As you contemplate your financial commitment to Westminster this coming weekend I invite you to do so within the context of community. In the words of Desmond Tutu our "very humanity is caught up in each other," in fact he uses the words "inextricably bound up in each other." As we become more mindful of our dependence on one another, we grow in our realization that our financial commitment to Westminster is more than just a financial transaction; it helps cultivate authentic community and mutuality.
In contemplating your commitment I invite you to reflect on this past year and where the Westminster community has helped you "feel connected" to a bigger purpose and brought about some of your deep hopes for a better world. In contemplating I want you to keep in mind the many ways Westminster reaches out to our community and world.
One such example of the impact of Westminster's ministry can be seen in this article written by Emily Votaw and published in the Daily Record on Friday, November 6, 2015 entitled, " UKIRK MINISTRIES: SAFE PLACE TO EXPLORE FAITH, UKirk ministries at Westminster Presbyterian welcomes students of all faith backgrounds."
"We started UKirk when I was just a freshman, and I remember that the first meeting seemed like five very timid people meeting and talking about what UKirk could be," said Evangeline Smith, student ministry intern for the church and a College of Wooster senior pursuing degrees in religious studies and anthropology. Smith said now the group has grown to have a core group of students numbering at about 20. "I started attending Westminster because it's a radically accepting place, it's comfortable here. I was raised in the church, so I was looking for a place to attend, but for some students, they weren't raised in the church and UKirk and Westminster can serve as places for some students to reclaim their faith."
Beth Coetzee, coordinator of student ministries, echoed Smith's statement, emphasizing that Westminster strives to be a safe place for all people, regardless of their faith backgrounds.
"Sometimes students have experienced faith in a very damaging way, and Westminster provides a very unassuming, safe environment for them," Coetzee said.
"It's important for students to have a space where they can ask questions and build relationships," said Smith. "UKirk provides a place for students to have those challenging conversations about faith."
The group does more than meet over tasty meals, however. In fact, every year the group spends time doing service work, usually in the winter and oftentimes dealing with feeding ministries, homelessness or poverty. Last year, the students spent time with Board Street Ministries based out of Philadelphia, Pa., tackling all three of those issues within the city limits.
Coetzee said in addition to meeting once a month, the student ministries within Westminster also host a Monday night Bible study, which allows students to go over the texts that were covered during the Sunday service the day before.
Agape Latte, another youth program at Westminster, brings together the younger set of congregation members at 8:30 a.m. at the Old Main Cafe located in Kauke Hall, room 025, for conversation over caffeine.
"It's so great, because when I started going here, I knew all of the students who were coming on Sundays," recalled Smith. "But now I see people who I don't even recognize, and that's a really cool accomplishment, to have grown that much. There is a very diverse group of students here now."
I am looking forward to seeing you in worship on Sunday as we commit ourselves anew to the Way of Jesus of Nazareth at Westminster. If you are one of our readers from another state and feel nourished through our Weekly News, please consider a one time donation to the ministries of Westminster here.
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3rd Sundays Intergenerational Conversations

Join us at 9:45am in The Lounge and visit with Emily Oshinskie, Westminster's new Young Adult Peace Worker. Emily is from West Hartford, CT, studied at Elmira College, Elmira, NY and spent the last year in Tucson, AZ as part of the Young Adult Volunteer Program of the Presbyterian Church (USA). During her YAV year, she lived into the comfort and discomfort of intentional and accountable Christian community with other young women from South Korea, Alabama, San Francisco, Texas, and Maryland. Join us and ask Emily questions about growing up Presbyterian, committing yourself to a year of faith-based service, or more specific, the Young Adult Volunteer Year through the Presbyterian Church (USA).
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Congregational Care Ministry
Westminster's Congregational Care Ministry is available for all in our church family as needed. Please contact Cheryl Weiss, or the church office at 330-263-2398 when you might find that you have a need (medical, time of loss, emergency, or other) and assistance in some way; perhaps meals or transportation.
Also, if you have a project, such as fall or winter yard work, with which you would like help, we can offer the assistance of the Scouts through one of our ministry members.
