| Westminster members and friends visit the house of Nelson Mandela |
This week I am sending you greetings from Cape Town, South Africa. Our Westminster group is doing well as we experience the Rainbow Nation and learn more about the rise and fall of apartheid and life in a democratic South Africa. As a group we have had some wonderful and profound experiences that we are looking forward to sharing with you upon our return next week.
Very meaningful to us as we travel South Africa, a nation that is defined by race, is the action Session took on February 17 to stand with the Wooster/Orrville NAACP in a letter to Mr. Pete Armstrong, Manager Wayne County Fair, Wooster, Ohio.
February 18, 2016
Dear Mr. Armstrong,
RE: Vendor Application for the Wayne County Fair, September 10-15, 2016
The Wooster/Orrville NAACP and Westminster Presbyterian Church, the congregation in residence on the campus of The College of Wooster, are applying to be a vendor at the Wayne County Fair, sponsoring a #BlackLivesMatter booth. Our goal is educational with a twofold purpose:
First, by educating fairgoers regarding the history as well as the present-day perception for African Americans regarding the Confederate Flag, especially in light of Resolution 2016-J of The Board of Ohio Fair Managers dated, January 10, 2016, which states:
"Section 1.It is hereby resolved that the OFMA does permit and will support a Fair 's decision to allow private vendors to sell Civil War merchandise including but not limited to Confederate and Union flags and banners, clothing memorabilia, and other related items at their fairs."
This decision came about after the request from the Wooster/Orrville NAACP in a letter dated September 1, 2015 appealing to your good conscience. The letter states:
"The flag represents a deeply shameful period for our nation, and the harmful, hateful effects of that time are still felt today by African Americans and the nation as a whole. In the spirit of understanding and advancing a culture of civility, peace and understanding, we urge you that this symbol of hatred and intolerance need not be sold at the Wayne County Fair and we therefore ask you to follow the example of the Ohio State Fair in prohibiting the sale or display of confederate flags and/or confederate flag merchandise."
Our second purpose is to educate fairgoers on the profound effects of white privilege, specifically on the Wayne County community, and on our society in general in the United States and around the world. By growing in our awareness of our privilege, white people can grow in compassion and understanding for the minorities in our midst.
We seek to exercise our rights of freedom of expression and religion as guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution by trying to raise awareness that God created all people equally in God's own image. As a community of faith we feel this is something to be claimed and pronounced; therefore, we intend to sell BlackLivesMatter merchandise.
We hope that you will accept our application as we look forward to contributing to the common good of the Wayne County community at the 2016 County Fair.
Juanita Greene, President of the Wooster/Orrville NAACP
Rev. Andries Coetzee, Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church
Of further significance is that we will welcome the Rev. Priscilla E. Jackson, an African American pastor, at Westminster this Sunday as we celebrate Gifts of Women Sunday. Many of you have met her when she preached at Westminster in December 2015. I hope that you will support her as she shares her insights with us.
I am looking forward to seeing you in worship on Sunday, March 13 when David Noble will be preaching and we will continue our discussion about sustainability and what it means for Westminster.
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 March 6, 2016Celebrate the Gifts of Women Sunday with the Rev. Priscilla E. Jackson preaching. This service that includes communion will honor all women who contribute their gifts to the church and community, lifting up issues of women's rights and the role of women in our communities and the world. Rev. Jackson recently retired from Shreve Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) where she served as Senior Minister from 1996-2015.March 13, 2016
David Noble will preach with Pastor Andries Coetzee leading worship as we explore congregational sustainability. After the service the congregation will join in conversation as we strengthen our voice as a congregation that emphasizes among other things:
- intellectual integrity in matters of faith;
- acceptance of all people regardless of ethnicity, creed, age, cultural
background, or sexual orientation; - openness toward the value of other religious traditions;
- a strong commitment to social justice, peacemaking, and the care of our planet.
In a recent letter to the Congregation David wrote;
"While we celebrate and try to live Christian ideals and gospel, we welcome anyone of whatever persuasion, position or peculiarity to join us. We believe we can learn from others who disagree with us. We are open to conversation with anyone. We can be enriched by the traditions, stories and rituals of others. We seek to be a gathering place of ideas. We need to find a way to share this openness with more members of both the college and town communities...We seek to be a caring, compassionate community that pursues mercy for the unfortunate. We want to care for the stranger, lift up the oppressed and show mercy to everyone. We can best achieve these goals with more voices and more hands."
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Holy Week and Easter at Westminster
| Holy Week and Easter 2015 |

Sunday, March 20 will be our annual tradition of delivering Easter baskets to our homebound members. Under the faithful direction of Ferenc and Candy Relle, all children are invited to join in on the fun Sunday, March 20th at 9am in the Sunday School room to color eggs and decorate baskets for our homebound members. All materials will be provided. Please RSVP to Emily if you plan to help deliver baskets after church so that we have adequate transportation for the event. Come one! Come all! All children and grandchildren (and children-at-heart) are welcome!
Thursday, March 24, Maundy Thursday
Simple soup and bread supper at 6:00pm. Tenebrae Service at 7:00pm in the Mackey Hall. Communion will be celebrated.
