come from the south and understand the hatred that is associated with the Confederate flag and thus believe the same when they see it flown in Wooster. I would like to see this flag banned at the fair because it represents nothing less than hatred, bigotry, and anti-blackness. 
Chadwick Smith Decatur, GA  

This isn't just about the Confederate flag. This is about everyone feeling safe and welcome in their own community. It's about being able to go out with your family to enjoy a day at the fair without being reminded that there are people who don't see you as a person, who don't think that you have worth, who would rather you didn't exist. And that is what the confederate flag stands for, it stands for hatred and persecution and violence and it has no place at the Wayne County Fair.
Helen Siegel, College of Wooster student and worship at Westminster

I am a former Wooster resident. The majority of my family still resides in Wayne county. I do not want a small group of people, looking to profit off of a symbol of racism and slavery to represent my hometown and an event that should symbolize family, fun and community.  
Sarah Glasener-Boles Chicago, IL 

There is no room for hate at a family venue. Wooster has better roots on which to focus, ones grown in love, compassion, and respect.  
Danielle Gagnon, Wooster, OH
The county fair is an event focused on family and children. Everyone should feel comfortable and safe in this environment. The Confederate flag is a symbol of racism  that alienates and dehumanizes members of our own community. For my daughter and her friends from all backgrounds, I'd like for them to grow up being proud of our community for embracing everyone.  
Denise Krain, Wooster, OH 

Once again I am encouraging you to: 
The Confederate Battle Flag and the 
Wayne County Fair
Mark Potok at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Sunday, June 26, 2014

Making Sense of a Symbol 
That Still Divides Us 
See Mark Potok's, Senior Fellow at the  Southern Poverty Law Center, presentation at Westminster on Sunday, June 26, 2016.

Mark is one of the country's leading experts on the world of extremism and serves as the editor-in-chief of the SPLC's award-winning, quarterly journal, the Intelligence Report and its investigative reports. A graduate of the University of Chicago, Mark has appeared on numerous television news programs and is quoted regularly by journalists and scholars in both the United States and abroad. In addition, he has testified before the U.S. Senate, the United Nations High Commission on Human Rights and in other venues. Before joining the SPLC staff in 1997, Mark spent 20 years as an award-winning journalist at major newspapers, including USA Today, the Dallas Times Herald and The Miami Herald. While at USA Today, he covered the 1993 Waco siege, the rise of militias, the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and the trial of Timothy McVeigh.
Walk for Justice
At its May meeting Westminster's Session approved the motion to be a co-sponsor for the Walk for Justice in Downtown Cleveland on July 9th beginning at 10:00am. The focus of this walk is to call for:
* Comprehensive and Compassionate Immigration Reform
* Family Reunification
* Workplace Justice
* Civil Discourse on Immigration Reform
* Path to Citizenship and Due Process
The walk will begin at Free Stamp located in Willard Park at the corner of East Ninth and Lakeside Avenue. 
About the event Sister Rita Mary Harwood, Secretary for Parish Life, Diocese of Cleveland said: "Many...will remember the Walk for Justice which we sponsored in 2014 to advocate for Comprehensive and Compassionate Immigration Reform.  Many...participated and made that event one which left a lasting impression on the minds and hearts of many people.  Our walk was peaceful, prayerful, and powerful in giving witness to our concern for the thousands who have come to our country seeking safety and a life for themselves and their children."
As a church, Westminster has a long history in its involvement to ensure a more just US immigration policy consistent with Christian principles. If you are interested in participating e-mail Emily Oshinskie.
Church World Service School Kits
Church World Services
It's Collection Time!
School supplies start going on sale in July so now is the optimum time to purchase kit components. To complete 60 kits, we'll need the following items:
117 70-page spiral notebooks
90 number 2 new pencils with erasers
55 large erasers
39 hand held pencil sharpeners
35 BLUNT tip school scissors
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance works with Church World Service to assist our siblings, nationwide and internationally, affected by war, economic disasters, and natural disasters.  Ohio alone provides about 1/3 of the kits sent to CWS!  Any support you provide is greatly appreciated!
Bed & Breakfast
We are receiving requests for Westminster's Bed & Breakfast program for August and September. Anyone who has a spare bedroom, and ideally, a spare bath is a potential host!  It's great fun, not too much work, and each night's lodging earns $50 for Westminster 's Benevolences Work Group to disperse to local, national, and global causes.  Please contact Linda Barbu in person or via email if you have questions or are interested in this program.  Our guests are truly appreciative of the opportunity to help others through using our service!
Share your Summer Pictures
Milkweed and Spirituality...contemplate about on it!

Where do you experience God in nature?
You are invited to submit one or two of your most inspiring nature related pictures for use in worship at the end of summer.  Please e-mail pictures to Dries with a short
description/explanation at here.

Thank You, Westminster
Soup Sale Money supports Counseling Center Collaboration
Westminster's Benevolence Work Group sold over 125 quarts of soup during their Winter Soup Sale. Adult Basic Literacy Education (ABLE) students and Helping Others Prepare for Employment (HOPE) Fund committee members helped make the soup.  The money from this year's sale will fund The Counseling Center's Employment Resource Fund--one of eight HOPE Fund initiatives to help local adults get jobs or better jobs.  The Counseling Center's Employment Resource Fund, established in 2014, provides for unmet needs of their clients working with Employment Counselors to get jobs.  The money has been used for appropriate clothing, shoes, cab passes and gas cards for interviews and work.  At the end of 2015, the Employment Resource Fund assisted 13 clients.  Five were employed and 8 were still working with The Counseling Center to get stable employment.  
Submitted by Lemoine Peart
Thank You for your Time and Energy
ILLINI 4000 spent the night at Westminster June 9th on their way from NYC to San Francisco.
Thanks to all of who made the Ohio Light Opera (OLO) Picnic and the Illini 4000 overnight such a huge success.   The time and energy that so many of you have put into sharing Westminster's hospitality, speaks of a church that is vibrant with God's love for ALL.

