Westminster Presbyterian Church News
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Semimonthly News
Friday, April 15, 2016
Join us for a meeting of the Congregational Care Ministry this coming Sunday, April 17 after worship. What started on Sunday, October 18 as a small group of people meeting to about the revitalization of our care for the homebound, sick, and vulnerable has grown into a support group that represents the caring people we are.  Thank you to all who made this work!

Peace Pole Most people will agree that life is sacred! No other time of the Christian year is this more central to our worship than the Easter Season. This most basic human principle is not only a reality for Christians, but is one we share with the many religions of the world as well as people for whom religion is not a part of their lives. Given this shared value, all peoples' rights are protected by The Universal Declaration of Human Rights which sets forth a common standard of fundamental human rights to be universally protected for all peoples and all nations, and yes, even here in Wooster, Ohio!

To work for these basic rights of all people is not easy. Internationally we have big "watch dogs" and passionate human rights organizations shedding light on these infringements while galvanizing for change. Locally, and especially in smaller communities, where I once heard some of the most aberrant human rights violations take place, these infringements can be difficult to address as they are masked as "innocent," described with the word "just," and sometimes seen as a way of life. The reality is that there is nothing "innocent," "just" or "life creating" about these acts of prejudice as they are the building blocks of abhorrent human rights abuses.  ...>>>

This coming Monday night, April 18 at 7:45 pm we will need you in numbers as we once again stand before the Wayne County Fair Board in asking them to uphold the welcome, family atmosphere, and diversity of the Wayne County Fair by prohibiting the sale or display of confederate flags and/or confederate flag merchandise by vendors. We will do well to take to heart the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who stated, "We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people."
See you in worship on Sunday!
News From Emily O
Emily has been part of the Mosaic of Peace conference of the Presbyterian Church (USA) in Israel/Palestine.  She and 29 other Presbyterians from the U.S. are witnessing the resistance of Palestinians, and some Israelis, against the injustice of the occupation.  She will return to the US on Saturday, April 16th.  In an e-mail this past week Emily shared her thankfulness to Westminster for this experience, writing; "I am deeply grateful even though I am deeply shocked by the oppression and inhumane occupation of the Israeli government in Palestine."  

You can read brief reports and insights from the conference in Israel and Palestine.  They are written by the participants and are neither comprehensive nor in-depth reports, but simply glimpses into the amazing experiences we are having together. 

04-13-2016 05:52:24 AM
April 8, 2016 Greetings from the Mosaic of Peace Conference in Israel and Palestine. The brief blog entries you will see over the coming days provide brief reports and insights from our conference in Israel and Palestine.  They are written by our participants and are neither comprehensive nor in depth reports, but the first opportunity we have to share some of our amazing experiences as they happen.  The conference is full and our time is limited.  We will do our best to post updates as we are able.  The peace of Christ be with you! Monday and Tuesday, April 4 and 5 - Orientation in Newark, NJ  ....>>

Arrival in Jerusalem Everyone arrived safely in Jerusalem by dinnertime on Wednesday, after a long day of travel.  We gathered for dinner at our hotel, the Gloria, which is just inside the Jaffa Gate in the old city.  We gathered for worship and to go over the program booklets that were prepared by the Peacemaking Program and printed for us in the Holy Land.  ...>>

April 10, 2016 Thursday was a full day.  In addition to visiting the Temple Mount first thing in the morning and meeting with the Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, we also visited Yad Vashem and heard from two notable Christian and Muslim leaders, Rev. Mitri Raheb and Professor Mustafa Abu Sway.  ...�

Visits to the Mount of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane, Western Wall and the Wojoud Cultural Center April 11, 2016  ...�

Resistance to the Occupation and Human Rights Work Among Israelis April 12, 2016 We had the privilege of hearing the stories of two young men who have refused to fulfill their compulsory participation in the Israeli military (IDF).   ...�
Intergenerational Event: Sun. Apr. 24
Intergenerational Fellowship
Join us for inter-generational pizza-making at 9:30am on Sunday, April 24th in the Mackey kitchen with chef Sherry Hatter-Miller! We will prepare our "design your own" pizzas before worship with various toppings (dairy-free & gluten-free options available upon request). After service, we will share our creations for fellowship time. RSVP by e-mail to Beth by Monday, April 18th if you would like to participate, so we know your dietary restrictions and have enough for pizza dough and toppings for all to make a pizza. 