Friday, March 25, Good Friday
The Wooster Area Interfaith Partnership invites you to an Interfaith service, entitled "For The Common Good," on Friday, March 25 at 5:30pm at the Gazebo, Downtown Wooster. As people of faith we feel the urgent need to express our commitment and deep desire to be in relationship with all our siblings, especially in the midst of an election year with its polarizing politics. This service coincides with the Christian season of Holy Week, specifically the day called Good Friday. For many Christians this day is a sacred time of reconciliation and restoration with humanity and the whole of creation. For this reason, area churches along with our Jewish and Muslim siblings feel moved to express our commitment publicly to cultivate acceptance of all and to help grow Wooster, Ohio in its welcome. After the service you are invited to join for a free cup of coffee or hot chocolate at The Gathering Grounds Coffee House, 131 N Market St., Wooster, OH 44691 to continue the conversation as we work for "The Common Good". Although Good Friday is a sacred Christian day, all people are invited to express our commitment to one another in this Interfaith service!
When: 5:30 pm, Friday, March 25, 2016
Where: The Gazebo, Downtown Wooster, OH
Sunday, March 27, Easter Sunday
7:00am Sunrise Service at Oak Hill Park pavilion
9:00am Easter Brunch in The Meeting Place
10:45am Easter Worship with Communion in Mackey Hall
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 Hi youth & families! Happy March! It's that time again when I announce upcoming events in the life of Westminster for youth and families! Two events coming up: 1) Sunday, March 13th at 9:30am we will be heading over to 319 Spring Street to the house that Habitat for Humanity currently is constructing! We will meet at the church at 9:15am and ride over together. Since our youth collected the Souper Bowl of Caring donation of $350 back in February, we will be handing this donation physically to Habitat for Humanity that Sunday morning AND meeting the family that will soon be inhabiting this home on Spring Street! Please RSVP for this event to me ASAP! 2) On Sunday, March 20th at 9am in the Sunday School room, we will be engaging in our annual tradition of creating decorated Easter baskets and colored eggs for our homebound members. Under the guidance of Ferenc and Candy Relle, we will create many Easter treats for our friends at WPC! Please RSVP to me ASAP to join the fun! All children and young at heart are welcome! Bring a friend, your kid or a grandkid or all of the above! As always, I welcome suggestions & opportunities to get to know your family better (both inside AND outside of church). I have a few sports rosters for Track & Field this spring! Let me know how else I can support you and your family! Click here to email me.Thanks & Peace, Emily
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Start Spring Cleanup Now!

The Lincoln Highway Buy-Way multi-state yard sale will take place this year on August 11-13. The Benevolences Work Group will take part with a yard sale at 2104 East Lincoln Way on the historic Lincoln Highway Heritage Corridor. We are asking you to begin rummaging through your closets and cupboards for items you are willing to part with, and to give them a second life by donating to our giant weekend sale.
We will welcome kitchen gadgets and small working appliances, books, garden tools, children's and adults' clothing - just about anything that is too good to discard. Please price your items and if you are unable to store them at your home until August, we have some storage in Sue Coleman's garage.
Let's recycle and earn money for mission at the same time. And, if a scenic drive through the Midwest in August appeals to you, join the thousands who traverse America's Heartland.
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Each year Open Arms Ministry sponsors a fundraiser banquet. The annual banquet will take place on Tuesday, March 15, 2016, at the Kidron Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall, 6:00 p.m. There will be no charge. A reservation must be made by March 9, if you wish to join us. Please contact Karen Steiner at her email address: steinco5@aol.com or phone number: 330-682-2892 to make a reservation.
A group of Westminster members are traveling in South Africa. Some will return Mar. 9 while others will extend their trip to the Victoria Falls. We pray for safe travels and open hearts and minds for Beth & Dries Coetzee, Jim & Janelle Collier, Dave & Sandy Schmidt, Barbara Tartir, and Karin Loess Yoder.
- We need your help naming Westminster's Semimonthly electronic newsletter. Beginning this year Westminster's Weekly News became the Semimonthly News (two newsletters a month). We would like to "name" our newsletter. Please e-mail me with your suggestions! Thanks, Dries
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Pastor Dries is in South Africa with a group of Westminster members, and will be back in worship on Sunday, March 13. Beth is also be traveling with the group and will be back in the office on Friday, March 11. For all Pastoral/ Congregational Care concerns please contact Emily Oshinskie at 330-287-3070 (church office) , or Cheryl Weiss. If a pastor is needed they will put you in touch with the Rev. Chris Stewart.
Chris Stewart is a graduate of Marietta College and Princeton Theological Seminary. He is an active member of the presbytery of Muskingum Valley. Chris has served the church at all its levels: General Assembly (GA), Synod and Presbytery (MVP). He is a member of the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators. Chris has volunteered for Hospice and Palliative Care of Wayne/Holmes Counties and currently serves on the Community Mental Health and Recovery Board of Wayne/Holmes Counties. He recently retired having served the Hopewell and Shreve Presbyterian churches for thirty-seven years.
Westminster's Congregational Care Ministry is available for all in our church family as needed. Please contact Cheryl Weiss, Westminster's Congregational Care Coordinator, or the church office at 330-263-2398 when you might find that you have a need (medical, time of loss, emergency, or other) and assistance in some way; perhaps meals or transportation.
Also, if you have a project, such as winter yard work, with which you would like help, we can offer the assistance of the Scouts through one of our ministry members.
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What's happening at Westminster?
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