Westminster Presbyterian Church News
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Semimonthly News
Friday, May 13, 2016
College of Wooster Senior Recognition on Sunday, May 8
These past weeks have been filled with excitement here at Westminster as we hosted the Gomes Choir the weekend of  May 1st,  as well as celebrated our College of Wooster Senior's journey with us this past Sunday, May 8th.
Peace Pole
It is good to be getting back into the swing of things after being sick!  I so much appreciate all the support from people near and far, be it prayers, cards, well wishes, positive thoughts or the most wonderful home cooked meals one can imagine!  Now that we are back to cooking for ourselves Alazar is in a state of mourning, missing all the scrumptious desserts, something we hardly make for ourselves!  I would like to extend a special word of thankfulness to our Parish Associate Jim Collier for stepping in for me at the last minute to lead worship and our beloved Mary Baird's memorial service.  As a community of faith we are blessed by Jim and Janelle's presence and ministry among us!  
In this issue of our newsletter we are excited to start talking about summer and we will do our best to keep you informed of all the meaningful worship, deepening spiritual experiences, and social events this summer to cultivate spiritual growth, community, and putting our faith in action. 

Already this coming week we invite you to join us for lunch as Westminster is hosting our College of Wooster seniors, their friends and family, for lunch on the patio after graduation Monday, May 16th at  approximately 12:30pm.  All of you are welcome and encouraged to come out for lunch to join the celebration and meet families and friends of our seniors. If you don't feel like paying for food, feel free to bring your own lunch and join the fellowship! 

Also this year we will once again host the company of the Ohio Light Opera on Monday, June 6th for a "Welcome To Wooster" supper.  This event has become a tradition and it not only extends a welcome to musicians and cast and crew members, but also creates an opportunity for area churches to connect with musicians and enrich our summer worship experiences while many of our choirs take a summer break. If you would like to help with this year's OLO Welcome Picnic, please call the church office. 
Talking about hospitality and welcome!  Being "Intentionally Inclusive" is an integral part of who we are as a community of faith, and the welcome we extend to members, sojourners, and visitors on a Sunday morning is important.   Several years ago Westminster's Session identified the need to grow our welcome ministry by putting emphasis on recruiting Greeters for Sunday morning worship as well as growing our usher ministry to reflect our community of faith more fully, grow the group of volunteers, and most importantly, emphasize the spiritual nature of creating a safe environment for people to worship in the midst of a community where all are welcomed and appreciated for who they are!  We are very fortunate that we again have a wonderful diversity of volunteers on a Sunday morning thanks to Ferenc Relle, Bill Weiss, and Caryl Slater who are taking turns recruiting Greeters.  We are also very thankful to our current ushers, Ross Brazee, Bill Weiss, and Caryl Slater, who have served Westminster faithfully for many years; however, due to family obligations, travel, and the need for our church to cultivate new leadership and give opportunities for our newer members to serve and grow spiritually , we are recruiting more ushers.
You might wonder what the difference is between being a Greeter and an Usher on a Sunday morning.  Personally, I think the biggest difference is that our Greeters provide the opportunity for anyone who would like to extend a welcome in the Narthex on a Sunday morning and help orient people to the Westminster Church House.  Our Ushers, on the other hand, are a small group of volunteers who are trained to become more mindful in their welcome as they work together with the Pastor to create a safe environment for all to worship and participate on a Sunday morning.  Duties  include the handing out of bulletins, supervising the offering and communion, but also extend to safety of worshipers and being mindful of worshiper's emotional, physical, and spiritual needs on a Sunday morning. 
If you feel you have the gift of hospitality and feel drawn to making people feel comfortable, accepted, and welcome, I invite you to prayerfully consider joining Bill Weiss and myself for a conversation in the Lounge after worship on Sunday, May 22nd as you explore your call to be an usher.  As a church we realize that many of you are busy and do a lot for Westminster as is; therefore, we are not expecting you to do this by yourself, but to be part of a team so you are not committed every Sunday. Believe me, as Pastor I try to be very mindful not to overburden our leadership and volunteers, as each one of you is too valuable to the ministry of Westminster.  At this point we have a draft job description and we will train volunteers to make you as confident and comfortable as possible in this very important ministry of our community of faith.  If you would like to be in conversation about this opportunity, please do not hesitate to contact Bill Weiss or myself for more information.    

With holy expectation,
News From Emily O

What does it mean to be a peacemaker? How does olive oil, graffiti and maps of Jerusalem help create peace in Israel-Palestine? 
On Sunday, May 22nd from 9:15-10:15am, Young Adult Peace Worker, Emily will talk about "peacemaking" with the youth of Westminster & First Presbyterian. This event will be held at First Presbyterian in the high school Sunday school. Need a ride? RSVP to Emily by May 20th. Come join the dialogue! 

Yasmine, Kaarle and Emily at Ashland Arrow Stadium for Jasmine & Kaarle's track meet! Yasmine ran the 4X100 meter and threw shot put. Kaarle ran the 400-meter sprint. Emily is always looking for ways to connect with your family! Track meets, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, Award Ceremonies or just grabbing a bite to eat! 
Lunch After College of Wooster Graduation 
"Get Stuffed" Menu

All Westminster members and friends are invited to join College of Wooster Graduates connected to Westminster and their families for lunch on Monday, May 16th starting about 12:30pm. 

This year we are doing something new and exciting as we will have "Get Stuffed" Solar-Powered Food Truck on the Westminster parking lot right outside Mackey Hall.  

