Westminster Presbyterian Church Weekly News
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Weekly News
Friday, November 6, 2015
Quote of the Week
Presbyterian Church (USA) calls on us as individuals and congregations to fulfill our "responsibility to provide public witness and to offer guidance, counsel, and support to those who make or interpret laws and public policies about abortion and problem pregnancies."
Minutes of the 217th General Assembly (2006), Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), p. 905
If you have not done so, please click on the image above or here to sign up and be part of Westminster's new directory.  Photography dates are this coming week on Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday, each day from 2:00pm to 9:00pm.

Focus of the Week
This week in worship we invite you to extend a warm welcome to Emily Oshinskie as she joins us in ministry at Westminster on Sunday, November 8.
Also, visit Westminster's Blog and read about Session's action to take a stand for women's health in Ohio.
Weekly Reflection
It is with excitement that we look forward to welcoming Emily Oshinksie to Westminster on Sunday during the 10:45am worship service.  We invite you to stay after worship to introduce yourself to her and join us in fellowship for a cake reception in Emily's honor.
Emily will be our first Young Adult Peace Worker (YAPW), a position that came to fruition from the exciting growth we have experienced as a community of faith.   The YAPW will be active in all aspects of Westminster's ministry, cultivating our identity as an intergenerational community that seeks to be "Intentionally Inclusive," especially ministering to our children, youth, and college age students.
If you have not done so, read all about Emily and this position on the Westminster blog and feel free to write her a note of welcome. Also, if you have visited our blog before do so again, as numerous people have left messages of good wishes and welcome. 

On a more personal note I want to share that Session approved for me to take vacation in December to attend the wedding of my nephew in South Africa on Saturday, December 5th. Beth and I will leave for South Africa on Monday, November 30 and return on Thursday, December 17. I am also excited as we will celebrate Christmas early with my family the weekend of December 12, somthing I have not done for more than 17 years! It is unfortunate that Alazar and Endalkachew will not be with us as they will still be in school. 

Within the next weeks we will communicate the arrangements for the time I will be in South Africa. For now, I will need your help as we will not have a weekly newsletter during December but are planning on an Advent newsletter to be mailed on November 20th. If you want information in our newsletter we ask that you submit it to the Church Office on or before Wednesday, November 18. Also, in the New Year we are planning for our Weekly News to become bi-monthly (meaning two newsletters a month) as we continue to rethink Westminster's communications strategy, are mindful of our staff's time, and respond to shifting needs and trends.  Remember that we always encourage you to visit Westminster's website at www.wpcwooster.org for the latest information on events.  
I am looking forward to being with you in worship again on Sunday as we celebrate Emily's arrival! 
This Week on Westminster's Blog
Peace Pole
Mr. Amstutz, Do Not Defund Planned Parenthood 
Dear Representative Ron Amstutz,
In light of the Ohio Senate's vote to defund Planned Parenthood, the Session of Westminster Presbyterian Church, Wooster, Ohio voted unanimously at its stated meeting on Tuesday, October 27, 2015 to urge you to abandon the politically motivated efforts focused on undermining women's access to Planned Parenthood health centers in Ohio. We, as a community of faith, are writing you this letter as our denomination, the Presbyterian Church (USA) calls on us as individual congregations to fulfill our "responsibility to provide public witness and to offer guidance, counsel, and support to those who make or interpret laws and public policies about abortion and problem pregnancies ."...>>>
Continue reading here
Justice Sundaes
This school year several local communities of faith in Wooster are partnering to create a safe place where our youth (ages 12 - 18) can explore spirituality and engage social issues from a progressive faith perspective.  Justice Sundaes desires to "lead young people to a mature experience of faith that engages their intellect, their emotions, their relationships, and their very lives as they seek to center themselves in God's boundless and limitless grace and peace." We will gather every other month at a different community of faith. Westminster's youth are invited to join us for our first Justice Sundaes next Sunday, November 15 from 7-8:30pm at the Wayne County Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. We will be carpooling from Westminster. You will receive an email next week with details of transportation arrangements. Come get to know Wooster youth of different faith perspectives while sharing dessert and ideas! 
Hearty Italian Soup
Italian Soup
November has arrived.....falling leaves, a nip in the air, and Hearty Italian Soup.  Westminster's annual soup sale begins this coming Sunday, November 8.  Proceeds from the soup sales are given to the ABLE program to be used for transportation vouchers for those seeking employment.  Soup will be available in the back of Mackey Hall after the church service.  Bring your appetites!
An Invitation to Care
On Sunday October 18 after worship Westminster members and friends discussed the revitalization of our care for the homebound, sick, and vulnerable.
Dear Members and Friends of Westminster,
We are in the process of revitalizing our Congregational Care Ministry at Westminster; one that will create the opportunity for all of us in our church family to give and receive care and support in a variety of ways.  As a congregation who earnestly seeks to create a culture of peace through concern and mutuality, our care and support for all members and friends within our midst is the most basic way in which we can express Jesus' instructions to care for the sick and vulnerable among us. 
In our new model, I (Cheryl Weiss) have volunteered to coordinate the Congregational Care team, and you may contact me with your interest or with any general questions.  In order for us to best utilize your gifts and skills we ask that you indicate your interest in participating in the inventory on the Westminster website by checking any of the general areas of care you feel comfortable in providing. 
Please mark as many of the areas as you are interested in providing and feel free to be more specific. For example, some members and friends have already expressed interest and have mentioned that they would prefer to have just one or two members to contact; one person offered to visit those at a specific nursing home.  Please complete the inventory before Stewardship Sunday, November 15. We will then move forward as quickly as possible with this ministry of caring.
Please remember that you can always contact Pastor Dries by e-mail or on his cell or home phone (especially after hours) which you can obtain from the Church House at 330-253-2398 or by e-mail.  
It is a joy to serve Westminster's wider ministry by assisting with our Congregational Care effort.
Cheryl Weiss, Congregational Care Ministry coordinator
  • At its October meeting, Session called a Congregational Meeting for Sunday, November 22 after the 10:45am worship service for the purpose of electing elders for the class of 2018.  Our Nominating Committee puts the the following names in nomination: 
    April Gamble (first term), Eric Miller (first term), John Veney (second term)
  • Women's Bible Study will continue our new study this coming Tuesday, November 8 at 10:00am in The Lounge (the second Tuesday of each month through June 14, 2016).  If you are interested contact Elaine Smith Snyder for more information or pick up a copy of the book in the office or after worship.
Make our Pictorial Directory Complete
Earlier this year many of you indicated through our communications questionnaire that you would like a new pictorial directory.  In response to your request, Barbara Tartir and Adrian Dryer have volunteered to take the lead in this project to celebrate our church family and strengthen the bond within our congregation.  Now we need YOU to make our directory complete as we welcome you to be a part of our upcoming new directory.
For this important project, we are partnering with Lifetouch who is providing the directory at no cost to our church. Every family photographed receives a complimentary directory and an 8x10 portrait. 

Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday, November 10, 11, 12, 2015
Each day from 2:00pm to 9:00pm
Worship at Westminster
Loaves and fishes
Worship is at 10:45 am on Sunday mornings in Mackey Hall

"Service of Welcome" for Emily Oshinskie as she starts her ministry as Young Adult Peace Worker at Westminster.  Pastor Dries preaching and students and youth participating in the service.
Stewardship Commitment Sunday with Pastor Dries preaching. 
People to People
People to People logo
Thanksgiving food boxes will be distributed November 24. Jello, applesauce, canned fruit & vegetables, potatoes, gravy and dessert & quick bread mixes are needed along with turkeys and chickens. Any items contributed on Sundays will be delivered to People to People no later than Monday, November 23.
Showing Hospitality is Peacemaking!
Help make Westminster the warm and inviting place we are called to be! Sign up to be a Sunday morning greeter, to provide flowers, or bring goodies for fellowship time after worship. If you are interested in helping, please sign up at SignUpGeniuson Sunday morning in back of Mackey Hall, or by contacting  Beth Coetzee (330-263-2398) in the church office. 
What's happening at Westminster this week?

10:15am: Meals on Wheels at the Wooster Community Center

9:30am Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
10:45am Worship in Mackey Hall, Service of Welcome for Emily Oshinskie, Pastor Dries preaching
12:00pm Welcome Reception for Emily in Mackey Hall
12:00pm Building Committee Meeting
7:00pm Student-led Bible Study in The Lounge
8:30am Agape Latte in the Old Main Caf� fishbowl
10:00am Women's Bible Study in The Lounge
2:00pm - 9:00pm Pictorial Directory Photos

2:00pm - 9:00pm Pictorial Directory Photos
7:00pm Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
Thursday, November 12
2:00pm - 9:00pm Pictorial Directory Photos
6:30pm Dance Group in the Meeting Place
10:15am: Meals on Wheels at the Wooster Community Center
9:30am Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
9:45am 3rd Sunday Intergenerational Conversations in the Lounge
10:45am Worship in Mackey Hall, Stewardship Commitment Sunday, Pastor Dries      preaching
12:00pm Fellowship in Mackey Hall
7:00pm Justice Sundaes at the Wayne County Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
For the latest and most up-to-date information visit Westminster's calendar here.
Contact Us:

Westminster Presbyterian Church

353 East Pine Street, Wooster, OH 44691

 T: 330-263-2398| F: 330-263-2228
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