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June Newsletter 
Friday, May 27, 2016
Summer Worship at 10:00am starts this Sunday, Memorial Day Weekend, May 29, 2016.
Nothings says summer like ice cream at Hartzler's! On Thursday, May 26 we had a great group of Westminster members and friends joining us to celebrate the beginning of summer. 
This summer we invite you to make Westminster part of your summer schedule with our many opportunities for meaningful worship, deepening spiritual experiences, and fellowship to cultivate spiritual growth, community, and putting our faith into action.  

In celebrating summer we will transition the Westminster Semimonthly Newsletter to a Monthly Newsletter.  Please visit the Westminster website at www.wpcwooster.org, facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/wpcwooster, and the Sunday morning bulletin for updates and news.
Join Westminster for meaningful worship and fellowship that cultivates spiritual growth to work towards a just world.
It feels like summer has finally arrived in Wooster, Ohio! At Westminster I always look forward to summer... starting worship earlier on a Sunday morning at 10:00am, and resuming our 7:30am worship opportunity, "Walking in Mindfulness," on the second Sunday of the month at Oak Hill Park. These worship experiences ground my summer with its slower pace, gardening opportunities, sitting outside feeling the grass, fresh locally grown vegetables and fruits, evenings on the porch with family and friends, and an invitation to slow down, relax, rejuvenate, and reimagine!

I invite you to read this newsletter, follow the links as posted, and mark your calendars. The invitation is that in all these opportunities their is potential for spiritual growth, and the cultivation of a life of discipleship that sustains our calling to help make the world a more "just" place for the whole of creation.

Planning my summer and contemplating my ministry and health after my recent illness from which I am still recovering, I have decided that I will not attend the General Assembly meeting of the Presbyterian Church (USA) in Portland OR, June 18-25, 2016 (follow the events at General Assembly here) .  Instead Beth and I have decided to go to Hocking Hills the week of June 13th as we look forward to experiencing this Ohio gem and the invitation "to relax, rejuvenate, and reimagine"!
With holy "summer" expectation,
Westminster Co-Sponsors Katie Greenslade for her Young Adult Volunteer Year
During my senior year at the College of Wooster, I have felt called to learn more about humanitarian issues, especially women's and refugee rights, and so I began looking for a service project after graduation where I could get involved with these issues in the real world. I was inspired to apply for the Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) through the Presbyterian Church (USA) in particular after talking with Emily Oshinskie, a 2015-16 YAV alum and Westminster's Young Adult Peace Worker. 

With Westminster's love and support, I'm happy to announce that from August 2016-17, I will be devoting myself to a year of service in Denver, Colorado through the Young Adult Volunteer program. While I'm very excited to enter a new chapter in my life and experience new relationships in Denver, I will always be grateful to Westminster for being a welcoming and positive influence in my life. Over the last four years, I have grown personally and spiritually thanks to your encouragement, and hope to maintain close ties during my time in Denver and beyond.
Katarina Greenslade, College of Wooster Class of '16
Walking In Mindfulness starts June 12
Walking in Mindfulness
Join us for "Walking in Mindfulness", a meditative worship experience on the second Sunday of each month at 7:30am at Oak Hill Park, beginning June 12th, until at least October 9th.  This worship opportunity is experiential in nature; although none of us are experts, together in community we experience the Holy in the midst of nature as we learn from one another. 

Westminster started this new worship experience last year, as a faithful group of Westminster members, sojourners, and friends gathered one Sunday morning a month to walk together in community while focusing on certain spiritual practices of mindfulness. 

Oak Hill Park is located at 2935 Oak Hill Rd, Wooster, OH 44691. If it rains we will meet in the pavilion for reflection.  This worship opportunity is in addition to our regular worship in Mackey Hall at 10:00am (summer worship time Memorial Weekend until Aug. 28).  
Summer Worship
Summer Worship at 10:00am starts this Sunday, Memorial Day weekend, May 29 through August 21st.

Starting Sunday June 10th, Westminster is fortunate to have musicians from the Ohio Light Opera enrich our worship. Through the summer please visit the Westminster website at www.wpcwooster.org for updates to our worship schedule.  

Worship service at 10:00am in Mackey Hall, Westminster Church House.  Young Adult Peace Worker, Emily Oshinskie, will speak on her experience as a participant of Mosaic of Peace 2016, a Presbyterian peacemaking conference in Israel/Palestine. 

Worship service at 10:00am in Mackey Hall, Westminster Church House. Pastor Andries Coetzee is preaching and communion will be celebrated.

"Walking in Mindfulness" at 7:30 am at Oak Hill Park.  Join us for "Walking in Mindfulness," a meditative worship experience on the second Sunday of each month . This worship opportunity is experiential in nature and together in community we experience the Holy in the midst of nature as we learn from one another.
Worship service at 10:00am in Mackey Hall, Westminster Church House.  The College of Wooster Alumni Sunday with Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton '77, presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, preaching. 

Worship service at 10:00am in Mackey Hall, Westminster Church House.  "Service of Summer Reflection" led by congregation members.

Sunday, June 26
Worship service at 10:00am in Mackey Hall, Westminster Church House. Celebrating "Active Life Sunday." Pastor Andries Coetzee preaching.

Westminster is a child-friendly space, and a safe place for all people to worship regardless of ethnicity, creed, age, cultural background or sexual orientation.
Westminster To Host Wooster High School Baccalaureate
Westminster Presbyterian Church is privileged to host the Baccalaureate Service of Wooster High School Class of 2016 on Wednesday, June 1 at 7:00pm in Mackey Hall, Westminster Church House, 353 East Pine Street. Family and friends of graduating seniors are invited to attend this more intimate opportunity to pause and reflect on this rite of passage.  Members of the senior class and Westminster's pastor, Andries Coetzee, will lead the service.