All congregation members are encouraged to come out for lunch, join the celebration and meet families and friends of our seniors.
Take a break from work and join the fellowship this coming Monday, May 16th at 12:30pm.  All are Welcome!
Ice Cream Social, Thursday, May 26
Ice Cream 2013 Barbu
Greg and grandson Dallas - a memory of several years ago

School's out for summer! Calling all families, children, and anyone who wants to eat ice cream with their church family! You are invited to gather at Hartzler's Ice Cream Shoppe (5454 Cleveland Road) on Thursday, May 26th at 7pm. 
Come have a treat on Westminster, take a sigh of relief that school is over and share your summer plans! All are welcome! 
Pentecost Offering this Sunday 
Pentecost Logo
Investing in our Greatest Resource
May 15 - Pentecost Offering

A gift to the Pentecost Offering helps the church encourage, develop, and support its young people, and also address the needs of at-risk children. 40% of the Pentecost offering can be retained by individual congregations wanting to make an impact in the lives of young people within their own community. 

This year the Benevolences Work Group has chosen Help Me Grow, a program that provides home visits to families whose new babies have been  identified as "at risk", because of factors such as low birth weight or maternal or child health. 
 The remaining 60% of the offering is used to support ministries of the Presbyterian Mission Agency:
  •  Young Adult Volunteers (like Emily O, Devin Johns, & Katie Greenslade!)
  •  Ministries for Youth
  •  Children-at-Risk
Interested in being an Usher!
In our desire to grow our ministry of welcome at Westminster, Bill Weiss and Pastor Dries will host a meeting after worship on Sunday, May 22nd in The Lounge.  As a community of faith we realize that there are many among us who are good at welcoming people, making members, sojourners, and visitors feel comfortable and are sensitive to their needs.  If you wish to express your faith through hospitality, we invite you to join Ross Brazee, Bill Weiss, and Caryl Slater as part of our team of ushers. Please contact Bill Weiss here or contact the church office for more details.
Book Published By Nahida Gordo
Book by Nahida Gordon
Westminster member and elder Nahida Gordon announced this past week the publication of her book,  Palestine Is Our Home: Voices of Loss, Courage, and Steadfastness. 

This book presents a brief contemporary history of Palestine, short essays, first hand testimonies of Palestinians, and chapters on the liberation art of Palestine and on the origins of the traditional Palestinian costume. The epilogue presents two voices, one from the diaspora and the other from occupied Palestine. 

In the words of Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, founder and chairman of the Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy, "The very intimacy of these revelations (the narratives), their searing honesty, and their unassuming humanity compel the reader to engage in the challenge of awareness through identification, and to acquire that uncomfortable, yet essential, knowledge that has hitherto been denied or excluded or distorted. The simple truth, often the most complex reality to convey, is laid bare in Palestine Is Our Home for all those who want to shed the complacency of ignorance in favor of the responsibility of knowledge."

Walking In Mindfulness begins June 12
Walking in Mindfulness
Last summer we started a new worship experience at Oak Hill Park called "Walking in Mindfulness." Through the summer until late fall, a faithful group of Westminster members, sojouners, and  and friends gathered one Sunday morning a month to walk together in community while focusing on certain spiritual practices of mindfulness.  

Our growing in spirituality is experiential, and none of us are experts, but together in the midst of community we learn from one another as we experience the Holy in the midst of nature.

This year we will be "Walking in Mindfulness" on the second Sunday of each month at 7:30am at Oak Hill Park, starting June 12, until at least October.  Oak Hill Park is located at 2935 Oak Hill Rd, Wooster, OH 44691. Join us for our first walk of the summer on Sunday, June 12. If it rains we will meet in the pavilion for reflection.  This worship opportunity is in addition to our regular worship in Mackey Hall at 10:00am (summer worship time Memorial Weekend until Aug. 28).  
No Way To Treat A Child
Urge your representative to sign the McCollum letter asking President Obama to appoint a Special Envoy for Palestinian children.  

Support grows for national boycott of Wendy's Restaurants
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) endorses the initiative of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) who has been trying for 10 years to convince the Wendy's company to join the Fair Food Program (FFP).  

Church World Services
Hygiene kits for disaster areas through Church World Service,
 a Presbyterian partner
Thanks to your generosity, we will be packing at least 75 hygiene kits for national and international disaster areas for Church World Service, a Presbyterian partner. With flooding in the U.S. and earthquakes in Japan and Ecuador, hygiene kits will be a blessing to those affected. Stay tuned for our packing date!
People to People logo
People to People
It's peanut butter and jelly time during April and May as we collect food items for People to People. Remember that other food and personal items are always welcome, and can be left at Westminster in the drop off bin underneath the coat rack in the Narthex.
Lincoln Buy-Way Sale
Spring cleaning time is here.  As you sort through closets and cupboards, please remember the August 11-13 Lincoln Highway Buy-Way yard sale.  Discarded winter clothing, shoes, household gadgets, books - even items in your dorm rooms that are no longer useful to you - will be welcomed into the sale.  All proceeds will go to Habitat for Humanity.  You may bring your donations to church and place them in one of the boxes under the coat rack in the narthex.
                                                                                                                      Submitted by Sue Coleman
Showing Hospitality is Peacemaking!
Help make Westminster the warm and inviting place we are called to be! Sign up to be a Sunday morning Greeter, to provide flowers, or bring goodies for fellowship time after worship. If you are interested in helping, please sign up at  SignUpGenius or by contacting the Church Office at 330-263-2398.
Contact Us:

Westminster Presbyterian Church

353 East Pine Street, Wooster, OH 44691

 T: 330-263-2398| F: 330-263-2228
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