Westminster received the following note from one of the OLO members following the June 6th picnic:  
"I am with the Ohio Light Opera this year, and we want to thank you so much for the lovely picnic last Monday! The company loved the hospitality and all of the variety of food - it was a great way to kick off the season."
Once again, in a team effort, Westminster has brought to life our call to be "Intentionally Inclusive." The hospitality shown when Westminster opens its doors to feed and welcome goes a long way in our efforts to show God's generosity and love to ALL people.
Parking at  Westminster
Access to Westminster located at 353 East Pine Street
Please note that due to the College of Wooster Williams Hall construction, you can only access East Pine Street from Bever Street or College Avenue. Pine Street east of College Avenue has become a one-way street with egress to Beall Avenue.

Parking at Westminster
Parking During the Week
During the week you can park on the Westminster parking lot west of the Church House or in the College of Wooster parking lot #18 south of Wishart Hall #29.
Parking on Sundays
In our effort to be more mindful, we ask those who are agile to park across the street from Westminster at the College of Wooster's large lots: #18 (south of Wishart Hall #29) and #19 (behind Freelander Theatre #3 and next to Morgan Hall #15). The six designated handicap spots next to the Westminster Church House (#28) and the Pine Street parking (which is allowed after 5pm weekdays and over the weekend) will then be available to those needing parking closer to the Mackey Hall entrance.

Walking In Mindfulness: July 10
Walking in Mindfulness
Join us for our next "Walking in Mindfulness," a meditative worship experience on Sunday, July 10th at 7:30 am at Oak Hill Park.  

This worship opportunity is experiential in nature; although none of us are experts, together in community we experience the Holy in the midst of nature as we learn from one another. 

Westminster started this new worship experience last year, as a faithful group of Westminster members, sojourners, and friends gathered one Sunday morning a month to walk together in community while focusing on certain spiritual practices of mindfulness. 

Oak Hill Park is located at 2935 Oak Hill Rd, Wooster, OH 44691. If it rains we will meet in the pavilion for reflection.  This worship opportunity is in addition to our regular worship in Mackey Hall at 10:00am (summer worship time Memorial Weekend until Aug. 28).  
Summer Worship
Summer Worship at 10:00am
Memorial Day weekend, May 29 through August 21st.

As in past years Westminster is fortunate to have musicians from the Ohio Light Opera enrich our worship. Throughout the summer please visit the Westminster website at www.wpcwooster.org for up-to-date information.  
Worship service at 10:00am in Mackey Hall, Westminster Church House. Parish Associate, Rev. Jim Collier preaching. Communion will be celebrated. 
  "Walking in Mindfulness" at 7:30 am at Oak Hill Park.  Join us for "Walking in Mindfulness," a meditative worship experience on the second Sunday of each month. This worship opportunity is experiential in nature. Together in community we experience the Holy in the midst of nature as we learn from one another.
Worship service at 10:00am in Mackey Hall, Westminster Church House.  Andries Coetzee preaching.
Worship service at 10:00am in Mackey Hall, Westminster Church House, 353 E. Pine Street.  Young Adult Peace Worker, Emily Oshinskie preaching, commissioning of Alazar and Endalkachew Coetzee who will, along with Emily, attend the 2016 Presbyterian Youth Triennium, July 19-23.
Sunday, July 24
Worship service at 10:00am in Mackey Hall, Westminster Church House, 353 E. Pine Street. Andries Coetzee sharing a meditation with Joie Schmitz leading the congregation in yoga (appropriate for all ages).
Sunday, July 31
Worship service at 10:00am in Mackey Hall, Westminster Church House, 353 E. Pine Street. Andries Coetzee preaching.
Westminster is a child-friendly space, and a safe place for all people to worship regardless of ethnicity, creed, age, cultural background or sexual orientation.
Support Habitat
At the risk of sounding like your sainted mother when she nagged you to clean your room......

Have you cleaned your closets and cupboards yet? We are eagerly awaiting further donations for our August Lincoln Highway Buy Way yard sale. Bring the items to church or to Sue Coleman's garage. If you would like us to pick them up, just call someone on the Benevolence Work Group: Shelley, Candy, Linda, Lemoine or Sue.
Submitted by Sue Coleman
People To People Collection
People to People logo
Westminster is collecting cereals and drink mixes for People to People.  With children home for the summer, these items are in great demand; however, any food items are welcome!  Donations can be left at Westminster in the drop off bin underneath the coat rack in the Narthex.
Showing Hospitality is Peacemaking!
Help make Westminster the warm and inviting place we are called to be! Sign up to be a Sunday morning Greeter, to provide flowers, or bring goodies for fellowship time after worship. If you are interested in helping, please sign up at SignUpGenius or by contacting the Church Office at 330-263-2398.
What's happening at Westminster?
Keep The Date, Sunday, July 31 after worship
Blueberry social and fundraising on Sunday, July 31 at the house of Lemoine Peart.  The proceeds from this potluck/picnic luncheon and auction will support Habitat.  More information will be published on the website calendar and bulletin.  

Contact Us:

Westminster Presbyterian Church

353 East Pine Street, Wooster, OH 44691

 T: 330-263-2398| F: 330-263-2228
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