Annual Ohio Light Opera Picnic
Annual OLO Welcome Picnic - Monday, June 6th from 5:15pm to 7:00 pm
Westminster will again be welcoming the cast, crew, and orchestra from the Ohio Light Opera to our neighborhood. Last year we had over 150 volunteers and guests in attendance and had a wonderful time as we showed hospitality to our visitors. Like last year, we have also invited representatives from neighboring churches to give soloists and musicians the opportunity to sign up to participate in other churches' worship services. If you would like to help, please sign up on Sign Up Genius or contact Beth at the church office at 330-263-2398.  Join in on the fun that comes from working together to spread the joy of hospitality.
Westminster to Host Students from the University of Illinois
On June 9th and 10th, Westminster Presbyterian Church will serve as an overnight host to 22 bicycle riders from the non-profit organization, Illini 4000 from the University of Illinois.

The Illini 4000 is a student-led organization "that is dedicated to documenting the American cancer experience through the Portraits Project, raising funds for cancer research and patient support services, as well as spreading the awareness for the fight against cancer through annual cross-country bike rides." This specific group of 22 bicycle riders are a part of The 2016 Trek Bike America Team. 
Read More Here.
Get To Know Our Neighbors, June 11
In 2015 Westminster volunteered at the GreenPoint Garden of the Wooster Community Hospital
At Westminster we have heard the debate numerous times, are we a college church or a community church?  The reality is that we are a church that strives to be "Intentionally Inclusive" and is open to the Spirit of God among us!  

On Saturday June 11th from 11 am-2 pm we have a wonderful opportunity to get to know our neighbors and make a difference in our community.

Join Janelle Quinn, Westminster friend and worship attender, on Saturday June 11th from 11 am-2 pm to volunteer at the Spink Street Community Garden (located on Spink just south of Bowman Street).  This community garden, located on Habitat for Humanity property, is overseen by a member from the neighborhood, and as a church in this neighborhood, Westminster is invited to participate. 

This year the social work club from Wayne College is planning this event on Saturday June 11th from 11 am-2 pm to help plant the garden and get the community involved. Volunteers are welcome to help the day of the event or help prepare for it (e.g. knock on doors to inform neighbors, provide plants or supplies). If you would like to participate in this event or volunteer throughout the season, contact Beth at the church office.
Westminster to Host Speaker from Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)
Keep the date!
 Sunday afternoon, June 26, 2016
Mark Potok is one of the country's leading experts on the world of extremism and serves as the editor-in-chief of the SPLC's award-winning, quarterly journal, the Intelligence Report and its investigative reports. A graduate of the University of Chicago, Mark has appeared on numerous television news programs and is quoted regularly by journalists and scholars in both the United States and abroad. In addition, he has testified before the U.S. Senate, the United Nations High Commission on Human Rights and in other venues. Before joining the SPLC staff in 1997, Mark spent 20 years as an award-winning journalist at major newspapers, including USA Today, the Dallas Times Herald and The Miami Herald. While at USA Today, he covered the 1993 Waco siege, the rise of militias, the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and the trial of Timothy McVeigh.

Thank You, Westminster!
More Light Presbyterians:
To our friends at Westminster Presbyterian Church,
Thank you for your donation. Your support enables us to continue to keep the PCUSA a welcoming place or all people.
Jeananne Stine, MLP Executive Board
People To People:
As spring comes quickly and the season changes, so do the many needs at People To People Ministries. The spring flowers are blooming and the sun is beginning to brighten our days. With your most generous donation we will be able to brighten the lives of many Wayne County families by meeting their emergency needs. We are still seeing many new families that have hit hard times due to part-time employment situations or no income at all.
The continued support we receive from each and every one of you is an answer to prayer. From all those who will benefit from your donation, again I say thank you. As the beauty of spring touches your life, may God continue to bless each of you.
Lydia A. Stahl, Executive Directory
"Blessed is the influence of one true, loving human soul to another. George Eliot
You are a blessing."
Again we thank you for supporting our cause to help adults get and keep jobs.
The Hope Fund Committee
People To People Collection
People to People logo
Westminster is collecting cereals and drink mixes for People to People.  With children home for the summer, these items are in great demand; however, any food items are welcome!  Donations can be left at Westminster in the drop off bin underneath the coat rack in the Narthex.
Westminster Bed and Breakfast
Radical Hospitality
We are receiving requests for Bed and Breakfast for June, August, and September.  Anyone who has a spare bedroom, and ideally, a spare bath, is a potential host!  It's great fun, not too much work, and each night's lodging earns $50 for Westminster's Benevolences Work Group to disperse to local, national, and global causes.  Please contact Linda Barbu in person or email if you have questions or are interested in this program.  Our guests are truly appreciative of the opportunity to help others through using our service!
Submitted by Linda Barbu
Lincoln Buy-Way Sale
We will soon begin to price items for the August Lincoln Buy-Way yard sale.  If portable, we would welcome your items in the narthex box on Sunday.  If larger, please bring them to Sue Coleman's home.  Proceeds from the sale will go to Habitat for Humanity.  We will accept anything to sell.
Submitted by Sue Coleman
Showing Hospitality is Peacemaking!
Help make Westminster the warm and inviting place we are called to be! Sign up to be a Sunday morning Greeter, to provide flowers, or bring goodies for fellowship time after worship. If you are interested in helping, please sign up at  SignUpGenius or by contacting the Church Office at 330-263-2398.
Contact Us:

Westminster Presbyterian Church

353 East Pine Street, Wooster, OH 44691

 T: 330-263-2398| F: 330-263-2228
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