Westminster Presbyterian Church Weekly News
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Weekly News
Friday, September 11, 2015
Quote of the Week
"Before you speak, ask yourself: Is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve on the silence?" 
- Shirdi Sai Baba
Focus of the Week
This week in worship we continue our focus on "Connecting Through Kindness," especially as it relates to our speech as we consider James 3:1-12. After worship you are invited to practice kindness by joining in packing School Kits for Church World Service (see photo above taken last month as we assembled Hygiene Kits for Church World Service).
Weekly Reflection
Gay Flag & Cross
This week, as we reflect on the power of words and public debate, I invite you to read my Weekly Reflection entitled A Kinder, More Compassionate Community on Westminster's blog.

"As one of the six pastors who signed a letter in the Daily Record, July 8, 2015, entitled "Clergy Support Ruling on Gay Marriage," I was deeply saddened by some of the responses in the Letters to the Editor of the Daily Record. Many of the letters became deeply personal in their attack, especially against LGBTQ people.  I think it is important for us, as part of the larger Wooster/Wayne County community, to reflect on this public debate as it asks the fundamental question of who we as a community aspire to be as a people."  Click here to continue reading.

Please feel free to post a comment and help us as a community to grow in kindness that evokes compassion and gives expression to the beloved community.

See you in worship,
Worship at Westminster
Loaves and fishes
Worship is at 10:45 am on Sunday mornings in Mackey Hall

For the the next three weeks you are invited to journey in worship through the book of James as we "Connect Through Kindness." Although this letter is controversial in church history with its emphasis on "good deeds," it instructs us how to put our faith into action and encourages us to  "be doers of the word, and not merely hearers..." (James 1:22).

September 13
This week, as we meditate on James 3:1-12, we will reflect on the power of words in public debate. I invite you to read my latest blog post entitled A Kinder, More Compassionate Community.

September 20
Various members of Westminster will lead a worship service in observance of International Day of Peace, as we join churches around the world in prayer and reflection on peace.

September 27
Today will be the last of a series of sermons on the Letter of James as we reflect on James 5:13-20 and welcome students and their families to join us for The College of Wooster Black & Gold Weekend.
schoolkitsSchool Kit Packing - Sunday, September 13
Children in Syria receive school and hygiene kits. Photo: IOCC/GOPA
Stay after worship on Sunday, Sept. 13 and pack Westminster's contribution of 100+ school kits. Give hope while having fun!

Following the two latest shipments of Church World Service School Kits to partner International Orthodox Christian Charities for children in Syria and Bosnia-Herzegovina, CWS has just over 5,000 School Kits in stock, against pending requests for 15,000 from Romania and 3,000 from Moldova - and more requests are expected soon.
CWS School Kits give children buffeted by war, natural disaster and poverty some of the basic tools for learning, so it is vitally important that we replenish supplies as quickly as possible. Stay after worship on Sunday, September 13 and pack Westminster's contribution of 100+ school kits. Give hope while having fun!
Vegan Potluck
You are invited to join Westminster Presbyterian Church for our monthly Vegan Potluck (third Thursday of most months) on Thursday, September 17 at 6:00 p.m. in Mackey Hall, 353 E. Pine Street.  Sign Up Here!

This meal is a great opportunity for WPC members, Wooster community members, and College of Wooster students to enjoy delicious food and good fellowship while learning more about sustainable living. Just bring a pot-luck dish containing no meat, dairy, or eggs (no need for students to bring a dish, but always welcome).

This month we will hear from Tilly Alexander and the members of the Vegan Co-op House on the campus of the College of Wooster. Find out about this campus organization and what they are up to.