I would also like to add to this announcement a general note, as well for ALL of our events: You are always welcome to bring a friend to these inter-generational events. Youth & adults alike! Additionally, Westminster excels at inter-generational and we invite all ages to join the fun.   
Thanks & Grace,
Vegan Potluck
Westminster Presbyterian Church invites you to our monthly Vegan Potluck, the final one of the academic year, on Thursday, April 21, at 6:00 p.m. in Mackey Hall, 353 E. Pine Street.  This meal is a great opportunity for WPC members, Wooster community members, and College of Wooster students to enjoy delicious food and good fellowship while learning more about sustainable living. Just bring a pot-luck dish containing no meat, dairy, or eggs (no need for students to bring a dish, but always welcome).
This month we will be recognizing College of Wooster Seniors who have been a part of the Vegan Potluck during their time at Wooster.  We hope to see you there!

Sign Up for the Vegan Potluck at SignUpGenius or contact the church office by e-mail or at 330-263-2398.
To Practice Hospitality is to be Spiritual
Would you like to help show hospitality to our annual visitors from New York City?  You have two opportunities to share the warmth of Westminster and Wooster the end of this month; both in Mackey Hall in the Westminster Church House.  
The Weisses will be hosting breakfast on Saturday morning, Apr. 30th  from 8 - 9:30 am.  Likewise, the Barbus host breakfast Sunday morning, May 1st from 7:30 - 9:30am. If you'd like to come help make breakfast, help clean up, or chat with our visitors; this is a chance to have more interaction with the children (and parents & teachers) from Our Lady of Pompeii School than simply hearing them sing on Sunday morning.  
Thank you, Mr. Gomes, for the opportunity to share our community with people whose daily reality differs considerably from our rural one, and to receive the blessings of hosting this New York City Catholic school choir.  Contact Beth Coetzee to volunteer or just show up!
Growing In "Mindfulness"
Parking on Sundays!
Here at Westminster we aspire to be "Intentionally Inclusive."  Such a desire requires from us to be more mindful of one another.  This week we look at parking at the Westminster Church House on

We are blessed with ample parking, thanks to the College of Wooster's large lots across the street: #18 (across from Wishart Hall #29), and #19 (across from Freelander Theatre #3 and next to Morgan Hall #15).  However, we only have six designated handicap spaces next to the Westminster Church House (#28).  It appears that between The Wooster Friends Meeting in The Meeting Place and Westminster in Mackey, we usually fill these spaces on Sunday mornings and occasionally need more.
Therefore, in our effort to be more mindful, we ask those who are nimble to park across the street or at the far ends of Pine Street. Those who are not so fleet of foot could use the designated handicap spots and the street parking closer to the Mackey entrance door. 

Please note that during the week parking lot 19 is designated as staff parking for the College of Wooster and parking lot 18 as visitor parking.
Church World Services
Hygiene kits for disaster areas through Church World Service,
 a Presbyterian partner
Due to some substantial contributions already, we can pack 75 - 100 hygiene kits, only needing  40-65 FINGERNAIL CLIPPERS.   
If you enjoy shopping, please consider purchasing clippers to add to our supplies.  Monetary contributions are welcome which will enable others to shop for you.

Little things mean a lot to our siblings facing natural or human-made disasters.  Your concern and generosity are gifts to those in need.

People to People logo
People to People
It's peanut butter and jelly time during April and May as we collect food items for People to People. Always remember that other food and personal items are always welcome, and can be left at Westminster in the drop off bin underneath the coat rack in the Narthex.
MCC Great Lakes Peace Gathering
Mennonite Peace Gathering, Saturday, April 16 
Book talk at Westminster Thursday, Apr. 28, 7:00-8:00pm
A history of what happened at Kent State and why, written by one who was there
Kent State: Death and Dissent in the Long Sixties By Thomas M. Grace.
Click here for more information.
Lincoln Buy-Way Sale
Give us your tired, your poor,
Your huddled messes,
   yearning to be free,
The wretched refuse of your
   teeming homes...
No, not the Statue of Liberty, but the Lincoln Highway Buy-Way yard sale on August 11-13, 2016.
Please give us your discards.  We will sell them to benefit Habitat for Humanity.  You may bring them to church, or, if they are too cumbersome, we will pick them up.  Just call one of the Benevolences Work Group:  Shelley Peterson, Linda Barbu, Candy Relle, Lemoine Peart or Sue Coleman.                                                                                            *Our apologies to Emma Lazarus
                                                                                                                      Submitted by Sue Coleman
Showing Hospitality is Peacemaking!
Help make Westminster the warm and inviting place we are called to be! Sign up to be a Sunday morning greeter, to provide flowers, or bring goodies for fellowship time after worship. If you are interested in helping, please sign up at  SignUpGenius or by contacting the Church Office at 330-263-2398.
Contact Us:

Westminster Presbyterian Church

353 East Pine Street, Wooster, OH 44691

 T: 330-263-2398| F: 330-263-2228
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