Please remember that you can always contact Pastor Dries by e-mail or on his cell or home phone (especially after hours) which you can obtain from the Church House at 330-253-2398 or by e-mail.
In our new model of Congregational Care, Cheryl Weiss has volunteered to coordinate the Congregational Care team, and you may contact her with your interest or with any general questions. In order for us to best utilize your gifts and skills we ask that you indicate your interest in participating in the inventory on the Westminster website by checking any of the general areas of care you feel comfortable in providing.
Please mark as many of the areas as you are interested in providing and feel free to be more specific. For example, some members and friends have already expressed interest and have mentioned that they would prefer to have just one or two members to contact; one person offered to visit those at a specific nursing home. Please complete the inventory before Stewardship Sunday, November 15. We will then move forward as quickly as possible with this ministry of caring.
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November has arrived.....falling leaves, a nip in the air, and Hearty Italian Soup. Westminster's annual soup sale has begun. Proceeds from the soup sales are given to the ABLE program to be used for transportation vouchers for those seeking employment. Soup will be available in the back of Mackey Hall after the church service. Bring your appetites!
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At its October meeting, Session called a Congregational Meeting for Sunday, November 22 after the 10:45am worship service for the purpose of electing elders for the class of 2018. Our Nominating Committee puts the the following names in nomination:
April Gamble (first term), Eric Miller (first term), John Veney (second term).
Session has approved travel plans for Pastor Dries to attend the wedding of his nephew in South Africa during December. Beth and Dries will leave for South Africa on Monday,
November 30 and return on Friday, December 18. One of the implications is that we will not have a weekly newsletter during December. We invite everyone who wants to make contributions to a special Advent newsletter to do so before Wednesday, November 18.
The Cantate Singers Fall Concert, Sing and Sing and Sing! featuring the premier of an Alice Parker commission in honor of Freeman Lehman is Sunday, November 15 at 7 pm at Kidron Mennonite Church in Kidron. The Cantate Singers is a 50-voice select choir comprised of vocalists from Holmes, Medina, Stark, and Wayne Counties. We have several members of Westminster participating in this choir.
Thank you to everyone who made the pictorial directory possible! We are looking forward to having a fun, new means of getting to know our Westminster church family. Thanks for helping to build community. Special thanks to Barbara Tartir & Adrian Dryer for leading the effort.
The Benevolence Work Group will meet Wednesday, Nov. 18 at 9:00am at the Green Leaf Restaurant. All are welcome!
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Worship is at 10:45 am on Sunday mornings in Mackey Hall
Stewardship Commitment Sunday with Pastor Dries preaching.
November 22 10:45am Pastor Dries Preaching November 29 10:45am Pastor Dries preaching, First Sunday of Advent.
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What's happening at Westminster this week?
10:15am Meals on Wheels at the Wooster Community Center
9:30am Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
9:45am 3rd Sunday Intergenerational Conversations in the Lounge
10:45am Worship in Mackey Hall, Stewardship Commitment Sunday, Pastor Dries preaching
12:00pm Fellowship in Mackey Hall
7:00pm Justice Sundaes at the Wayne County Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
7:00pm Student-led Bible Study in The Lounge
8:30am Agape Latte in the Old Main Caf� fishbowl
1:00pm Food Ministry Meeting in the outer office area
2:00pm Congregational Life Cohort Meeting in the Pastor's Study
9:00am Benevolences Work Group at Green Leaf Restaurant
10:00am Central American Medical Outreach Volunteer Day at CAMO (meet at 9:30 in the church parking lot to carpool)
10:00am Mission Cohort Meeting in The Lounge
10:30am Knitting for Children in the Narthex
7:00pm Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
6:00pm Vegan Potluck in Mackey Hall
6:30pm Dance Group in the Meeting Place
10:15am: Meals on Wheels at the Wooster Community Center
9:30am Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
10:45am Worship in Mackey Hall, Pastor Dries preaching
12:00pm Fellowship in Mackey Hall
For the latest and most up-to-date information visit Westminster's calendar here.
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