3rd Sunday Intergenerational Conversations
One of Westminster's strengths is in being a multi-generational family of faith. Our families value the influence of caring, questioning, faithful adults in their children's lives. Members and friends of the congregation appreciate the opportunities for all ages to connect at Westminster and become sojourners in faith. This fall we want to expand our intergenerational interaction as we endeavor to give expression to our identity rooted in peacemaking and to follow the ways of Jesus of Nazareth.  In September we will begin a new monthly opportunity, currently called, 3rd Sunday Intergenerational Conversations. On September 20th at 9:45am in The Meeting Place, all ages are encouraged to join in exploring our faith together in the midst of community.
  • Westminster Grafic VerticalIt is with excitement that we announce the completion of Westminster's new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant bathroom. The bathroom is located in the northeast corner of the back room of Mackey kitchen and includes storage for supplies, an enclosed the area where mops can be stored, and a utility sink to ease the cleaning of floors. Thank you so much to all of you who have helped make this possible! The completion of this bathroom enhances Westminster's welcome and focus on hospitality. 
  • Beth & Dries will not be in worship next Sunday, September 20, as they will be attending the baptism of Dries' namesake, Andries Francis Claassens, born January 11, 2015 to Christo Claassens and Karin Oleri in Pennsylvania.
  • The church office will be open from 9:00am until 1:00pm Monday to Friday. We welcome you to visit us outside of these hours by making an appointment by phoning the office during these hours or leaving a message.
Affordable Housing in Wooster, OH  
Wooster Friends
The Wooster Friends have made arrangements to have two speakers on September 20 from noon to 1:00-1:30.  They will speak about the challenges of affordable housing in the Wooster area:  availability, affordability, and oversight of absentee landlords.  

- Stan Popp, Executive Director of Wayne Metropolitan Housing Authority

- Krista Kidney, Supportive Services Coordinator at Liberty Center Connections
We would love to welcome members of Westminster Presbyterian to this program!  
Best wishes,
Sharon Shelly
People to People Ministries
People to People logo The new school year has begun and People to People has suggested canned fruit, apple sauce, syrup, complete pancake mix, crackers, spaghetti, and spaghetti sauce would be good additions to their food pantry.  You are encouraged to bring any or all of these items and place them in the marked bin in the Mackey narthex through September.  Let's fill the kitchen cupboards of our friends and neighbors. 
Showing Hospitality is Peacemaking!
Help make Westminster the warm and inviting place we are called to be! Sign up to be a Sunday morning greeter, to provide flowers, or bring goodies for fellowship time after worship. If you are interested in helping, please sign up through Sign Up Genius , on Sunday mornings on the easel in back of Mackey Hall, or by contacting  Beth Coetzee (330-263-2398) in the church office. 
What's happening at Westminster this week?

9:30am - Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
9:45 am - Planning meeting for 3rd Sunday Intergenerational Conversations in the Lounge
10:45am - Worship in Mackey Hall, Pastor Dries preaching
12:00pm - Fellowship in Mackey Hall
12:00pm - Help assemble School Kits for Church World Service in Mackey Hall
7:00pm - Garden volunteer time at GreenPoint Garden
12:00pm -  Building Committee Meeting in the Lounge
7:00pm - Student-led Bible Study in the Lounge
8:30am - Agape Latte in the Old Main Caf� fishbowl
1:00pm - Food Ministry Meeting in the outer office
2:00pm - Congregational Life Cohort Meeting in the Pastor's Study
10:00am Mission Cohort Meeting in the Lounge
7:00pm - Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
6:00pm Vegan Potluck in Mackey Hall
6:30pm - Dance Group
9:30am - Choir Rehearsal in Mackey Hall
9:45am - 3rd Sunday Intergenerational Conversations in The Meeting Place
10:45am - Worship in Mackey Hall, celebrating International Day of Peace
12:00pm - Fellowship in Mackey Hall
12:00pm - Join the Wooster Friends for speakers Stan Popp, Executive Director of Wayne Metropolitan Housing Authority and Krista Kidney, Supportive Services Coordinator at Liberty Center Connections regarding the challenges of low-income housing in the Wooster area.
7:00pm - Garden volunteer time at GreenPoint Garden
For the latest and most up-to-date information visit Westminster's calendar here.
Contact Us:

Westminster Presbyterian Church

353 East Pine Street, Wooster, OH 44691

 T: 330-263-2398| F: 330-263-2228
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